Congratulations Message for Expecting a Baby 


Congratulations Message for Expecting a Baby: The fact that you are reading this means that you want to find a good message to congratulate your friends. Congratulations on the expecting baby! It is the most wonderful thing for any parent and it’s better if it is mutual.

Congratulating someone in their endeavor of becoming parents is like acknowledging their role as a parent. This will give them a sense of belonging and they will feel motivated. Many people are generally confused when it comes to congratulating the expecting couple because they do not know what are the right and appropriate things that they should be telling the expecting couple.


Congratulations Message for Expecting a Baby

  • What can I say, that I haven’t said before? You are worth the wait, and my love for you just grows stronger over time. Your love brings out the best in me. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you at my side. Congratulations!


  • I want to congratulate you on your pregnancy. Words cannot express how excited I am for you two. I love you both so much!!!


  • Our family is getting bigger and we could not be happier. You are the most amazing woman I know and will make a great mother. I can’t wait to see you with our little angel in your arms. I love you so much!


  • You are the best parent I know and I am so happy to have you as my wife. You are going to be a great parent. I will love our child with all my heart. I love you and can’t wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your face.


  • Congratulations on your pregnancy. We are both looking forward to the new addition to our family. It’s been a long wait and we can’t wait to meet the babe in person! Here’s to the happy family we will become!


  • We have been friends for so long, and I’ll always hope you are in my life. Thank you for choosing me to be your bridesmaid, it’s truly an honor. You make all of our memories together that much better, and I hope we have many more! Congratulations on your pregnancy, I can’t wait to spoil your child!


  • I have never met a couple more deserving of this blessing than you. I know I can’t even begin to understand the enormous amount of work and effort it takes, but I just wanted to tell you that I am here for you both and if there is anything that I can help with, please let me know. My love and congratulations to both of you!


  • I love you, dear! I am so happy to become a part of your little family. Now we can start planning our future together.


  • Congratulations to you and your partner! You are going to be a great dad! I am so happy for the two of you, and the baby is going to love having a daddy like you. You are going to be amazing parents, and I can’t wait to meet your little bundle of joy.


  • Congratulations! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to meet our new little bundle of joy.


  • Hey honey, Mom and I were so excited to find out you’re pregnant! We can’t wait to meet our beautiful grandbaby. You’re going to be an amazing mom. We love you so much and can’t wait to celebrate with new traditions and memories written in the book of love.


  • You’ve always been a great friend to me and I was so happy when you told me that you were expecting a baby. Amy is a lucky woman to have such a caring husband like you in her life. You two will make awesome parents.


  • How wonderful, I am so excited for you. The feelings that you and Kyle have are shared by everyone. You are going to be amazing parents, and our little girl will be the luckiest little girl alive to be able to call you mommy and daddy. Feel free to let me know how I can help.


  • Though I’m not the one you’re growing inside, I would like to congratulate you on your new bundle of joy. The baby will be happy to know that they will have the best mom in the whole world and an incredible daddy to make sure they have love and support at every turn. You will make such an amazing team!


  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! You look amazing and I can’t wait to meet the little bun (or bun in the oven) soon. I’m so glad that you are having a baby with someone you love and I hope the two of you will be as happy as I am with my family.


  • Every bump and every kick I feel in my belly reminds me of our love. Now that we are three, you are in my heart always and our beautiful little bundle is there too. I cannot wait to meet him or her. You are the light of my life, you bring a joy that no one else could ever bring me.


  • Congratulations! You’re having a baby, who will be the most important being in the universe. In her (yes, little ones are girls too!) first moments on this earth, she will already be drowning in love for her daddy, who is about to become the best father in the world. He loves you more than words can say, and I am so grateful that he married me so that I could be your mother-in-law.


  • Congratulations, we are all so excited for you! You look beautiful!! We wish you and your growing family the best and are looking forward to the next phase of your lives. What an amazing journey ahead of you two


  • Congratulations! We’re so happy for you and your family. You’ve made wonderful choices, great decisions, and we can’t wait to meet this little one. May you always have a house filled with lots of love and laughter. We love you both so much and are very excited about this newest chapter in your life.


  • I know it’s hard to believe, but I’ve never been more excited than I am right now. You don’t just deserve this baby, you need this baby. I hope it’s a boy!


  • I am so excited for you right now. I already love this little person that is growing inside of you and can’t wait to help you raise them. Things will never be the same without you here all the time, so we must have more babies! Of course, I mean it in a good way…just kidding mom! Congratulations on your newest blessing!


  • Warm congratulations! If our baby is half as perfect as you, I can’t wait to see how beautiful they will be. All of my love, Your husband


  • Best wishes to you and your family. You’re going to be an amazing father!


  • Congratulations to the new parents! I had the pleasure of working with Sarah and she was a true joy. She brightened my day and made me smile.


  • I’m not just saying this because you’re my best pal but, I think becoming a mom suits you perfectly. You will be an amazing mommy and I’m so excited for the both of us to get through this emotional roller coaster of a life-changing adventure. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our family.


  • Congratulations on your big news, Mommy. You’re going to make a wonderful mom.


  • I’m so happy for you! I have one question, would you mind if I steal your husband?


Expecting a Baby Congratulations Messages

  • We are so happy for you and your baby! I can’t wait to meet your new little one and can’t wait until they are running around with us! We couldn’t think of a better family than yours to join our family with, we love you so much already.


  • Congratulations are not enough! I wanted to wish you the best. We are proud of you. You are an amazing couple, and we are thrilled that we get to watch the two of you grow together. Love, The Family


  • A baby is on the way! We’re all so excited and we can’t wait to meet the newest addition to our family. Everyone here at work has been congratulating you both and will continue to do so until the baby arrives. You are going to be wonderful parents, and the baby is lucky to have you both as role models. We love you both so much!


  • You look so happy! You are going to make the best mom. I am so excited for you and your husband. You will be great parents, I just know it.


  • You’re going to be an amazing Dad. I can’t wait to go shopping for baby stuff with you and decorate the nursery together. You’re going to be a great husband, and we are going to enjoy this baby so much! I love you more than ever!


  • Hey! You are supermom. I am so excited to be an aunt. The love that you show this baby will not be on display in any other relationship. My whole family is so happy for you and can’t wait to meet him or her (whichever)!! Love you!


  • You are an amazing boyfriend and I’m so happy we made a baby together! I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Our baby is going to have 2 of the greatest dad.


  • Congratulations on your exciting new journey! Our love and support go with you, always. Thank you for letting us be a part of this amazing time in your lives. We love you!


  • I hope you receive many congratulatory messages from your friends and family after the birth of your first child. Congratulations to you both on this family milestone!


  • The love we share created a wonderful little being who will share our love and bring joy to our lives. I thank you for blessing me with your child. Our child will be so loved and adored. After all, I’m the only one who’s crazy enough to handle your madness…I love you!


  • Congratulations on expecting ur baby. I hope that u feel better very soon. And my best wishes are with you, hope it will be a boy or girl, I believe it will be a baby boy! Hope to see u next time………god bless you ……….


  • You are the most amazing, caring, compassionate person and I couldn’t imagine having a better friend. You will be an incredible mom! Never forget that I am here for you no matter what – if you need me just call or text. I love you more than words can say!


  • I am so happy for you, you’re an awesome couple. I can not tell you how excited I am for you both! Hopefully, this will come out right before the baby arrives. You two are such a fun and awesome couple that deserve to be parents very badly! I have a feeling your child is going to have the best personality in the whole world.


  • Oh my goodness! I am so happy for you two! I wish you all the best of luck and I know this baby will be loved beyond words. Congrats again!


  • Congratulations! Thank you so much for telling us the Great News. We are both excited to be a part of this Amazing Journey that you have started and we can’t wait to see the new addition to your family. When Ethan or Fiona arrives, please know that we will be there to hold your hand and celebrate with you!


  • It’s so amazing that I am going to be an aunt! I can’t wait to hold her in my arms and kiss her little forehead. I’m just sorry that our new baby is taking you away from me for a little while. But I know if she’s anything like her mom she will be the most beautiful baby ever!


  • Congratulations on your new baby! I can’t wait to meet it. What a blessing! I am so happy for you both. Congratulations on the news of your wonderful newest addition. I am so excited for you and wish you only the very best at this special time. I’ll be praying for your little one too!


  • Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to meet the little one. When you need anything at all with the baby, please let me know. I will be there in a flash and do whatever I can to help out however I can! Congratulations again and enjoy this amazing time in your life.


  • You have always been the most important person in my life. You not only have my heart but also our little ones, I promise to love you both through thick and thin. I can’t wait to start this journey with you and our new baby.


  • You are my best friend and I couldn’t think of anyone else to share this with. I am so happy to be having this baby with you. Thank you for being an amazing father!


  • I am so happy for you. Your family is going to be amazing! I can’t wait to help out and see the little one when it is born. Always remember I will always be there for you no matter what, and I have your back through everything that happens.


  • You look radiant, and I’m so happy for you and the family! I know you two will make great parents, and I can’t wait to meet the little one!


  • Congratulations on expecting. You may not know it yet, but you are going to be one amazing mom! I know the feeling of carrying a little bundle for months, and I am happy for you that now you know what that is like.


  • We wish you and your new bundle of joy all the best! To welcome your new little bundle, we would love to take care of some items for free like baby stuff, and get together a few times to chat about our experience. Please give us a call if you are interested!


  • Congratulations to two of the most amazing people I know on their new addition to the family! This little one will be so blessed with the love of a father and mother that would do anything for their child! Congratulations to you and may you have many more years of happiness!


Expected Baby Congratulations Message

  • Warmest regards on the news of your expected baby. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy and a perfect delivery. If you need any help or care do not hesitate to ask.


  • Congratulations! You’re having a baby! The little one will come soon, and we are all very happy for you. When the time comes we will all help you, celebrate and cheer along with you.


  • We are so happy for you two! We can’t wait to see the little love bug that you are going to bring home. Call us if you need anything at all, we will be there in a flash! Love.


  • Friends! We are very happy to announce that we are expecting our first baby and we can’t wait! Being parents is something we have always wanted and it will be so special and amazing. We hope you will all be there for us, cheering us on. Love you all!


  • I am so happy for you both! Our little girl will be loved more than anyone else in the world. My only advice is to never leave her side and always watch out for monsters under her bed at night. Haha! (seriously) but seriously I can’t wait to meet her!!!


  • Congratulations to our dear friend……and her husband! We are so happy for both of you. You are a terrific couple and we know that you will be wonderful parents.


  • Woo Hoo! I’m so excited for you and your future family. Keep letting me know when you are in town!


  • Your new little bundle of joy is going to be just perfect. You’ve been through a lot, so be prepared for some sleepless nights and lots of diapers, but it will all be worth it in the end. We’re all counting down the days until we get to see your baby.


  • We are so happy for you guys! Can’t wait for a new baby in our group, it will be fun!


  • It just dawned on me. I know we’re great friends but I never realized that I loved you until the day you told me the happy news. As you hold your little miracle in your arms, keep in mind how much I love you and always will. Congratulations!


  • We want to wish you not only congratulations but the best of everything that comes your way. We are very happy for you and know deep in our hearts how much you longed to become parents. I hope they are as blessed by each other as we are. You are wonderful people and we wish nothing but the best for each of you. You deserve it!


  • To the wonderful parents and their adorable baby, we are sure you will be great parents. You bring your love to each other and that will only continue and get stronger as you provide a loving home for your child. We wish you all the best!


  • I am so thrilled for you. You are going to be such amazing parents. I could not be happier for both of you.


  • Congratulations on your blooming belly! I could not be happier for you and Pete. Enjoy this special time as you and he started building a new life together. I am sure he will be a wonderful father and will love and care for you both. Take care of yourself and that little one inside you and never forget how much we all love you!


  • We are so happy and proud of you! We feel blessed to be a part of this new journey with you! Congratulations on your big news!!


  • Hello, best wishes to you and your wife. I am sure that everything will be fine. Congratulations!


  • Congratulations Mom and Dad! We wish you all the best for the baby, and of course, we will be there if you need us! Let us know if you need any help, otherwise, we are just waiting to babysit on Saturday!


  • Congratulations! You two look so happy and I hope your baby is healthy for you. (Your name) is so lucky to have you in her life and I wish you the best of luck.


  • You are such a blessing to me and everyone you meet. You bring so much joy, laughter, and love wherever you go. I have never been happier in my life than the day you said yes to being my wife. You are beautiful inside and out, and I can’t wait to see what this baby brings us. I love you!


  • Congratulations! We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate you on your pending bundle of joy which we are sure will fill your life with great joy and happiness. We wish you good luck in the coming months and all the best for you and your family.


  • You are going to be a wonderful mother. I can’t wait to meet the blessing you are carrying! Do you want a boy or a girl? Whatever it is I am sure they will be beautiful just like their mother.


  • I am so happy for you guys. No matter what happens I know you can handle it and that our friendship will withstand the test of time. You will be a great dad!!!


  • You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!


  • Hooray! I am so excited to be an uncle again. I am looking forward to spoiling this baby rotten, playing with her, and making her laugh. I hope she is as beautiful as her mom. Be sure to take care of yourself and keep smiling! Love you!


  • You are already a great dad, this baby is going to be lucky to have you as their father. I was excited about the adoption and now I am doubly excited for the baby!


  • I can’t wait to be an aunt again! I am so happy for you, love! Can’t wait to meet little bubba/ bubs! The baby is going to be so lucky to pick up genes from such awesome parents. I love you both!


  • Another year, another child. We are so excited to be adding a little one to our family next week. Grace is also thrilled and can’t wait to be an awesome big sister. You have been such a blessing – thank you for everything you do.

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