Congratulations on Pregnancy Messages


Congratulations on Pregnancy Messages: Pregnancy, or the nine months leading to it, is considered to be an amazing experience in any woman’s life. Motherhood begins at that moment when a woman gives birth to a baby and becomes responsible for the safety and well-being of this tiny human being.

The future mother should be prepared for the responsibility a baby brings with it as she awaits the happy day. This means that she must understand how important it is to make all necessary preparations before the baby comes into her world.


Congratulations on Pregnancy Messages

  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am so happy that you have a baby growing inside of you right now. I can’t wait to meet him or her and help you through this amazing journey.


  • I have no words to describe how happy I am that you are pregnant with our baby. We’ve been trying for so long and it makes me SO HAPPY that we are going to be parents!


  • You are about to contribute new life to the world and I couldn’t be more excited for you! I know this isn’t how we planned things but please don’t worry. We will be there for you every step of the way and this will all work out. I’m not going anywhere and neither is our friendship. Congratulations momma!


  • I can’t believe that we are going to have a baby! I am very happy for you but also for myself. I feel like I should pinch myself because this is all so surreal. I’m super happy that our family is growing and that I get to be there every step of the way with you!


  • Congratulations on the precious gift and blessing you’re carrying in your womb. You’re beautiful, and I will always be there when you need me… I am so happy that you have come to be by my side. I love you very much.


  • Congrats! You are so lucky to be bringing a little one into this world. I wish you all the best as you become a mom. I know you will be great at it, and thanks for bringing another ray of sunshine into my life.


  • I hope you feel better from the sickness. I know it can be so worrisome to think that something is wrong. Keep yourself happy and positive and everything will work out. I love you!


  • I am so happy to hear the news! I can’t wait to meet our little one! I hope you take it easy, try to stay comfortable, and eat plenty of veggies. Take care of yourself so that you can grow our beautiful baby 🙂 We are all beyond excited for your change in fortune.


  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! I just opened the window to smell the flowers, and bam, there they were. as big as a cow’s eye. amazing, right? yes and I think it’s a sign — a beautiful one. I can’t wait for you and tom to be parents!


  • You’re pregnant! Congratulations? I know that I am just one of the hundreds of your friends who are sharing in your joy but let me say this – I am the luckiest. You are an amazing woman and you deserve this.


  • Congratulations! I would have never guessed that you are pregnant and have a surprise coming!


  • Congratulations! You are getting a baby! This is such an exciting and emotional time. Congratulations. You have worked hard during this pregnancy, and I know that you will be an amazing mommy.


  • Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I feel blessed to be a part of your life, to share this moment with you. Most of all, I wish you a safe and happy pregnancy.


  • I am happy to have you as part of my family. I love you both and the baby. It’s hard to believe that the day is finally here. Congratulations and have a wonderful time at the hospital!


  • I am so thrilled for you! All I want is for you to be healthy and happy, and hopefully, that includes growing your little miracle. I love you both so much, and can’t wait to see how your relationship with this baby grows!


  • Happiness and joy are overflowing on me now that I am going to be a mom! Just thinking about it makes me tear up. I hope you can find comfort in knowing how much you mean to me, and how much I look forward to every moment we have together.


  • I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to be an auntie! You are the sweetest, most generous, and most thoughtful person I know. As hard as it might be with two kids- hang in there and know that you have a great support team in your friends and family. Love you lots


  • Congratulations! We were so happy to see the positive results of your pregnancy test. You will soon be a mom and we do not doubt that you’ll be an amazing one, just like you are a beautiful sister, daughter, and friend. Love,


  • I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to congratulate you on the wonderful news that you are pregnant. I wish both of you all the best as you go through this exciting and at times challenging time in your life. I would like to take my opportunity to thank you for helping me find my purpose in life.


  • Your baby will be so loved by its mommy and daddy. Of course, it will make me a tiny bit jealous because I’ll have to share my hubby with a tiny human, but know that I am so excited for you! Congratulations on your pregnancy and your upcoming bundle of joy.


  • Thank you for being such a great friend and helping me through every stage of my pregnancy. I couldn’t have made it this far without you! Even though it’s our first, I know together we will be amazing parents because we are already the best of friends.


  • Part of me is excited, part of me is terrified! HAPPY PREGNANCY! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU AND JEFF. A baby is such a blessing and I cannot wait to help you with the kids and family. You will do a great job! I love you so much!


  • I’m overjoyed for you! Thank you for always and forever being so amazing as a friend and person. You will be a wonderful mother and I love you so much already.


  • I wanted to be one of the first to say congratulations and let you know how much I am happy for you. This coming year is going to be so great. The baby’s going to bring so much joy into our life, and I hope we get to grow even closer as a family.


  • I know that this is the best news we could have hoped for. We are so excited for you both. Congratulations! I am going to be an aunt 🙂


  • I’m so happy I could give you the BIGGEST hug and thank God every day for making you mine. I love you more than words can say!


  • Congratulations! I am truly happy for you. You will make an amazing mother. I can’t wait to teach our children how to be awesome!


  • You look out-of-this-world amazing! It’s hard sometimes to say congratulations on your pregnancy on a card but the words are always true. I know you will be a great mom, and I can’t wait to see how that sweet baby turns out! Congratulations again!


  • Just wanted to wish you a very special congratulations on your pregnancy! one of the best days of my life! Pregnancy is hard, but it will pass quickly so don’t worry too much. I love you more than words could ever express and I couldn’t be happier about


  • Congratulations on the pregnancy! You’ve come so far and you are doing great. I am so lucky to watch the little one grow up, and I can’t wait to hear the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps that fill our home with joy. This child is a blessing and I know you will be great parents!


  • Wow, I had no idea this day would come so soon but I could not be happier. You are the most amazing person in my life and I love you more than ever! This is going to be such an amazing time for us and I can’t wait to see our family grow!


  • You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You make every day special. I know life won’t always be easy, but I want to face it with you. No matter what happens, I love you!


  • I’m so thrilled for you, Sam! I’m excited to be an aunt. I know that you and Paul will take amazing care of this little one. Congratulations again and I can’t wait to meet the newest member of our family. Love


  • Congrats! You have such a cute and sassy little boy! I can’t believe he is already 5 months old! Time has gone by so quickly, and the love we have for him is going strong! He is such a happy baby.


  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! You are pregnant with my child, you and me for the rest of our life. I


  • Congratulations on being pregnant! We are so excited for you, we just can’t wait to meet the little one. Congratulation also on finding a job and we will support you in everything that you do. You are an amazing woman, a fantastic mother and we love you madly.


  • We are so happy to be having a baby with you! We want you to know that we love you very much and will do anything to help through this. As long as we’re together, everything will be okay.


  • Congratulations on the baby! I am so happy for you and can’t wait to be an aunty and spoil my new nephew/niece. You’re going to be such a great mommy! I love you!!!!


  • Congrats on the news! This is going to be fantastic. You are an amazing person and an amazing mother. I know you will raise this kid to be just as incredible as you are. Congratulations again and thanks for being my friend/sister/partner in crime.


  • Congrats on being pregnant. I’m sure it’s a boy since all the previous ones were. Good luck with surviving these next 9 months…wait, actually good luck getting through the next 9 seconds!


  • Words cannot describe how happy I am for you. I can’t wait to meet little [name]. Congratulations!


  • I am so happy for you. The baby bump suits you well. If there is anything you need, anything at all let me know. I love you and can’t wait to be an aunt to the newest member of our family!


  • What a wonderful blessing. To see you grow in this child and to know that you guys are going to be happy little parents. I just want to tell you how happy I am to have you both in my life. You have grown into the most amazing people that anyone could ever hope for and now your family is expanding. Congratulations!


Message to Congratulate Someone on a New Pregnancy Announcement

  • I know how hard it is to get pregnant for the first time if you have tried a little bit more than a year and now I am so happy that everything is working out so well. This news is the most exciting thing that could happen to you because now you have something else to cherish every day of your life! Congratulations again!


  • I am so thrilled for you. I can’t wait to meet him or her! I know you will make an awesome mom, and will always be at the top of your game. We are here to support you through everything!”


  • I’m so thrilled for you and a little jealous that I can’t be there to help you through this. Congratulations! I wish the best for you and your growing family!


  • Your baby will be so beautiful and the best thing in your life! Unfortunately, you’re going to have a hard time getting into decent clothes again but we all need a challenge from time to time. All I want for this beautiful baby is for it to be healthy and happy! Congratulations on the big news!


  • Congratulations! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to meet the newest member of your family. I bet she is going to be perfect. You are already such a wonderful Mommy, I know this will be no different. Feel free to come here for date nights or to borrow a cup of sugar whenever you need it. Love ya lots, -Rose


  • I’m thrilled that you are going to be a mommy. You will be an amazing mother. I know it’s scary, but try to enjoy the new life growing inside of you


  • I am very excited to be an aunt again! Here’s to many years of happiness and lots of love for the new baby! Love you!


  • Congrats, you’re gonna be a mom! I’m so excited for you to start this new journey, just know that I’m here for you and that I’ll do anything to help you;)


  • We know you’ve wanted a baby for a long time and we’re thrilled to be able to experience this journey with you. It’s going to take some adjusting, but we’re sure it will all be worth it in the end. We love you guys so much and can’t wait to spend some time with the baby!


  • Happy for you! I will say a little prayer for the new baby, that he or she is healthy, happy, and will have a long happy life. Stay cool. (If a girl) What are you going to do about the baby’s name? (If a boy) How about the same name for the baby?


  • Congratulations! I am so happy for you. When are you having the baby? You look great!


  • Congratulations! Have you started looking at baby names yet? Let me know if you need any suggestions. I’m going to have to step up my game if I’m going to keep up with the new parents club!


  • I am so happy for you and I want to congratulate you on the best news ever! You are going to be such an amazing mother. I know that having a child is going to change your life in a very positive and beautiful way. I love you!


  • A great big congratulations to you and your partner on your wonderful news! Having a baby is an amazing step in life. So many new adventures await, but most of all love and happiness. I just want you to know that I will stand by you every step of the way and offer anything support you need.


  • You have the most amazing children. I know you will be an awesome mom again, and I can’t wait to hold your new baby. Congratulations!


  • You’re pregnant! This is amazing news! You’re going to be an awesome Mom! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to meet your little bundle of joy. We will do anything you need and be there for you every step of the way. Congratulations!


  • You are going to be such a great mommy, the baby is very lucky to have you as their mother. I am so happy and excited for you.


  • I am so excited for you and the new little person you are bringing into this world! I can’t wait to hold it, play with it, spoil it and cuddle it. You will be the best mom ever and I can’t wait to see what your new family looks like. Congratulations!


  • I’m so happy for you both! It’s such an exciting time in your life. I hope this brings you a lifetime of joy and happiness, the same way my niece brought me endless love and joy when she came into the world…I can’t wait for a baby shower!


  • I am so happy for you! I can’t wait to be an aunt…again! I hope you and your little one have a healthy, happy pregnancy! Congratulations


  • So happy that you found out! I love seeing your little family grow. Can’t wait to be an aunt/uncle! Love you both and can’t wait for the birth of our new little friend.


  • Congratulations, you guys! I can’t wait for the baby to arrive. And I know that having a child is challenging, but it’s also very rewarding and I know it will be one of the greatest things you two ever do together. I love you both so much!


  • Congrats on the new pregnancy! You and your partner are going to be incredible parents. All I can say is go with the flow, listen to your doctor, and try not to stress too much.


  • We are so happy for you! We have been trying for months. I knew that you would be able to get pregnant before us. Congrats! Can’t wait for our kids to grow up together! Can’t wait to go to the park and play with your children.


  • It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I can’t wait to celebrate the newest addition to our family! I wish you and your significant other a safe and healthy pregnancy. I would love to spend time with you shortly so we could talk about how everything is going with the baby. Can’t wait!


  • I truly know how much hard work has been put into this whole pregnancy, and because of that, it is that much more important to celebrate. Your baby’s birth is going to be the most beautiful day I can remember, and it will be the best day of your life! The beginning of something new!


  • I am so happy to hear that you’re pregnant! I can’t wait to see that new little bundle of joy. A little cousin! This is something I have been waiting for a long time and I have no doubts that you will make an awesome parent. Congratulations, I love you!


  • We are so happy for the two of you! We love you and we can’t wait to meet the little guy or gal. Congratulations!


  • Congratulations! We are so excited for you and David. We are thrilled that you are going to be a Mom. I am so happy to be an Aunt again! You two were meant to be together. I know that you will both be wonderful parents and this baby is the luckiest kid in the whole world!


  • Congratulations! I am so thrilled for both of you, and I know that little rosebud is going to make you two so happy. The world is a better place because you two are in it. Count the days until your bundle of joy arrives, and send me lots of pictures!


  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait until a little bundle of joy joins our lives. The two of you are going to be incredible parents.


  • I can’t wait to be an Aunt again! I am so excited to be with you through this next chapter of your life. Congratulations!


  • I’m so excited for you guys! I wish you both the best! When you have that bundle of joy, we will come to visit them and spoil them rotten. I’m so happy there is going to be a new sweetie in our lives…our amazing little cuddle bears.


  • Congratulations! This is wonderful news! I can’t wait until your beautiful baby arrives! I hope it’s a little girl with brown curly hair, just like you ; )

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