Good morning sunshine quotes are a great way to start the day. Make that special person smile today by sending him or her one of these romantic good morning quotes.
Good Morning Sunshine Quotes
- Good Morning Sunshine and My Love. Good morning to you, my princess. I can’t wait to see that beautiful face in a few hours! It will be a special day for me because you are in it! You’ve brought so much light into my life, and I just love you dearly!
- Good morning, my sunshine! I hope your day is sunny and bright! By the time you read this, I’ll be on my way to work, but don’t fret! I will see you tonight, and we can spend the evening together. It’s been another long six days without you in my arms, but I promise to tell you I love you as soon as I see you!
- Do you know why I love mornings so much? It’s because it gives me an excuse to kiss my sunshine good morning. I love you, lover!
- Good morning sunshine. I hope you have a wonderful day. I would tell you this in person, but I don’t want to wake you up. Don’t worry, it is early, and so you should be waking up soon. Be sure to check your phone messages when you get up!
- Morning Sunshine! You are amazing. You’ve got big brown eyes, and when you stare into mine, I feel like I could lose myself in them. Your skin is perfect, smooth, and soft, and it reminds me of the way silk feels. When your lips touch me, my whole body aches to be closer to you. Every time I see a goofy or cute girl, she reminds me of you and makes me miss your silly smile. All day when I’m working
- Good morning my love. May you have the most pleasant day with lots of sunshine on your side. I love you so much! Have a beautiful day.
- Good morning to the one person who gives me a reason to smile every day. Good morning to my sunshine. I love you, sweetheart.
- I love you, my miracle man. Good morning sunshine! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will forever try my hardest to make sure you’re always happy and never sad. I love you so much, my very own ray of sunshine.
- Good morning my sunshine, and good morning to you too. It’s another day to love and to cherish the one that you hold dear to your heart.
- My sunshine loves me, and I love her. We got into a huge fight the other day, and in the end, there were tears. It’s reassuring when a short time later, we find peace together and let go of all the stress. Sunshine, don’t be scared; I’ll always be here to hold you tight. All those fancy words that they use just don’t quite describe how much I LOVE you.
- I love you. My heart belongs to you, and it always will. You are my sunshine. I cannot live without you by my side, and you make me complete.
- Good morning my love. I just want to let you that I have fallen madly in love with you. You are my everything, and without you, I am nothing.
- I just thought of saying good morning to the most amazing woman in my life. I love you, and I am looking forward to seeing you today. Have a great day, sweetie!

Good Morning Sunshine Quotes for Her
- Good morning my sunshine! From the moment I wake up until I fall asleep, you are never far from my mind. I miss you so much when we are apart, and I can’t wait for the day when you are no longer miles away but holding me in your arms. Good morning my love!
- Good morning my sunshine. It’s a beautiful day as I think of you, and how lucky I am to enjoy it with someone as great as you are. Even though times can change, one thing will always remain constant: I will always love you.
- Good morning sunshine! These are a few of my favorite things. Good morning to those beautiful blue eyes that I wake up to every morning. Good morning to my sexy smile, my long hair, and my good looks. Most importantly, good morning to the love of my life… you! Have a great day!
- I woke up this morning, and I smiled. Not because the sun is shining, not because the birds are singing but because of you! You are my sunshine! You make me feel so warm and so loved. I can’t imagine a world in which you don’t exist, and I wouldn’t want to!
- Good morning to the most beautiful girl I see when I wake up. I love you so much it hurts me sometimes. Thinking about your smile and the way it brightens my days makes me smile too.
- Morning sunlight is starting to fill my room. I look over, and you are still there sleeping next to me. I can’t get enough of the way you look before you wake up, so peaceful, so beautiful… I am so lucky to have you by my side every morning. You always make my day brighter, and I can’t help but smile when you smile. You will forever be my sunshine from start to finish! Love Always… Yours Truly
- Good morning my sunshine and my love. I couldn’t wait to tell you how amazing you are. You are the very best thing that has ever happened to me! I can’t wait to spend another day with you making memories. I love you with all my heart.
- I just want to say good morning (and every morning) to the sunshine in my life. You are an angel, and your beauty shines even when you think no one is looking.
- I kiss your beautiful face in the morning, and I’m reminded once again how lucky I am to have you – my sun, my moon, and all my stars. Good morning beautiful!
- I just want to tell you that I love you and can’t wait to see you tonight. Good morning my ray of sunshine, good morning, my angel, and have a great day.
- Good morning my amazing sweetheart. You bring joy to my life every day. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you tonight.
- Life isn’t easy all the time, but I think it’s supposed to be that way. Even though we often get knocked down by life, you are the one person who helps me back up. You have always know how to make me smile, and I love you for it. Every morning when I wake up, you are the first thought in my head.
Good Morning Sunshine Quotes for Wife
- Good morning sunshine!! I will always be proud of you. Today is going to be a wonderful day because of your smile.
- Your sweet smile is my sunshine in the morning. You are the last thought I think about before I go to bed and the first thing in my mind when I wake up. There never seems to be enough time together, but we grow more and more in love every day. I love you so much!
- I just want to share the love because I think you are amazing. You make me feel like a better person with the way you care for people. I’m glad you are in my life each day; it makes my day better. I love you! You are my sunshine, and without you, it would be cloudy all the time.
- This morning I woke up and was just lying in bed thinking about how much I love waking up next to you. Hearing your breath, your heartbeat, feeling your skin next to mine and smelling your fantastic scent. Just everything about it brings me such joy. I am so glad that you are mine!
- I woke up this morning; as usual, I reached over, and all I found was a cold pillow next to me. My heart sank, and for a moment, I felt pain. Then I remembered you were going away for the week; you left before I could say goodbye. The pain subsided a bit since we both knew what would happen. Your love is my sunshine, and without it, my days are grey, but coming home to me is your greatest joy. The thought that you might not be here sometimes
- You make my mornings worth getting out of bed for. I love you so much. Good Morning
- You got up early just to make me a coffee! Thoughtful and sweet. Thanks for making my mornings with you that much better. You are the best!
- Good morning my sunshine! How are you doing today? I just want to say that you’ve made me happier than I have ever been! You always brighten up my day and make me feel proud. I will love you forever!
- Good morning sunshine, it’s a beautiful day, and I get to spend it with the most amazing woman alive. Sunshine, my love, you bring so much joy, warmth, and happiness to my life. You are the one I want to spend all my days with, forever sunshine.
- Good morning my favorite sunshine! I miss you so much already. Today is going to be another long, hard day without you in the office with me. I can’t wait to get home and kiss your pretty face. Hug you tightly and just hold you as close as possible. It’s going to be a long day without you here — I know that for sure!
- Good morning baby! I know it’s early, but I can’t sleep. I love you so much. You are the very best thing that has ever happened to me. I can’t wait for the rest of my life with you and our little man. Good morning sunshine!
- I love the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. I love my morning cuddles and good morning kiss. I especially love the sunrise because, like you, it brings a renewed sense of life and light into my heart. Thank you for helping me see how much beauty there is in this world. As I go through my day, I, too, will be counting my blessings and think of you every second of the day.
- I’ll never forget the first time we kissed, or our first date, or the first time you told me you loved me. But what I do remember is every morning, I wake up in your arms. When I open my eyes to see you smiling at me, it puts the biggest smile on my face and a sense of warmth inside my heart. When I think of leaving for work, our home, nothing but blue skies keep running through my head. All I want to do
- I know you are tired. I bet you didn’t sleep much. Last night you were tossing and turning. I kept waking up to check on you. You worry so much that it keeps me awake at night. I want you to close your eyes and rest your head. The medicine is kicking in, so close your eyes and relax a bit longer. I love you and always will. I promise never to let you fall.
Good Morning Sunshine Quotes for Girlfriend
- Good morning my sunshine. I hope you have a fantastic day. All I want to do is wake up and see your beautiful face every morning and fall asleep with you in my arms every night.
- Good morning my sunshine. How was your night? I hope that you are having a wonderful day.
- I look forward to good mornings and bad ones, just knowing you are close. There’s no one else that I’d rather wake up beside. You are a great companion for any morning, but especially these. You shine the brightest, light up my heart with love and warmth. You’ve added life to an otherwise mundane routine… Good morning sunshine!”
- Good morning my love, gorgeous, and sunshine! I want to wish you the most fantastic day today! I just realized how lucky I am to have someone as unique as you in my life. You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I hope you feel loved and know that no one else could fill my heart as you do. I always think about you all the time, and I can’t wait to see you again soon!”
- Good morning, sunshine! You’re up early! How about some toast with jam? I love you more than anything. I would do anything for you, honey, and I hope you know that. Good Morning!
- Good morning my sunshine, good morning, my love, good morning to sunshine, good morning my sun. I wish you a day as happy and bright as you are. Have a fantastic, happy, and healthy day baby!
- Good morning my sunshine. I love to start my day by gazing into your beautiful eyes. Heaven is a place on earth with you. I love you so much!
- Good morning my sunshine! I hope you’re having a great day. The night before, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Now, as I look at your face across the room and see that gorgeous smile, I can’t help but smile too. I am so lucky to be by your side. You bring me so much happiness that I can’t even stop smiling.
- Good morning to the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen. Good morning to my sunshine, my love, my reason for living. Thanks for smiling every day that I wake up. You make life worth living!
- Good morning my sunshine! Keep shining your light into every corner of my life. I could not do any of this without you, so I’m praying for many more years filled with sunshine and love!
- I love you, and will always love you more than anything in the world. Wake up, my sunshine.
Good Morning Sunshine
- I love the sound of the words when they are spoken together: good morning, my sunshine, good morning to you! The thought that this could be our last day alive terrifies me and makes me want to hold you tight and never let go.
- Oh, my sunshine, my love of my life. You are the light that brightens up every day for me. I love waking up to your beautiful face, your intoxicating scent that only you can bring out in me, your sweet voice, and your caring eyes. I would do anything for you. Good morning beautiful, have a great day!
- You make me happy in the morning sunshine. You make it worth waking up in the morning sunshine. You make my world an awesome place to live.
- You are the sunshine on my day that makes it all better. You are my ray of light that brightens every morning. I’ll go to sleep as soon as I read these words and wake up knowing we will have another great day together.
- I came across your beautiful blog and decided I should tell you how lucky I feel to have found you! You are the most creative, intelligent, stunning girl that I know. You are the sunshine in my life. Every morning when I wake up before getting out of bed, I think about you. I love you!!
- What better way to start your day than a sweet, loving, and passionate kiss from the man of your dreams. I wanted to give you one more loving good morning before I go to work today. I am always thinking about you and how much I love you.
- My heart skips a beat when I see you in the morning. You make me smile brighter than the sun, and my heart would burst without you by my side. I love you more than anything in this entire world. I hope you have an amazing day today, sunshine, so think about me when you are having your cup of coffee!
- This morning I woke up with a smile on my face. That is because you are shining in my life, and I know that I will wake up to your beautiful face every morning.
- Your happiness is mine. Your life is mine. I love you. Each day I love you more and more. You are my sun, my moon, the brightness that fills my entire day.”
- I want to tell you every morning just how much I love you, but the sun disappears every day before I can say it. The stars come out, and still, I can’t tell you how much my heart thumps for you each night when you are near. It only shows when I look into your eyes, it is like a shooting star in my black night sky.
- I love you more with each passing day. Every time you’re with me, I can’t help but smile at your infectious laughter and warm embrace, like a blanket on a crisp morning. You are the love of my life, the one I want to grow old beside.
- I know you have a busy day today. I miss you already as I sit here writing this note to you. I don’t know when or how, but one day we will be together for good, and I promise to love you through eternity, or at least until the sun burns out and the earth falls into pieces.
- Good morning baby. No matter what happens in the day ahead, no matter what things I say, I just want to say that I love you and appreciate you for all that you do. I’m beyond thankful for your presence in my life. You’re sweet texts and calls throughout the day make my heart flutter, and with every smile you bring to my face, my love for you only grows stronger. There is nothing better than waking up next to you every morning.
- I know that it’s late, but I wanted to wish you a Good Morning! I hope that this day is filled with great things. I will think about you all day and waiting for the time when I can see you again.
- Enjoy your day. Thank you for making me happy and for thinking of me this morning before you got out of bed. I love you so much, sweetie!
- Good morning my love! I hope you had a wonderful night’s sleep. I had the same wonderful night, but not without thinking of you. You are on my mind all day long, and I am so happy to be in your arms. It’s hard to tell you how much I love you, but I will say to you every morning and every night that I have been thinking about you.
- You are the love of my life, my rock! You are there for me when I need you most. You say you love me, so I believe you. We have been through some tough times together, and it always gets better, even if it takes some time.
- Good Morning, Hottie! I hope you have a great day. Be sure to get lots of rest for tonight because I’m taking you out for dinner and a movie. There is this new romantic comedy that is a must-see. Until then, I love you, and remember to stand in awe of what an amazing woman you are!
- Good morning to my sunshine! It’s going to be such a beautiful day! I can’t wait to spend it with you. I will call you later.
- My Sunshine, Good morning. I hope you had a wonderful night hanging in the clouds because when I closed my eyes last night and dreamed of you, you were everywhere. On top of the clouds, under the stars, by the sea. My love and care surrounded you, and I imagined myself right next to you all night long. I wonder where is your heaven tonight? Is it the one where I am with you? Is it on a cloud or under the starry sky?
- Morning sunshine…good morning, my love. If I could find a way to capture its rays, I would encase them in a crystal so they could shine on you every day. There are no words that can express the happiness you fill my heart with. I wish I could hold you tight and never let go.
- There is nothing more beautiful than waking up to my sunshine every morning. I hope that every day gets better; with each day, I love you more and more. You are so amazing! I just can’t say it enough. I love you!
- I can feel your arms around me. I see your beautiful face smiling at me, and the warmth of your breath on my cheek is a wonderful start to each day. I love you so much, and I wish for nothing more than to become one with you, body and soul. Good Morning Baby.
- You are my sunshine! You brighten up my day every time, just by looking in my eyes. I love you so much! I wish I could spend every possible minute with you, making you happy and showering you with affection and love. Please know that no matter what happens, you have me that forever and always.”
- Good morning to the woman I love, love with all my heart. You are such an amazing mother and woman, and I’m lucky to get to share this life with you, from love to our fantastic family. Have a great day!
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