Funny 11TH Wedding Anniversary Greetings


Funny 11TH Wedding Anniversary Greetings: Research suggests that almost as soon as you’ve tied the knot, one of the first concerns is how to make it last. Many couples decide to exchange funny anniversary wishes on their 11th wedding anniversary. Here are some of the best funny 11th wedding anniversary greetings.


Funny 11TH Wedding Anniversary Greetings

  • Dear!! Happy 11th anniversary. You are my BEST FRIEND. I love you so much and would not trade a moment of our marriage for anything in the world.


  • I remember the day we met so well, the things you said, the way you dolled yourself up for date night. I didn’t even catch your name. In fact, it wasn’t till months later that I even began to think about you again. But, when I did, I knew that we were meant to be together. Next year there will be twelves years since our wedding; have a happy anniversary!


  • As we embark on year eleven of our marriage I want to thank you for being so understanding. When we started out, 11 years seemed like a long time to spend with one person. Turns out that it goes by very quickly and I’m happy for every single one of those days. I love you!


  • Been a while since I went on one of these… It’s been 11 years now, and every year you still crack me up. Remember that time we met? You were the one who winked at me first. Our first date was so much fun! I’ll never forget when you came back to my place that night. But those memories are priceless now because making them with you meant everything to me.


  • I love you so much and I just can’t stop thinking about you. You are my everything and I am so blessed to have you in my life. You have given me so much love, acceptance, support, and happiness that I could never give up on us. I know that our love will last a lifetime!


  • Dear hubby, Hon, honey, squeeze, and buddy. While I can’t believe it’s been 11 years of marriage I am so happy we are still together. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are my knight in shining armor who I love with all my heart. Happy 11th anniversary!


  • It has been 11 years since you smiled at me in the coffee shop after I spilled my coffee. I placed the order for today’s stamp, and the lettering on it read ’11th year anniversary. My heart jumped out of my chest when I saw that. God, how I love you.


  • I married you not only cause I like you but also because what else was there on the menu!? Happy anniversary my friend. May all the best things happen to you, come your way, and may all the bad things miss you!


  • It’s been 11 years that we have been together, in good times and bad, you were there. I remember the vows that we made and how silly I looked at the time. You make me laugh until the tears come, and cry until my heart is sore.


  • Happy anniversary! 11 years… wow! It seems like yesterday that we met in the mall food court and you asked me out, but it also seems like a lifetime ago. Either way, I want to thank you for hanging in there all these years. You’ve been an amazing support system and best friend. Here’s to ten more years… and many, many more.


  • I am grateful for 11 years and all the love, laughs, and tears. I’m proud that we’ve grown together, hand in hand, heart to heart – as friends, parents, and lovers. You are my soul mate! All good wishes for November 19th [date of your anniversary].


  • I brought you our 11th card because after 10 years we still have no idea what to write on them. Either way I love you and will always be grateful that you married into my family.


  • On the 11th year of our marriage, I could not imagine being happier. Thanks for putting up with my crazy days and always being on my side. Your love is my inspiration to be the best anyone could ever be.


  • 11 years ago, I was smitten by you. Eleven years on, I am still enchanted. Eleven years later my love for you has grown beyond what words could adequately describe. My darling wife, you have made me so happy!


  • So here it is, our 11th anniversary and I can’t help but think… where have the years gone? Who knew that 11 years ago we’d be celebrating this day side by side? 10 years ago we said “I do” forever, and you know what? Forever has been wonderful. I’m so glad I met you, fell in love with you, and married you. Here’s to many more wonderful years together!


  • Glad we didn’t give up, care to try again in another ten?! Happy 11th anniversary.”


  • Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday we were just kids and wanted nothing more than to be together, now 11 years later, two kids, and two cars later, you are still the most interesting person I’ve ever met! I love you now and always! You make my life complete.


  • 11 years ago today, I married my best friend. Thanks for still putting up with me, you old lush!


  • You are the 11th year of my marriage and I love every minute of it. You have made me happier than I have ever been before. You are my prince and I am your princess, there could never be another “11th” for me.


  • Dear George and Martha, I don’t know how to tell you this. But I’m in love with your daughter. By the way, she says she loves me too. Happy 11th anniversary!


  • Marrying you was the worst mistake I ever made. Thanks for leaving your family and moving in with mine. Here’s to 11 more years of being totally miserable.


  • Wow! That is pretty impressive, it’s been eleven years. You’re still here. Congrats! It seems like yesterday when you were eighteen, getting married in Vegas. The last few years were tough for you, now that you’ve matured, you’re not such a hot-head anymore. I’m glad to see that the constant fighting and drawing blood has come to an end—at least for now.


  • Today marks eleven years of marriage! Do you realize this milestone makes us older than dirt? I thought you were, to say the least. But here we are now and I couldn’t be happier to grow old with you. Your eyes sparkle when we see each other, your smile is contagious and your kindness is endless You make my heart race by just touching my face, it’s like a gentle whisper that reaches deep inside of me.


  • A little bit late, but Happy Anniversary! I can’t believe we’ve been married 11 years now. Where does the time go? I love you so much and I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. You make me a better person and bring so much joy to my life. I love you!


  • Happy 11th Anniversary! It’s not just a celebration…it’s a tradition. ___ years of bliss, activity, & adventure. I’m just beginning to see the signs of aging you! You’re aging well! Love, me


  • Staying married for eleven years can be challenging. Staying married to YOU makes it easy! I love you and look forward to the next sixty-one years together!


  • Dear husband, hurray, we have made it to 11 years. I hope you are as relieved as I am. See, I am quite ancient, of course you probably knew that. You are still young enough to be my grandchild, but who’s counting? I hope this makes up for the last 10 years… and I promise no more tears shed.


  • Here we are on our eleventh year of marriage. You know, the allure of our wedding day has finally worn off and I look at you as just another person in the house to bother on a daily basis. Hopefully, by this time next year, our divorce will be final and I can finally be rid of you!


  • I’ve had the privilege of being married to you for 11 years. There were a couple of times that I almost gave up, but then I realized that you were the best thing that ever happened to me. You have helped me grow as a person and have been there through every step of my life. Please, never leave me and continue to love me until we are old and grey. I love you with all my heart and soul.


  • How many times a year do you plan on celebrating our anniversary? I say 11! May 11th is the day we met, and then every month after that is also our wedding anniversary since every month we spend together is a cherished memory. You may want to reconsider this though, in 3 years we’ll take 18 vacation days to celebrate our honeymoon.


  • Our 10th anniversary has gone by so fast! It seems only yesterday you were surprising me with a 10 year anniversary gift. I can’t believe that today we are celebrating our 11th! Those 10 years went by so fast and I want them to slow down a bit, but 11 years is pretty fun too.


  • Happy Anniversary to my favorite person! For 11 years I have loved you and I’ll love you forever. Eleven years is just the beginning of our life together!


  • As we ready ourselves for our 11th wedding anniversary,I figured we’d reminisce a bit. You know how I learned about your old boyfriend Tim? I found his wedding invitation in the pocket of my suit jacket! And you can’t say that you never told me about your high school sweetheart James. Every year on our anniversary, you send your parents a picture of us from the same damn place.


  • Happy 11th Anniversary! Though you are a class act and this is just another typical “anniversary post”, I wanted to say how much I love you. I don’t know how we made it this far. Here’s to the next 11 years!


  • Happy 11’th anniversary, Jeff! I hope our love lasts longer than that goldfish that died before the altar.


  • It was 11 years ago today that we said, “I Do”, but don’t let that get you down, because as every great man once said…”The bologna has to go on sometime, sometime.”


  • I’ve been married to you 11 years now, and only once did I think of murdering you! It’s been good. The even years are great, the odd years… eh… it could be better. You’re aging better than I am, but I still have that youthful shine in my eyes.


  • Happy 11th anniversary, lover. The number 11 has some great significance this year since both of our ages add up to that amount, and you’re only 11 months older than me. You know—11 is a number of witches because there are 11 months in a year and a nature witch’s favorite time to gather important herbs is during the 12th month, or November. I don’t really have anything else to say right now since my brain has been turned into mush from being married to you for years.


  • 11 Years is quite an accomplishment, but when you add the two of us together, we’re a match made in heaven. Over the past 11 years I’ve come to learn that you are a rare treasure – indeed. I’m blessed to have you in my life and there’s nothing in this world that I would ever change about my sweet wife, who’s so smart and kind!


  • I think my husband should know that I’m madly in love with him and would marry him all over again! Happy anniversary to my dear husband!


  • The last 11 years have been nothing short of amazing. Rain or shine, good times and bad, there’s only one thing I can say about it all… I wouldn’t change a thing. Happy anniversary!


  • What better way to celebrate our 11 years of marriage than by sending you this card? Here’s a new word of advice…THIS has got to stop. You’ve been sending them ever since we were married, And they’re starting to pile up. I’m thinking that this should be our last one, maybe some flowers and dinner would do the trick. Put your cards away and let’s try to keep warm with each other instead. (lol)


  • Let’s be honest, the eleven years we’ve been together have been nothing short of fantastic! We’ve laughed and cried at the same things, debated about which is better out of two totally opposing things, and occasionally got into fights that usually turned into really nasty make-ups. I can’t wait to be married to you for another eleven years. Here’s to an amazing next eleven years!


  • You may be 11 years old, but you still look good! You’re the ultimate gift that keeps giving. I’ve been waiting for you all this time and I have finally gotten my wish. Happy anniversary my love, with lots more to come.


  • You’re the best, George! No one makes me laugh like you do – only you can see me in all my glory and still love me. I can’t imagine life without you, thanks for being my hilarious partner in crime! Happy 11th Anniversary!


  • Happy 11th anniversary, sweetie! You’ve grown from a kitten to a cat, but you still purr in my arms.


  • We’re celebrating 11 years of non-awful togetherness! Well, if you don’t count that 3-week stretch in ’97 where we were going to call it quits but then realized how expensive divorce was.

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