Here you are after one year of marriage, congratulations, it is your anniversary today and we have got tons of beautiful 1 year anniversary paragraph to send to your husband or wife to express your love and appreciations.
1 Year Anniversary Paragraph for Husband
• One year, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes. 390304000 seconds. All those numbers and no words could explain how I feel about you. One year ago, I found the most fantastic person I have ever met, and he has made my dreams come true over and over again. You are an incredible man, father, and person, don’t ever forget that!
• It has been a year since we celebrate the most fantastic day of our lives. Every day I see more of you in your daughters. There is nothing more breathtaking than watching your little girl look at you for comfort while you are rocking her in your arms. You are an incredible father, husband, man, and friend. Happy and grateful that I am alive to have this opportunity to tell you again just how much I love you and how wonderful and unique you are!
• Well, here we are one year later! Now that we have been together for a year, I cannot imagine you not being around. Thanks for making me smile and being you! You indeed are the most amazing man I have ever met. I Love You!
• Today we celebrate one year of being together. One year ago, I was lost in a sea of uncertainty, yet you found me when I needed you most and pulled me to shore. You have been there every day since and never wavered in your devotion. You are an incredible man, always supporting those around you and being there to help anyone in need. You have shown how special love is by making it grow between us. Thank you for opening up my heart again, for allowing me to feel so LOVED.
• I love that you are always helping someone in need. I love that your heart is so big that it can hold so much joy and so much pain at the same time. I love that you are so thoughtful of others and work hard to achieve your dreams. I love how you look up at the stars every night with me. I love our family time playing with our kids. My love, there are no words to describe my love for you!
• Every day I know you, I fall in love with you all over again. You are the most amazing man, husband, and father. I can’t imagine a day without you; your love is my life!
• It has been a year since I said “I do” to you. Now what? You and I have the rest of our lives to try and keep this thing going. I know we will have ups and downs, but let’s always remember the love you show when tough. Even though you are not the most romantic guy, I know you put your heart into everything you do. Thank you for making my love world amazing.
• You are the love of my life. On this day, one year ago, we hung up our first picture together and started our journey into happily ever after. It’s been an incredible year, and I couldn’t be more proud to call you my husband. I look forward to many more years of joy spent with you.
• You have been the sweetest man I have ever known. Each day I count my blessings that you found me. You have made me a better person, and I always strive to be the best you can be. My life is full of happiness and joy because of your love. I love you so much!
• The first day I met you, it was like love at first sight. It wasn’t until months later that we got together, and since then, my world has been filled with you. You are my life, my everything. I can’t imagine another man being half as good as you are. I am so thankful for the man I call my husband.
• We’ve been married for a year now and you know what? It’s been great. I’ve loved every second of it. And I’ll tell you honestly I don’t see it getting any better than with you. That’s why I want to thank you for making this last year so great. I hope that we can continue to grow together for many years to come. I love you.
• I love you now more than when we were first married. I feel like every day that goes by makes me love you more and more. I am so lucky to have found an amazing man like you!
• It has been an incredible year. You have made me so happy. We have so much amazingness to still look forward to in the future. I am so grateful that we met and fell in love. As time goes on, our love continues to grow stronger. I hope we grow old together, holding hands and watching our children and grandchildren grow around us. I will spend every minute of my life making you smile!
• Happy anniversary, my love. Three hundred sixty-five days ago, we decided to start this chapter of our lives together. We have had so much fun and met so many amazing people along the way. I am glad I get to share my life with you. You make me a happy and better person, and I love you very much!
• You are my true love, companion, and best friend. Your love means the world to me, and I love you with all my heart. Remember that no matter what life brings us, I’m here for you, and I will never stop loving you.
• One year ago, we made a vow to forever be in love and ever be together. And we have. So many amazing things happened over this past year. We’ve had smooth times and downs, but we stayed strong and have grown even closer through it all. Only one year in, my love for you grows even bigger with every day that passes without your love being near me. I look forward to a fantastic future together and the adventures we will have as a family. You are the most amazing man.
• We made it a year! I still can’t believe that it has been a whole year since we first met. The love we share is something I can’t explain but have grown to love and cherish. Thank you for making me feel what real love is. Loving you is easy because everything about you brings light and peace into my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy anniversary baby!
• Today marks the end of one year of marital bliss—the best year of my life. We have been through, good and bad, but you have been my rock through it all. When I’m in your arms, I feel a sense of safety and peace like no other. You are such an amazing man that has given me so many reasons to be proud to be your wife.
• Today marks one year since we said, “I do.” We have had our ups and downs and shared some fantastic moments. I am proud to have a husband as loving, caring, and sexy as you. I love you with all my heart!
• Happy anniversary, baby! I can’t believe a whole year has passed already, and our love is still so strong. You make me feel like the luckiest queen in the universe. Our relationship only gets better as we move forward; our love blossoms and grows stronger every day. I will always be there to support you, and even though you may make mistakes, I will always be by your side. Thank you for saying “I do” last year because if you hadn’t I
• You are the perfect man I have ever known. You are my best friend and my partner for life. This time last year, I could hardly believe how happy and lucky I was to have met you. Thanks for making me such a happy woman and a better person every day.
• There is no one else in this world that I care about more than you. I can’t imagine my life without you and never want to. I love you so much and hope this year with be better than any other! I am so proud to have found a husband like you.
• I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! One year has passed, and it feels like I have been blessed with you forever. You are the best part of my life to me. I thank God for bringing us together, as I know we were made for each other. I love how much you care about our family and me. You are the best husband any girl could ask for, and I am so happy to call you mine!
• Happy 1st anniversary. I can honestly say that this one year has been the best of my life, and I could not have asked for a better partner for life. This year you showed me what true love is, and I am delighted to spend the rest of my life with you.
• I love you more than words could say. I love the way your heart works and the way your stomach growls. I love that you would fearlessly take on any obstacle that gets in our way. I love that you are the most amazing father and husband a woman could have asked for. You are my world, and I love you with all my heart.
• Happy anniversary to a wonderful husband; I can’t believe it has been a year since we met and fell in love. I am so lucky to have the man I love in my life who loves me unconditionally. ___, you make my heart flutter with every sweet thing you say to me. I promise to make your life happy for many years to come!
• I hope that all your goals and dreams come true. I am so proud of you! Thank you for all the wonderful and fun-filled moments we have shared. You are an amazing father, husband, son, brother, and friend. I love you more than ever!
• A year has passed since I had the honor of marrying you and watching as you become a father to our beautiful son. I love you very much and know that we were made for each other. You are my best friend and the man I can depend on.
• Your love is the greatest gift to me. You fill my heart with so much joy that I am overwhelmed with all the love I feel for you. Thank you for always being here for me. You are my best friend, and I love you so very much!”
• I still can’t believe that I get to be with you. You are beyond amazing and inspire me every day. The kids and I love you so much! I just want to appreciate you for always being there for us, taking care of us, and loving us unconditionally. One year ago is when our lives changed forever, from three to four people. You are truly unique, and I’m grateful to call you my husband, best.
• My darling, Happy first anniversary, my love – I cannot believe it has already been a year since I have met you and have been the most comfortable wife in the world. After a trial marriage for over a decade, you were finally given to me, and I gladly took you in. We have had many ups and downs, but overall our life together has been excellent. You bring out the realness in me and are everything that I want in my husband.
• We’ve been together for one year now, and we have had our ups and downs, but we have survived. You had blown me away with your bravery and strength during times when I was weak and vulnerable. You have shown me what true love is. You are my husband; the love of my life; the one who holds my heart; the best friend I’ve ever had!
• It’s been one year since we said “I do,” and I can’t wait till the next million years! You make every day wonderful, and I am so lucky to be married to you. From the moment I met you, I knew you were the one. You are my best friend, lover, and rock. I love you so much!
• I love you so much since you’ve made me the happiest woman alive. You are my world, my life, my soul. I promise to always be there for you and help you through everything. Thank you for giving me the most amazing year of my life – I love you, baby!
• We made it a wonderful year together, and I cannot wait for the next. I would not want to be with anyone else, you are my soul-mate, and you make every day so much brighter. Thank you for letting me into your life and treating me like your queen. I love you so much.
• You are more than my husband. You are my dearest friend, my confidant, and the love of my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you. We may not always agree, but we always talk it through and make this work because we both believe in ourselves. Thank you for your unconditional love, guidance, patience, and understanding. As each year goes by, you continue to surprise me with new ways to make me laugh and keep me on my toes.
• I cannot believe that a year has already passed since I married the man of my dreams. We have had so many adventures and wonderful times together. I love you more and more every day, and I am so blessed to call you “mine.”

1 Year Anniversary Paragraph for Wife
• My wife, you are my absolute best friend! Marriage is a fantastic journey that I love every day with you. A year ago today, the law said we could be together, but I had already known that for quite some time. You are the only love of my life, and I wouldn’t trade a single second with you for anything. Happy anniversary, my darling. May we have many more to come.
• Happy anniversary love, I love you so much it hurts. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you by my side. Your smile melts every piece of my heart away. You are my best friend, and you are the mother of my child. Life wouldn’t be the same without you, and I can’t thank God enough for bringing you to me.
• Hey beautiful. Wow, I still cannot believe a year has passed since that day we met. It has been the best and fantastic year of my life. The past 12 months have been so fantastic; they’ve been the struggle and all the joy in between. You’re truly an amazing woman! We have grown to be inseparable, and I thank God every day that you are mine.
• Our first anniversary is quickly approaching, and I can tell you this with certainty: time has only made me love you more. You’ve changed my life in so many unique ways, and for that, I will be grateful forever. We’re growing together, learning how to be best friends and partners. It’s the happiest adventure of my life, and I know our future together will be even more incredible!
• Happy one-year anniversary sweetie, I have always thought I knew what love was, but I didn’t know. Now I have the best example of love. You are my soul mate. You make me a better person by just being near me. Thank you for being you and for being mine. I’ve never known a love like this before. You are amazing! Soul mate and best friend are not strong enough words to describe just how much I love you.
• You are the love of my life. I am so proud to be your husband. You are amazing at everything you do – especially as a mother! I can’t imagine where our lives would be if we hadn’t found each other. You bring me so much joy and happiness that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more than anything and know that we are here forever!
• Today is our anniversary, and it feels amazing to call you my wife. It has been so wonderful being yours for one year! I celebrate the day we first said I love you! Thank you for being my rock, my best friend, my world. I want to spend many more years loving you.
• It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since we tied the knot. Time has flown by so fast, and I’m glad that you are my wife. Every day I am reminded of how much you mean to me, how beautiful of a woman you are, and how lucky I am to have you in my life.
• One year has passed since we sealed our love with a kiss. It’s been the most beautiful year since we vowed you were mine forever. I feel so lucky to have you in my life and could never ask for more than your beautiful heart. Here’s to many years of happiness, health, and joy in each other’s arms.
• Two years ago, two strangers fell in love. Now, two years later, the stars have aligned to bring us full circle to mutual love and adoration for one another. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. Your confidence in me brings out the best in me.
• You make my heartbeat whenever I see you. I love every single thing about you, and it scares me, thinking that one day someone else will come into your life and take your love away from me. You are the love of my life; you are my soul mate.
• You are my dream come true! You love and respect me for who I am, and you support me in everything I do. I want you by my side all time, so thanks for loving me!
• I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!! I am so lucky to have you, and each day I thank God for his gift to me. You are a wonderful wife, lover, friend, and mother. Thank you for all that you do. With all of my heart, I cherish you with all of me! Happy One Year!!
• It’s been one year since we became husband and wife. You are such an amazing man to me. I can’t imagine a day without you! You are always there for me and support me no matter what I do. You bring out the best in me. And always support my crazy ideas and projects that help me to grow as a person. I adore you with my heart and soul!
• Our one-year anniversary is coming; I still can’t believe it. Each day I find myself more and more in love with you. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and the joy you bring to my heart is endless! I can’t wait for many more years of happiness together.
• I just want to say I Love You so much. Our love is forever and always will be. You, my best friend, the other half of me, and I will always be there for you every day. We are one year down and many more years to go. Sweetheart, you have a beautiful and wonderful voice, and I am blessed to have you in my life. Thanks for making me a better person. My little princess (
• Happiness fills me when I am with you. You are the most amazing man I have ever met. You are my best friend, my lover, and the love of my life. Tomorrow is one year since we started as friends. Today marks one year since we meet and since we started our amazing journey together. I’m so happy and so very much in love with you. Every single day you give me butterflies in my tummy, you leave me speechless, your smile makes my
• You are my world, the most special person in the universe. I love, respect, and care for you more than I ever thought possible. You complete me. You make me calm and push me to be a better man every day than I was yesterday. I love you so much and look forward to spending the rest of my life with the most precious woman in the world!
• One year ago today, we made one of the best decisions of our lives. We decided to spend forever with each other. I can’t wait to see where life takes us as husband and wife. Happy anniversary, my love!
• A year ago today, we were so happy to be sharing our little family, and now here we are one year later, making more memories and having so much fun. I cherish you so much; thank you, love. You are an amazing wife and loving mother to our children. I can not wait to see what the future has in store. I love you.
• You are the most amazing wife a husband could wish for. I still can’t believe that you are in my life. It is like a beautiful dream come true, and I am just so glad to wake up every morning beside you. I love you more than anything. You bring happiness into my life, and I just don’t think there are words to describe our love.
• My darling wife, my life has been a whirlwind of excitement and adventure since we met. We have gone through so much together, and I wouldn’t change one moment of our time together. I will love you always. I love and cherish you more today than I did on the day we married. Every passing day only makes me realize how much I will miss you when we are old and gray, sitting down watching a movie with no sound on or simply holding hands, looking at each other and smiling, not needing to
• The happy first anniversary, sweetheart! It seems like just yesterday we were eloping in the city. I love you so much and can’t wait for forever with you.
• Happy anniversary, my love. It’s been a fantastic year with you. Even though there are plenty of times when we fight, we still have a whole lot more enjoyment to come. I can’t wait till this year’s next anniversary. I hope you will be happy every day every year till forever.
• Today marks one year since we said: “I Do.” A year ago, you completely made my dreams come true by marrying me and becoming a part of our family. I can’t think of anyone else in this world that I would want to share my life with. You are my soul mate, my best friend, and the love of my life.
• I never dreamed that someone so beautiful could care for me the way you do. You always ask how I am and want to know if I am happy, which shows me that you put me first and love me with all your heart. Thank you for loving me today, yesterday, last year, and for many more to come. I will never forget the moment we met or any other moment we spend together because, with every passing second, my love grows stronger and deeper.
• With you, I’ve learned what true love is. We’ve been together for one year now, and every day I fall in love with you all over again. You are a great mother and the most caring person I know! I can’t wait to spend many more years with you!
• It’s one year ago today since we started dating. A year ago, we met, and I knew then you would change my life forever. I knew you were the one for me. You are funny, smart, beautiful, and understanding. You are the best mommy in the world to our baby boy Austin and a wonderful wife to me. I love you more than anything!
• One year has passed, but it the so unreal to me that we are married. I’m still in awe that you chose me, such an amazing person, to be your husband. I am so lucky that I have you, the one who makes my life complete. Thank you for our amazing daughter and your constant support. Love you!
• Today we are one year closer to spending the rest of our lives together. A year ago, we made the best decision by saying “I Do” and starting our new life as husband and wife. With each day, I fall deeper in love with you. My love for you is never-ending, and it has only increased since becoming your husband. You’re my best friend, my partner, and my lover. I love you more than anything in this world!
• My dearest love, I cannot believe one year has already gone by since we started this journey together. From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you, and I knew that our life together would be one filled with happiness and love. This year has been a blessing, and you have made me happier than ever before.–The day we got married was so fantastic! The vows we said to each other were so strong and true; I know our love will last for many years.
• A year ago today, I found the love of my life. You have blessed our home with joy and peace, and I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am to have you. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat, and I can’t help but smile. Every time we kiss, I forget about all the bad things in the world and know that everything is okay. You and I were put on earth for each other.
• You are my wife, my best friend, the one person I want to spend all of forever with. You have helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life and made me realize what real love is. I appreciate your patience with me and your understanding. I adore you!
• You are so special to me. I love you so deeply and so passionately. One year ago, we became husband and wife; it was one of the happiest days of my life. I adore you for all that you are and all that you do. You have shown me what love, care and respect means and how to show it practically in everyday life. We have grown together over the last year into a better person and couple.
• One year ago today, we said: “I Do.” I am beyond blessed that you are in my life. You have brought so much happiness and peace into my life, and for that, I will forever be grateful. Thank you for being here for me. You bring out the best in me every day. One year ago, you entered my life, and now I can’t imagine living without you. You have made such a tremendous positive impact on our lives. You are my best friend.
• Wow, where do I begin? You are truly unique. From a thousand dreams I have had, you came true. You are like the sun that overlooks the stars from above. I could never imagine my life without you, and even though you make me angry sometimes, you are always there to forgive me. Thank you for all the love and joy you have brought to my life!
• One year ago, I took a chance with a woman I never thought I would be lucky enough to capture my heart. Today, I am sure of one thing. I was right! You are that one person I have always wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Your smile and laughter brighten any room you walk into, and your personality warms the very core of my heart. Happy anniversary love.