A Prayer for Today Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes from inspired people can help you through those tough days. These quotes are not just inspirational, they are also short and relevant to present-day life. You’ll also find that these quotes come from a variety of sources, ranging anywhere from classic thinkers to respected leaders.

A Prayer for Today Inspirational Quotes

  • Praying that you have a healthy and productive day


  • May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong enough angels beside you to remind you that God loves you.


  • Lord, today I was able to see You answer my prayers in ways I never imagined.



  • Happiness and friendship are the people you surround yourself with, and hope and faith are the things you make for yourself. 😊


  • God, I pray for the world to have more people who know how to communicate and fewer people who communicate that they don’t know.


  • Dear God, thanks for the morning coffee, Summer Fridays, and dancing in the kitchen.


  • Lord, fill me with the mind of Christ and the wisdom that you gave him so that I can understand what you have taught us in your word.


  • Lord, give me focus to do the work I need to do. Enable me to follow through with what is already on my plate.


  • Thank you for bringing out the best in me. I’m willing to put in the hard work and make it happen.


  • Prayers to today, that all my worries, fears, and insecurities will be gone. I trust God to take care of me.


  • I pray today….to be a blessing to someone’s life…to be a smile on someone’s face… To get out of my comfort zone & do something extraordinary…


  • As we embark on a new day, I pray that you will always shine brighter than yesterday


  • Today is the day. Today is your day. You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream. May you live all the days of your life!


  • May your day be of the Lord. May you rest in him, rely on him, and find strength in him. May he give you a new perspective as you look at old things with his eyes.


  • Today is a perfect day to accept the things I cannot change, have the courage to change the things I can, and take action on the changes.


  • May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.


  • Thank you, God, for today and all that it brings. May your blessings be great and may we walk in faith.


  • Dear God, today I pray to you that I might make a difference in the world. Grant me the strength and courage to follow your will, no matter what hardships I must endure. And please, keep my loved ones safe as they face their trials in life.


  • Lord, let me be where I am. Let me do what I can. And let me thank you for this day.


  • God, grant me the serenity to accept the outcome of my actions, the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.


  • Heavenly Father, I thank you for this day, as I go on with my life. I pray that you lead me on the right path, and help me to do the right things. I love you! Amen.


  • Lord, today I ask that you grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know it’s a silly request because…we all know you already granted me the last two.


  • I prayed for this day and God answered me, making me a happy woman🙏


  • May your day be blessed with Happiness, Peace, and Love.


  • Let the gentle breeze kiss your cheeks, the soft wind caress your face, and the warm sunshine upon you☀️. God bless you this day and every day.


  • Take a moment to give thanks for every precious moment you have.


  • Be grateful for your life. Be grateful for your relationships. Be grateful for your health. Be grateful for your work. Be grateful for the opportunity to do what you want to do with the time that you have and be happy that you get to do it


  • Dear God, please fill all of us with your abundant grace so that we may shine brightly for you.


  • Lord, I pray that you would teach me to pray as you pray, to want what you want, to feel what you feel, to bear the burdens that you bear.


  • God Bless You and Keep You Always. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, may His countenance be gracious unto you, May the Lord lift his countenance unto you, and give you peace.


  • Today, I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.


  • Today, may you have the strength to do what’s right for yourself. May you have the courage to face this day with resolve and hope. May you be able to let go of past hurts and regrets. And finally, may today be the beginning of something beautiful.


  • Fill me up with hope. Help me to know what to hope for. Guide me toward the people, places, and things that inspire hope in others. Guide me toward those who need help finding hope.


  • God, I place before you today my friends and family. Bless them with your presence and your grace.


  • Thank you, God. Thank You for this day and all the good things you have given me. Give me the strength to honor you with my actions and words.


  • Thank you, Lord, for today and for all the blessings that come your way. Lord, bless me with the spirit of contentment, the happiness of being alone and solitude, so that I may enjoy these moments of peace and quietness.


  • Lord, help us to dream beyond our limitations and envision a future that honors your great purposes for us.


  • Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change, the grace to accept what I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference.


  • Dear God, thank you for today. I’m so glad that you’re in my life. May I never lose focus on what’s important? Keep me safe, happy, and healthy as I face the challenges of this day and all the tomorrows to come.


  • Lord, give me a great day. Grant me joy, health, and peace every day. Let me see the beauty in everything. Let me be generous to everyone I meet.


  • Father, help us to always put You at the center of our lives. We want to live every day for You. May we be filled with Your love; may it fill us and overflow from us in all we do.


  • I pray for courage to face the challenges ahead, the grace to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know which one is which.


  • Lord, thank you for the gift of life. Help me to appreciate every moment and live each day to the fullest.


  • Stop waiting for time to pass. Rejoice in every moment of your life that is meaningful and good. Dance cautiously with God; be good to yourself, and you will experience the joys that were meant for you.


  • You are my rock. You are the love of my life. I will keep you forever and ever and ever.


  • Lord, give me the grace to let go of what is trying to hold on and the courage to hold on to what is trying to let go.


  • My prayer for today is that, you know, you will be safe in the arms of God, and that you will always be happy.


  • Today is a new day to enjoy the beauty of the world around us. Let us be grateful for all that we have, and strive to make our own lives better.


  • Lord, grant me… The serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can; And wisdom always to tell the difference.


  • God, thank you for this day and your grace which is sufficient for me. You are my all in all.


  • Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


  • I’m thankful for my family, friends, health, and all the opportunities this life brings!


  • May the Lord make your love grow and overflow for each other and everyone else, just as our love does for you.


  • Lord, hear our prayer and make us more loving toward our neighbors, family, and friends.


  • Dear Lord, When I look at you, You are so beautiful to me. Your grace and goodness are overwhelming. I can never repay your kindness to me. My heart is full of gratitude for all that you have done for me and given to me.


  • I pray that this day is a perfect reflection of your will for my life and that all your blessings pour upon me.


  • Today I am thankful for everything good in my life. I love and appreciate you all.


  • May the stars shine bright above you today and may love and laughter surround you always.


  • Lord God, thank you for waking me up this morning. You always give me the strength to overcome any obstacle in my way.


  • Bless us with the tools, the strength, and the courage to achieve the lives we deserve.


  • Lord, today I thank you for blessing me with another day to do your work.


  • I wish all things spiritual, joyful, and happy. May they be yours and may you be theirs! – Disney Princess


  • Dear Lord, I pray that all of my dreams come true today. I pray for love in my life and to also help me see the good in others even when times are hard.


  • Send good thoughts and intentions to the people who need them most today, and let them know they rock.


  • Be thankful for all the things that made you smile today, The sweet memory will last forever.


  • Dear Lord, thank you for another day of sunshine and rainbows. And let me end this day on a positive note: I Hope I have a nice dream tonight😎


  • Today, I will let go of the past and its disappointments—and look forward to ALL that is in store tomorrow. God is good. All the time!


  • Be thankful for the little foxes that never ruin your vines, the whispers of grace, and the soft answers to prayer. #devotions


  • Lord, give me the courage to change what I can, the grace to accept it when I cannot, and the wisdom to know one from the other.


  • Let us pray for peace. And let the light of peace shine in our hearts, and guide our steps along the way.


  • May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may their hearts be filled with joy.


  • Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty.


  • May the beautiful memories of our friendship remain forever in our hearts. I will miss you so much.


  • Prayer heals the soul and nurtures the spirit, so take time today to connect with your higher power 🙏


  • God, I pray today you will lead me to my gift that was designed to be used in my life and get the best results through your power.


  • Each day of life is a gift and brings some joy to make it sweet. May your days be as bright as the promises God has given.


  • God, I’m praying for you to be God’s strength and courage in my life. He will direct me and will show me which road I need to take.


  • Thank you for today, with every new day may I awake grateful for the gifts that you have given me


  • Dear God, help us to be more thankful for what we have and find ways to share with those who are less fortunate than us.


  • Let your faith be bigger than your fear, let the hope that lies within you be greater than the doubt that lies without you.


  • We praise thee for all of thy blessings, and we pray that thou art with those who are suffering through loss.


  • Lord, give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and Wisdom to distinguish one from the other. 🙏


  • Wherever you find yourself, make sure you’re growing—both in your own life and beyond yourself.


  • Let good things happen to those who do good, even if it means your favorite team makes a comeback and beats my favorite one.


  • I write to reach the heart of others, to receive and transmit energy. What comes from me is only a part of me; what is received by others completes me.


  • Dear Lord, help us to have concern for our neighbors and to keep the promises that we’ve made to you. Thank you for the trials that help us be better people. Thank you for today, even when it’s one day at a time.


  • May you be kind to yourself today. May you forgive quickly and completely. May you laugh at ease at the absurdities of life. May you experience more than enough good to make up for those times that are not so good. – Louise Hay


  • Let this be a day of doing good, blessing those around us and in us, and feel the true love of the Lord and the never-ending Love of God.


  • Dear God, I pray that my lips would speak only words of kindness. I pray that my heart would never hold a hateful thought. I pray that my eyes will see the best in others and my ears will hear only good things today.


  • Today, I pray that I find strength in the memories of friends and family who came before me. May they continue to give me the strength to carry on.


  • Dear Lord, today, I pray for the strength to get back up when I fall. Help me be a blessing in the lives of others, hugging those who need it and encouraging all along my journey.


  • Send us sunshine, let the rainfall. Let it wash away our troubles. Let it prepare the way for new beginnings, and give us hope.


  • Don’t waste another minute on things you can’t change, focus your time and energy on things that matter.


  • Lord, I pray for those who long for better days. I pray for those who are in pain today.


  • I have seen the sun break through the darkest clouds, and light prevails over the deepest darkness. I’ve witnessed greatness emerge from brokenness, hope arises from despair, and joy comes forth from utter sadness. God is great


  • today brings healing and strength to those who need it. And for those who don’t yet know they need it, give them the courage to face their challenges head-on.


  • Today is a new day for U, and it’s going to be better than yesterday. God has a plan for your life!


  • Lord, I pray for the poor, for those who have no homes, for those who have lost their homes. I pray for all who are alone, and for all who have lost loved ones. Help us to be generous of heart and open of hand to all those in need.


  • Let us pray: Gracious God, we thank you for your love, sacrifice, and resurrection. May our lives be filled with your Spirit, so that we may live in harmony and peace with one another.


  • God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


  • may the Lord bless you and keep you. May you see His face and enjoy His peace.


  • May you always be courageous, stand for what is right, and shine your light brightly.


  • Let go of the fears that hold you back. Believe in your dreams instead. No matter what anyone else says, nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it and work hard.


  • Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire, and passionate about the people who help you fan the flames.


  • Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.


  • A prayer for today, let us be patient with ourselves and each other. Let us not forget that we are in this together, we are on this journey together.


  • I pray today’s journaling session is more useful than a sleepy Sunday morning.


  • Lord, I pray that my words would be pleasing to you and make a positive impact on those who read them.


  • Today, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference


  • Lord, help me remember that a good beginning makes a good ending. Thank you for your promises and for the ability to make a positive difference in my community and world.” ― Corrie Ten Boom


  • today I may befriend danger and adventure—for I will have the skill, strength, and spirit for anything that comes my way.


  • Lord, give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.


  • Do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


  • ” Prayers for today, gone tomorrow. Words for today, forgotten tomorrow. Deeds for today remembered for ever.”


  • every morning when I open my eyes I thank god for all that he has done for me, for every breath he gives me, and bless him. I love you


  • God is my source, strength, and guide. He helps me through the dark and light hours of each day—and I trust Him for all things.


  • Lord, this day is in your hands. Guide me as I work, that I may do what is right and good in your sight.

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