Funny Instagram Captions With Parents

Funny Instagram Captions With Parents: Parents are the funniest people in the world. I bet you know at least one person who has a great sense of humor and is also a parent. And if you do it just shows that parents aren’t only responsible for taking care of children, but they have great humor as well. Because of that Funny Instagram Captions With Parents are trending everywhere on social media.


  Funny Instagram Captions With Parents

  • Telling your kids to get off their phones and be a kid, so you can get on your phone and be an adult #WhosRaisingWho


  • You know you’re a parent when the only time you feel stylish is when you have your kids’ yogurt on your shirt. 🍦


  • Parents: Don’t let your kids grow up to be influencers.


  • “The only thing better than having you as my mom is my children having you as a grandma.” – Unknown


  • “I just want to thank my parents for making me an amazing person. And my grandparents, because they made my parents amazing.”


  • It’s hard to be humble when you’re as amazing as my child! 😍


  • I love my children with all my heart, but they are certainly a handful. I mean, they’re so good at keeping me active and busy that I’ve yet to have time to iron my pants. 🤣


  • I don’t always dress my kid up for a photo shoot, but when I do…


  • “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” – Unknown


  • Parents don’t understand that a cup of coffee should be strong enough to eat the spoon.


  • The first time I met my wife, I knew she was a keeper. She was wearing massive gloves.


  • “Whoever said you can’t buy happiness forgot little puppies.”


  • Fall into a pile of leaves and pretend you got attacked by a bear.


  • Parents always rely on their child’s Snapchat to know what’s going on in their lives.


  • The best thing about being a parent is that you can be immature and no one calls you on it. Win!


  • if we can’t beat them, join them. 😍 #parenting


  • When your teens start turning out more mature than you.


  • My parents were so cool that they let me live with them until I was 42. 😎


  • Dad, You are my superhero. Thanks for giving me a sense of humor that has helped me deal with the most complex things in life.


  • Dear moms and dads out there, please remember that you were once kids yourself. And you turned out fine. 😉😜


  • I never thought I’d be a cool parent until I had kids.


  • If you’re lucky enough to be a kid, then have fun until bed. 💤😴


  • A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again.


  • I think I’m really funny 24/7 but I’ve said funny things around my parents and they just stare at me lol


  • Parenthood: where you spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk, and the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.


  • My parents gave me a DNA test. So I’m pretty sure I’m a human.


  • Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with lots of nuts


  • It’s not that I wanted to be a single mom, it’s that I don’t want to be with your father anymore.


  • The real reason my family loves having me home for the holidays is that I do all the cooking.


  • You were the chosen one, kid. You were supposed to bring balance to the family, not leave your socks on the floor.


  • The only place I find a quiet spot is in the bathroom with the door shut!


  • Some days, you just have to create your sunshine.


  • We tried to be good parents, but we ended up with you. We’ll call that a win-win.


  • Parenting means always having to say you’re sorry. 😜


  • Parenting is like coffee. The earlier you have it, the more you need it.


  • If you’re not following my mom on Instagram, you’re losing.


  • Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane


  • I don’t know how I made it through that day. Being a parent can be tough! 😉


  • I am not spoiled. My parents just love me


  • Mommy’s little bundle of joy is more like a bundle of love.


  • Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks for putting up with me all these years.


  • Parents just don’t understand.


  • The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.


  • The only thing that should be in your lunchbox is our sweet treats.


  • If ‘fear of missing out’ were an Olympic sport, my parents would win the world championship.


  • Parenting: if you’re not laughing, you’re crying.


  • When you’re so tired you don’t even feel like a parent anymore.


  • Parenting is like going to the dentist, you’re only as happy as your least happy child.


  • The only thing better than having you as my mom is my children having you as a grandma.


  • Parenting is the most difficult job on earth.


  • Everyone has a friend at work that makes them laugh. Mine just happens to be my mom.


  • If parenting was easy, it would be called your mom


  • Dear Mom, thanks for being the glue that holds us all together. Sincerely, your children and grandchildren.


  • Parenting is all about survival, not perfection.


  • The best thing about being a parent is getting to relive all the things you loved as a kid through your kids.


  • Parenting has turned me into a person I never knew existed. 😂


  • Parenting is a lot like the weather—mostly sunny with a chance of meatballs.


  • Mom, I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together forever.


  • Me, walking through the park at 7 am to get ahead of the crowds: a cool mom.


  • The most pain I’ve ever been in was when my parents told me to stop making that weird smell. 😂


  • To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.


  • I can’t wait until someone pulls up next to me, rolls down their window, and says “What the hell is that?” 🙄


  • My parents used to say ‘be the person your dog thinks you are.’ I finally figured out why they told me that.


  • Alert: today we are not awesome parents. We are just parents, and we may be a little tired.


  • Alert: today we are not awesome parents. We are just parents and we may be a little tired of being awesome.


  • We’re not awesome parents today. We are just parents – and we are a bit exhausting. It’s okay, we’ll be fine.


  • We might not be awesome parents today, but that’s okay. Tired can be good. We need to sleep.


  • The reality is that today we are just parents. We’ve had a long day and we are tired. And sometimes, even if we only have one child, we make mistakes and get frustrated.


  • We shall not apologize for our life choices. We are proud parents of three beautiful children.


  • This is our chance to practice discipline. So that we can have more awesome moments in the future.’


  • Hey, Sleepyhead! Time to rise and shine.


  • Let’s go out there and make the most of this precious time!


  • We know we have the world’s most amazing humans.


  • You’ll be able to break all of the rules once you become a parent.


  • My parent’s favorite child is my younger sibling.


  • My younger sibling is my parent’s favorite child.


  • My parent’s only child is my younger sibling.


  • My younger sibling is my parent’s favorite.


  • I’m my parent’s favorite child.


  • My parents like my younger sibling better than they like me.


  • No one loves my younger sibling more than my parents. Now that I’m an adult, it’s easier to admit the obvious fact that my sibling is their favorite.


  • I am a child. I am the youngest of two siblings. Compared to my older sibling, I am more favored by my parents.


  • Your family loves you, but they love your younger sibling more.


  • Everyone’s favorite sibling is my younger brother.


  • I am your favorite child.


  • Let’s call it what it is… I’m your favorite child.


  • Let’s take over the world, one coffee at a time.


  • The only experience I’ve had with babies is changing diapers, & that’s why I’ve never changed a diaper.


  • The best thing about me is being a parent. ✨


  • Dear Mom, I promise to take care of your baby as much as you took care of me. Love, Your Baby


  • When I was ready to grow up, I became a parent.


  • This is how parents get out of a one-on-one with their toddler: “Mommy, Mommy!”


  • Parenting is a lot like peeing yourself. It feels warm at first, but then it turns cold.


  • To all the other moms and dads out there who haven’t slept in three years, hang in there.


  • When kids are wearing their clothes and eating food you paid for, but don’t have to do any of the parenting.


  • When your parents tell you that you don’t think about them enough.


  • Parenting: No one is ever prepared until they do it, and then hey, you sort of figure it out as you go along.


  • Parenting is easy, it’s like riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire and you’re on fire, and everything is on fire.


  • The last time I bathed my kids, they ate all the bubbles.


  • Behind every sassy girl with a mouthful of swear words are parents who taught her how to use them.


  • Your parents have been together for years, so it’s only natural that your mom has some hilarious one-liners from time to time.


  • I have a dream. I want my children to be just like me. Except successful, patient, and organized.


  • The last time I was this excited about laundry was the day we bought a washing machine.


  • My parents are so cute and like to meet people. If you’re going to be in their area, they would love to have you come over for a playdate.


  • My parents are so cute and like to meet people. If you’re going to be in their area, today might be the last day you can play with them.


  • My parents love to meet interesting people. If you’re going to be in the area, they would love to have you over for a playdate.


  • My parents are amazing. They love to meet new people, so if you’re going to be in their area, they would love to have you over for a playdate.


  • My parents are super friendly and love to make new acquaintances. If you’re ever in their area, they would love to have you over and get to know you better.


  • My parents LOVE meeting new people and would love to host you on your first visit to our area.


  • My parents want to meet you. They can’t wait to meet your family and show them all of the fun they could have together


  • Swipe right to meet their parents. They are awesome and would love to see you!


  • If you love kids and feel comfortable around dogs, please come play with my parents!


  • Do you want to meet my mom and dad? You should treat them as if they’re your parents.


  • I’ll make this simple. You are going to love my folks and they’re going to love you.


  • Do you have a mobile phone? They will use it to send you texts and receive calls from you.


  • Parenting is easy—just ask anyone who doesn’t have kids.


  • One day, my kids are going to ask me for the wifi password and I will just hand them a shovel and say, “Go outside and earn it.”


  • If you’re a parent, put down your phone and play with your kids.


  • If you care about your kids, put down your phone and play with them.


  • Put down your phone and play with your kids!


  • Put down your phone and play with your children.


  • Do you want to be an amazing parent? Then forget about your phone and play with your kids.


  • Look at your children. Don’t rely on them to give you cues to play with them – just play.


  • Put away your phone and connect with your family.


  • It’s simple. You should always spend time with your kids. Play cards, go biking, and make them feel loved.


  • Step away from your screen, and spend time with your family.


  • Stop scrolling. Your kids need you.


  • Tell us your story. Share a short, powerful story about how playing with your children has changed their lives. We will award the best stories with a toy.


  • Stop feeling guilty. There’s a better way to raise a healthy, happy child.


  • The best thing about being a parent is seeing their smiles, their laughs, and all the fun you have with them!


  • Feeling like we’re winning at this whole parent thing, then a piece of lego hits me in the foot. #parenting


  • Parenting: Where you spend the first years of your child’s life teaching them how to walk and talk. Then, they spend the next 16 years telling you to sit down and shut up.


  • Kids are like farts. You have to put up with your own, but other people always smell better.


  • I’m only being nice to you because my mom taught me to be kind.


  • The only thing better than having you as my mom is my children having you as a grandma.


  • You will never know true happiness until you have a kid that can’t count to twenty.


  • Parents: Don’t forget to record on the same camera so your memories can live on the same device.


  • Early mornings and late nights together at last! It’s time for our parents’ weekend!


  • Doing something I haven’t done before. Becoming a parent.


  • One day, my parents will realize that I’ll be a star. Until then, can I have your autograph?


  • My parents were strict, but my grandfather was the one who disciplined me. He gave me swats, too.


  • Always remember, no matter how old you are… your parents are still older than you 🌻


  • Parenting is like a world-class roller coaster ride. It’s incredibly fun and wildly exciting, but it’s also filled with moments of sheer terror.


  • Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare. ☀🍂


  • Your parents may not be happy at first, but they will approve of your joke.


  • Don’t worry, I don’t want to play with your children.


  • “Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.” — Unknown


  • When you want to play with your parents but they won’t stop working😒.


  • Ain’t no party like a mom and dad party because they literally can’t even.


  • The best thing in life is having a family who loves you unconditionally and parents who protect you from the monsters under your bed.


  • Parenting is so hard… They should give out diplomas for this.


  • Happiness is being a parent and hearing your kids say, “I’m bored!”


  • Parenting is like driving on a tightrope at night during a thunderstorm with no safety net. LOL


  • Have you ever watched your parents sleeping and thought, ‘Wow, I’ve made some bad life choices?’


  • Dear Mom and Dad, if you can’t let me handle my own Instagram account, I’m going to need a much bigger allowance


  • My mom’s favorite part of being a parent was the payback. Now that I’m a father, I know what she means.


  • Parents are like God. You want to know they’re out there, and you want them to think well of you, but you only call when you need something.


  • We know you love us, parents. Even if you don’t always like us.


  • When you’re in a parenting group talking about potty training and someone says “My kid just out of the blue decided to potty train!” And then all the other parents are like, “LOL what a random coincidence.”


  • You don’t have to be a perfect parent to raise a perfect child🤫


  • When your parents say, “We’re going to spend more time together.”


  • For a parent, the time between naps is like the eye of a hurricane. You know it’s coming & all you can do is wait.


  • Raising babies is exhausting. Becoming a parent improves your relationship with your mom.


  • I was better before I had kids. And before I got married too, for that matter. #parenting


  • I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.


  • Whoever said parenting would be easy, they were lying. Whoever said it would be worth it, they weren’t lying.


  • If you post pictures of your children on Facebook, you’re framing them and putting them on the wall.


  • Posting pics of your kids on Facebook is the same as framing them and putting them up on a wall.


  • When parents post pictures of their kids on Facebook, they are framing and mounting those pictures for all the world to see.


  • What if I told you that every time you post a picture of your kid on Facebook, you’re practically hanging it up on the wall?


  • Parents who post pictures of their kids on Facebook are WRONG. It’s abuse, and it’s time to put an end to it.


  • If you post a photo of your kid on Facebook, you’re putting it on display for everyone to see.


  • Despite the risks, parents continue to post photos of their children on Facebook.


  • Your kids don’t want you to post their every move. It’s just not cool. And it makes them cringe.


  • Facebook is the place to see your kids looking cute.


  • Now that you’ve exposed your kids on social media, there’s no place for them to hide. Literally.


  • Dear parents, thank you for giving me the best things in life: Your time, your care, and your sense of humor. Love, your favorite child


  • Parents, I know you’re busy. I know you’re stressed. I know it’s not always easy to find time for yourself. But thank you for giving me the best things in life: your time, your love, and your sense of humor.


  • Parents, thank you for these valuable gifts: time, love, and of course, a sense of humor. You’re the best! Love, your favorite child


  • Mom and Dad, thank you for your time, care, love, and laughter.


  • Dear parents, you always went out of your way to make sure I was happy. Even when I didn’t express my appreciation. I just wanted to say how much that meant to me on this special day.


  • Dear parents, thank you for always being there for me. I love you.


  • Thanks for giving me your time, and your great sense of humor. Your favorite child


  • Thank you, mom and dad, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.


  • Thank you for all the incredible things you do! I have the best parents in the whole world!


  • Wishing the dad who doesn’t help with the kids, but thinks he does, a happy Father’s Day. 💕


  • If you love your kids, don’t drink and drive — or text and drive or Facetime and drive.


  • Being a mother is wanting to hug and strangle your kids at the same time.


  • Raising a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You better be committed.


  • First time in public without kids? Don’t forget to put on pants.


  • Is it just me or do my kids get way more excited about snack time than anything else?


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