God Please Save the World Quotes  

Everyone has his own belief and faith. Those who believe in God usually quote some holy places or people to support their point of views. In this article, some messages are given to readers who need faith and hope so that they can get a better life.

There are a lot of people who need your prayers for their own personal reasons. Finding the right words to pray for them may be challenging especially when you’re not too good at asking. But there are many different quotes that might help you. which we have compiled below for you.

God Please Save the World Quotes

  • God, save the world. Save it from unkindness and lies. Save it from savagery, greed, and waste. God, save us all.


  • The world is full of problems; we are blind to them. God, help us open our eyes now. We need your guidance to help make the world a better place, where people don’t suffer more and more every day just to survive because they have no support.


  • Let’s be honest, it’s all going to end in flames anyway. So all we can do is, live our lives and take joy in all the little things. What a great day to be alive!


  • God, please save the world from the hands of lustful everyday men and women.


  • God please save us from the things that make us feel alone. We want to feel connected to you but distraction and addiction are getting in the way.


  • Dear God, save our oceans and all of the life within—show us your miracles in places we never thought to look.


  • God please save us from these storms and help those who are suffering #godbless


  • Save our world from the evil people, who are destroying it. Help us to make our world a better place to live.


  • Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.


  • Dear God, save humanity from its collective ignorance and indifference.


  • God, I’m so grateful to be alive at this time in history. Especially when the forces of evil are being subdued.


  • ‘Cause the world can be cold and lonely without your soul mate by your side, baby. And nobody else will do.


  • I just want to be the one to wake you up with a kiss and say good morning. Good Morning my love.


  • We pray for a world without borders, without prejudice, and without suffering. A world where love guides the way like a light in the darkness.


  • God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.🙏


  • Let’s bring people together, help each other through difficult times and make our world a better place. God, please save the world.


  • God, save the world. We are your children, and you love us as you do all of your children.


  • Let’s pray. Let’s open our hearts and minds to the possibility that we can live in a world where everyone is happy, healthy, and free…


  • May the stars carry your sadness away, May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe out the darkness.


  • God, please save the world from fakes and fraudsters. The Good Lord will use our strength to go on.


  • God, please save our world. We are incapable of doing it ourselves.


  • God, please save us from the madness of people who politicize tragedy for their agenda.


  • I love this earth. I love the trees, the flowers, all animals and little creatures. I believe that what God has created is good and that we must be good stewards of all God’s gifts.


  • We have not even begun to imagine the full impact of God’s amazing creations.


  • With all the evil in this world, I have to believe that there is some good. God, please save the world …


  • May the world be filled with good people who love, laugh, and enjoy life.


  • Don’t pray for an easy life. Pray for strength, courage, and wisdom to endure a difficult one.


  • When the sun rises, when the sunsets. When the world spins when it all crashes down. I am always thinking of you.


  • God, please save the world from self-destruction, injustice, and falsehood.


  • Lord, please save the world. We need you in this hour and we must do our part. 🙏


  • #ClimateChange is here. Save the world, God, please!!!


  • I’m sending up prayers for everyone affected by the devastating floods in NC. Stay safe and know that you’re in my thoughts. ❤️


  • Let us walk in the light of your love, God. Help us to love each other, as you have loved us.


  • God, please save the world, because you’re all I’ve got.


  • God, please save the world and all its beauty, because you are my everything.


  • God, please save the world from people who are just not good-natured, God give me strength to bear with all the bullshit in my life, God makes everything beautiful in its time…


  • God, please save the world from a fire 😔


  • Dear God, save our world. Save us from ourselves. Give us a greater vision of who we are and what we can be.


  • We are the only ones left who can save this world. Let’s do it for the future generation!


  • God, save the drowning one. Save the one who does not have it all together. God save the ones who are lost and alone. Let them know you love them through your grace & through your kindness.


  • Lord let me remember the things I forgot, forgive the things I should not have done, and help me to accept all that I cannot change.


  • God, please save the world from the humans and their selves.


  • Today is a good day to save the world, isn’t it? God please save us all.


  • We need you God with great urgency. Please save our planet and preserve the human race.


  • I pray that you will restore the joy of your salvation to all people—to every man and woman, to every boy and girl. God, our people need your help and protection now!


  • God, please save the world from self-centered people. They are everywhere and there is so much hate. Please forgive us.


  • God, please save the world. And if you can’t do that, at least help me pass this test


  • God please save the world, Please bird watch and be kind to other people


  • God, please save the world, we all are very afraid of you.


  • GOD, please save the world from itself. We are watching you, so please just do something and do it better than last time.


  • Pray that we can stop the violence and injustice in this world. God Save the World.


  • God, please save me from the people that have no idea how to get my attention when I am in a meeting. This one thing is all I ask of you. God answers my prayers with this feat, amen.


  • Lord, send us a hero. We’re gonna need a superhero to save us from all this madness.


  • I hope that you can find the strength to fight for what’s right, God. I know that you will save us all.


  • May the Angels Protect You, The Saints Receive You, And Heaven Accept You. May Peace Be Always With You.


  • We’re all looking for a savior these days, but remember: we’ve got some work to do ourselves. Be the change you want to see in the world.


  • I bow my head and whisper a prayer. When I open my eyes there’s a miracle before me.


  • Sending prayers to those affected by #hurricaneharvey, the #uswomensopen, and all those suffering from any kind of loss or harm.


  • We give thanks to God the father, who has made us worthy to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.


  • God, please save the world. I don’t know if it deserves to be saved, but we do.


  • My hands are tiny, but my heart is very big. I am trying to make the world a better place. Please help me. We all need you.


  • God, please save the world. I am tired of people offending Your spirit every day. They know better but choose not to listen to You. May they know how precious life is and let go of things that would make their journey here a misery.


  • Protect us from the evils that lurk in this world so we can create a better future for ourselves and our children.


  • Praying for all the beautiful souls who are suffering from the devastating California wildfires.


  • God, please save the world I can’t take it anymore. A tragic and sensitive caption that mentions the world being in a state of chaos and that we need help to pull through.


  • God, please save the world from all the bad people we have been taught to believe in.


  • God please save us all who were lost in the world’s darkness. Let your light shine upon each of us.


  • Things to remind everyone that it is not a matter of if God will save the world but when.


  • The world is a beautiful place. Thank you for creating it and everything in it. I pray that we all protect it, both big things and little things.


  • You are God and you can do anything. You have the power to change things. Speak life, bless others, and forgive others.


  • God, please save the world, and protect us and our beloved ones. We are missing you today…


  • ​It’s not your time. It’s not your place. You have work to do on this earth. Don’t let yourself be distracted from your path. God, please save the world!


  • Even though things sometimes get tough, it’s a time to come together as one #godblesstheworld


  • Lord, save our world from the troubles we face. Help us with your grace and mercy.


  • As the rain falls on my face, I pray to God that you’ll find peace in your heart & forget about all the pain and sorrow.


  • We’re not politicians, we’re not brain surgeons, we’re high-school students. But on November 6th our generation could save the world. Let’s make it happen.


  • God, please save the world. It’s such a beautiful place. & we just have to make it a better home for the kids.


  • God, please save the world from climate change. Save our people who live in the poor areas of the world. Protect them from famine and death. I pray that we all would have safer life in a peaceful world. #prayforworld


  • God saves us from our hope and desire to be something and someone else. Help us to be grateful for who we are.


  • We are all called to respect the human rights of others. The most effective way to combat hatred is by offering hope, not hate.


  • God, please save the world. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, now there’s this #hurricanesandy thing. ☔


  • God, please save the world from hate, don’t let the broken hearts of yesterday become the leaders of tomorrow.


  • God, please save the world. The oceans are rising and so are we. If we don’t get our act together, we’ll drown too.


  • From the Bible to the Quran, it’s a wonderful thing when our faiths align. God, save the world.


  • We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.


  • God, please save the world from hurt and pain, and evil. Help us be your hands, your feet, your voice.


  • God, please save the world, because I’m busy saving myself… and I can’t do it without you.


  • God, please save the world…because I can’t. I don’t know how to do it alone!


  • Give us the strength to change the things we can, the grace to accept the things we cannot, and a great big hug when we need it most.


  • God, please save the world from self-absorbed people. God, if it’s not too much trouble, could you pretty please change that person’s heart. Thanks!


  • I just want to save the world one person at a time. Everyone has problems, that’s what makes us human.


  • Thank you for saving my life today. I don’t know how I would have made it through this one without you. #BeTheChange


  • God, please save the world, but if you can’t at least save my girl. Please don’t take her away from me.


  • God, please save the world from evil. Let all be peaceful, love, and harmonious.


  • I don’t care about the latest celebrity viral news, nor the Kardashians. I care about this world we live in. God please save us all.


  • God please save us all from the incoming firestorm of madness. Protect those in the path, and quench the flames of hatred.


  • We need God more than ever—to save our souls and to save our world. —Pastor Rick Warren #godblessusall


  • God, please save the world, I know you’re doing a good job but it wouldn’t hurt if you sped up a bit 😛🙏


  • God, please save the world from nuclear war and climate change. May we always remember to treat each other with respect and love, even when we disagree.


  • God, please save us from ourselves. They say we are God’s children but sometimes I question that.


  • Help us not only to be your hands and feet but also your heart and voice in the world


  • Lord, please save us. Help us to be loving and compassionate towards each other. Please save the world from hate.


  • Please God save my planet. Save our future. Save the coming generations from this terrible living world.


  • God, please save all the poor animals before it is too late, and we need to save them from all the horrible things that are happening, like pollution and other bad things.


  • That’s why I’m saying, let’s take a minute, lay back, and try to see the place where we all meet.


  • Dear God, please save the world from people who don’t believe in you.


  • God, please save our world. Restore the beauty of this land and make it shine bright as a star for all to see.♥︎


  • Oh god, please save the world from the people who are trying to destroy it.


  • We are praying to the universe that we will have a planet left by the time our kids need it.


  • Dear God, please save the world. And if you can’t do that, at least save me a slice of pumpkin pie.


  • Dear God, save us from the hell that we have created on this planet earth now, and keep us in your mercy.


  • Thank you for the countless blessings and goodness that you send my way. May all your other children be as blessed as I am.


  • May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, and give you peace.


  • Please Lord help me to always be a good person and do my best in all that I do


  • Every day I still thank God for giving us the ability to breathe, eat and sleep without any single excuse.


  • Prayer changes things. Pray hard enough, long enough, and with enough faith, it will change things.


  • God, please save the world from people who are different from you God, they’re just like you under the skin.


  • I have never prayed for this before, but I’m begging you please save the world.


  • If we could all just stop for a moment to take in the sights, smells, and sounds of this world, it would be a better place.


  • Dear God, forgive us for the way we treat our planet. We are sorry for our greed and sloth. We are sorry for the destruction we have caused. We need your help to heal our planet and clean up this mess we have created. Dear God, save the world, please.


  • God, please save the world. We don’t have too much time left.


  • God, please save the world before the devil realizes we’re not coming back.


  • God, please save the world. All is falling apart. God please come and make us whole again.


  • Lord please save us all from the inner demons. God, please take my hand


  • Be the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.


  • God, please save the world, From itself and the deceitful ones.


  • God, please save the world. The light you give me to see, let it shine on everyone. #godbless


  • God, please save the world from people who enjoy every minute of their lives.


  • God, please save the world. Help us stop this insane fight. Help us resolve our differences and heal our wounds. Let’s start anew, with love in our hearts.


  • Lord, please save America and the world. I pray that you soften their hearts and give them your wisdom, even in their confusion.


  • Let us pray that the world may know peace and that its people may find a way to live together with love.


  • As long as each flower blooms and each bird sings a song in spring,  God will not fail us.


  • God, please save the world. God please save us all. From all of this evil. May you bless the children of Syria and end this suffering soon.


  • God, save the world for my children’s sake. And for our own sake too, lest we destroy all that is beautiful and joyful.


  • Lord, save the world from this never-ending winter. And please forgive me for all my sins.


  • While the world melts down, let’s remember that we are being called to be the ones who change it.


  • As we pray for those affected by hurricanes, flooding, and earthquakes, may we all hold them close to our hearts?


  • God, please save the world today,  God, let your mercy rain down.   Save all those who are drowning today.   God, hold every one of us close to you.   So we can stand strong together when the waters rise over our heads.


  • You can’t save a world that doesn’t want to be saved. All we can do is hope, pray, and fight like hell.


  • Lord, please save our Earth, for it is our home and we are its people. God Bless all of you!


  • When people are being moved by a purpose greater than themselves, they become unstoppable


  • Lord, let your love shine upon this place. Let it be a light upon the path of all who come here, and let it be reflected in all who leave.


  • Lord, please save the world today. It’s in dire need of your saving grace. 🙏 #godbless


  • God, save the world. It’s such a beautiful place. We were gifted such a beautiful place.


  • Lord, please save the world. Please preserve the earth. Save our environment, Lord. We’re in your hands. You’re so gracious. I call upon you to spare us from all danger and protect us from all trials.


  • When the going gets tough, remember: you have someone watching over you. #godblessyou

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