Funny How Did We Meet Facebook Status


Funny How Did We Meet Facebook Status: When two people meet for the first time, the stories they get to tell afterwards are always entertaining. What did you talk about? How were the greetings exchanged? Such encounters seem more relevant in this age of social networking, especially Facebook. In such a case, how did you and your partner ‘meet’? How did you break the ice with them?

Looking at people’s Facebook status on how did they meet their partner, you can see many funny things. This list will help you to choose the best status for your needs.


Funny How Did We Meet Facebook Status

  • How we met: He *accidentally* liked my profile pic from 3 years ago.


  • We were friends on Facebook, didn’t know we lived in the same city and just 6 km away from each other.


  • We met. We fell in love. We fought…a lot (haha). We were really good at fighting, actually. And then one day we decided to fight for our relationship instead. I’m so happy we did. Happy 2 years my love, who would’ve known that this is what the future had in store for us?


  • You came into my life at the perfect time and I wouldn’t even bat an eye if we had met earlier.


  • Remember when we met and you thought I was really attractive and witty? Yeah, me neither.


  • We met at a party. I asked what you did, and you replied “I’m a sugar addict.” It was love at first sight.


  • When we met, the only thing I wanted was to get away from you. Now, the only thing I want is to be close to you.


  • We both swiped right. 🙏


  • We met because I asked for directions, and you were no help at all.


  • On our first date, we went to IKEA and I thought it was a house 😂🏡


  • When you finally find a friend who can talk about poop for hours at a time. #bestdayever


  • The day we met was a good day, just not for the planets.


  • You know you’re my favorite when I use your Netflix.


  • Thank you for being the reason I look down at my phone and smile. Then walk into a pole.


  • ‘I don’t even remember how we met on Facebook, but I’m glad we did!’


  • We met because I liked your photo. You friended me because you thought I was hot. Now we’re married because we clicked.


  • We met on Facebook when nobody else was around, but I deleted my account so we could have more private time together.


  • We Met. We Laughed. We Fell in Love


  • When we met, I didn’t know what destiny had in store for me. A few moments with you made me feel like we have known each other forever.


  • I just met you and this is crazy, but here’s my number so call me maybe?


  • Remember that time we met? I’m pretty sure it was love at first sight.


  • The moment we met.


  • That time I asked some rando on Facebook to go to the movies with me and now we’re married. #stillbetterthanplentyoffish


  • We haven’t been friends for that long, but it feels like I’ve known you forever.


  • You stole my heart before I could even realize it.


  • Our aim is to post funny images and videos, along with a caption.


  • You were drunk, I was hungry.


  • Honeymoon phase: what we have. Honeymoon suite: what you’ll never be able to afford.


  • How did we meet? Oh, that’s a long story, you know I like to tell it.


  • I don’t know how we met or why we did. But I’m glad that we did cause it changed our lives.


  • School, work, gym—not sure how we met (we’re not judging your memory). But happy we did!


  • We met on Tinder. And then we fell in love


  • We met when you walked into my life, and I couldn’t be more thankful.


  • When we met, I knew I was in trouble and he can never fathom how much trouble I was.


  • We started as strangers, then strangers with benefits, and then best friends.


  • If we weren’t friends on Facebook, you probably wouldn’t even know my middle name.


  • We matched on a dating site.


  • We came across each other by chance, and those changes were million to one. But it was something that we wanted, didn’t even know we needed.


  • Swiped right on someone who loved dogs as much as I do


  • That awkward moment when you’re staring at your phone and missing the joke everyone else is laughing at.


  • You stole a pizza my heart, let’s get delivery.


  • We started from the bottom now we’re here.


  • This is the story of how we met, who will start?


  • By way of the internet, we met.


  • What’s that? Oh, just the same guy who crept on my Tinder profile and then matched with me on Bumble. How do you think we met, Einstein?


  • When I look back to the day we met, I realize it was the best thing that has happened to me.


  • Sarah and I met on Bumble. She was on it to make friends, while I was there to find a date.


  • Remember that time when you ran into my car and then we married? 😁


  • When you’re so attracted to someone, even their flaws are cute.


  • You’ll always be my first, my last, and everything in between.


  • By swiping right.


  • Met this guy when we were both lost. He was in a new area and I… well, it’s not the first time I got lost following Google maps. #success


  • Sometimes I think they were shooting a movie, and we just happened to be in the shot.


  • I really need someone to tell me how many more times I have to like your status before we go from strangers to friends.


  • We met on an app, we clicked on a screen & our love blossomed through a series of texts.


  • We didn’t meet in a bar or in a club, That was not where it was at. We didn’t meet when we were both drunk, That wasn’t like us! We met at our local supermarket, I was there buying my favorite food And you were there getting some too!


  • We just met, but I already like how your mind works.


  • Co-workers until we realized we were soulmates 👯‍♀️


  • I love how we always find each other in every bar around town.


  • We met at a point where I was tired of meeting the wrong people, and you were tired of trying to get rid of the wrong people. It was meant to be, or maybe it wasn’t.


  • Pretty sure the whole first date conversation was us talking over the waiter.


  • If you ever run into me at a stoplight, take it as a sign that we need to get together.


  • Facebook thought we should be friends. This is weird, since I’ve never liked anything you’ve posted 😜


  • We went to high school together, but it took a global pandemic to get us to hang out. I’m blaming you for the long wait.


  • If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to tell you that I love you.


  • Our story began with a chance meeting on a crowded bus in the very heart of India.


  • You know who I am, you know what I want. Even if the world is falling apart, with you things will feel like they are back together.


  • long story short, we met on tinder.


  • It was fate that we met. Well, and the fact that I also spent all of my time at the same coffee shop as you.


  • We met on Facebook, it was love at first like.


  • We met because I dropped my book in front of you, but we became friends because when we talked, I forgot I was holding it. – Unknown


  • When we met, I knew it was love at first fight.


  • How Romantic (1) 1st Boy: I Love You. 2nd Boy: I Love You Too. Then they became Friends. (2) 1st Girl: I Love You. 2nd Girl: I know. And then they became Best Friends!


  • Today in 2011, I met my best friend. And now, I couldn’t imagine a day without he/she


  • We met in an elevator, I got on and it went down.🛥


  • If I didn’t find you, who would I make fun of?


  • I don’t know why but when you stand in front of me, my world stops and I get lost in your eyes.


  • I didn’t know what I was missing until I found you


  • The moment you realize you have way too many shoes but 1,000 more pairs wouldn’t be enough. 👡😍


  • I can’t help but wonder which one of us is the bad influence.


  • How did we meet? Well, it’s a long story…


  • We met, we were best friends, we are married and we will be with each other forever.


  • Long story short, we met on Facebook.


  • When I met you, my life changed forever. You were there for me when no one else was…when I needed you the most. The times when I felt sad and upset, you always seemed to know the perfect thing to say to make me feel better…and the times when I had good news, you were right there happy with me.


  • The person you met at the Starbucks line and texted for 3 days trying to figure out your order


  • I had never imagined in my wildest dreams that I will have friend like you. Thanks for being a part of my life.


  • “We’re like the cutest thing to ever happen to people who don’t like cheesy stuff.


  • We met in class on the first day of school. You passed me a note and said “What’s your name?”


  • I’m pretty sure that you put a curse on me because I can’t stop thinking about you


  • “We were acquaintances. We were friends. We were lovers. And now we are strangers.”


  • We all start as strangers. And if we’re lucky, we might not stay that way.


  • I remember being at the bar, happy that my friend was actually paying for a drink for once. Then I realized she ordered me a shot and threw it in my face. How legit is that?


  • I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you. Among other things, I’d have to walk my own dog and support myself financially.


  • How did we meet? I wish I could say it was love at first sight, but it actually happened while you were offline.


  • We met when you liked my status!


  • The real question is, how did we ever not meet?.


  • We met on Facebook, so it’s only fitting that we should celebrate our anniversary on Facebook, too. Happy Birthday to the woman who makes me smile even when I’m sick of looking at a computer all day!


  • Let me tell you a love story. Once upon a time in college, I met a boy that I really liked and one day I got really drunk, so drunk I could barely function my fingers to text him.


  • My Facebook status used to say, “Single and ready to mingle.” My friends changed it to read, “In a relationship with pizza.”


  • We met because of a negative on a pregnancy test, so I guess we’re all about surprises!


  • We’re so glad we matched on Tinder!


  • “I wish we were friends in our previous life, so that I could find you sooner and love you longer.”


  • I know it’s fate, I swear we could have never planned this.


  • Sometimes it’s the people you can’t stand who are the key to your heart. 💗💗


  • There are some people who will enter our lives and leave footprints on our hearts. Of course, you can’t see them but we know they’re there.


  • There’s a guy on my street that walks to work in a suit everyday, so I bought a bikini and car just so I could pass him by.

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