Happy 18th Birthday Prayers Quotes


Happy 18th Birthday Prayers Quotes: Growing up, there are several milestones you cross. Birthdays are one of the most memorable moments of your life, and the 18th birthday is a milestone you want to celebrate in high spirits. From a legal standpoint, as an adult in most areas, you can make your own decisions, vote, and drink alcohol if you’re of age — to name a few.

Below are 18th birthday quotes and prayers that you can use in your next round of cards or as a way to congratulate a loved one on reaching such an awesome milestone in their lives.


Happy 18th Birthday Prayers Quotes

  • .. I can’t believe you are 18 today! You have grown up so much in the past year. It feels like it was just yesterday when you were this little boy, and now you are a young man. Your sense of humor is growing more and more every day and I laugh till I cry because of it.


  • There are few things in life that can top the feeling of knowing you are loved. I am lucky to get to love you for all the days we have left. Once again, I don’t say it enough, but I truly love you with everything I have and more.


  • I hope this birthday is your best one yet. I pray that you can reach your full potential and that you continue to amaze everyone around you. You are a wonderful person who always puts others before yourself. You are the greatest gift I have ever received and I would not be where I am today without you.


  • You’re super cool, very patient, a super smart boy and an absolute sweetheart. I am so happy that our paths crossed, that you are my friend and that I am able to call you mine. I wish you all the happiness in the world and have an amazing birthday!


  • I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times before, but I want you to know how proud I am of you. You are my best friend and the most amazing person I know. When you were born, a piece of me became whole. You have been through so much more than anyone else your age, but that doesn’t stop you from making me smile. You are my angel and I love you.


  • 18 years. It’s crazy to imagine how fast the time has gone by. A lot of those years have gone by with you in them and I couldn’t be more grateful for that! Your my best friend through everything, and no matter what I will always be here for you.


  • I know that we don’t see each other as often as we’d like, but your presence in my life is something that I cherish everyday. I want you to know what a difference you’ve made in my life and how special you are to me.


  • I’m only a phone call away or a key stroke away and I hope that you’ll keep in touch. Thanks for being a great friend and thanks for saying yes to hanging out with me so much. I promise to not forget about you!


  • Always believe that there are magic things in life, and you will find them. Always believe that your dreams can come true, and they will be realized. Always, always have faith in your own abilities. No one can do things as well as you can… Love yourself!


  • I know you’re nervous to be turning 18, but I hope this makes you feel better. Growing up has never been so easy than knowing I have a great friend like you. Having you around gives me reason to smile everyday and believe that life has some meaning.


  • Although you are eighteen, you will always be my baby boy. If I had three wishes they would all come true if it meant spending more time with you. Keep growing into the man I know you are and I can’t wait to see how big you get!


  • Only a few years ago, we celebrated our first Valentine’s Day as boyfriend and girlfriend. You’ve always been by my side through everything and I’m so thankful that God brought you into my life. I hope you have an amazing 18th birthday!


  • I pray that God blesses you with a lifetime of happiness and love. I will be your friend for always!


  • You deserve all the happiness in the world. I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so much! Every time I see you I fall more and more in love with you.


  • It’s hard to put into words how much you mean to me. I love you so much! Today is your day and I’m so, so happy that we get to celebrate it together. Please know that no matter what happens, I will always love you. Enjoy your day and be safe!


  • You are a wonderful best friend and I am so lucky to have you in my life! Your smile lights up my day, your laugh is like music to my ears. I feel so blessed to have you as my friend, and I wish you the best birthday ever!


  • I could go on forever about how much I adore you, but this will have to do for now. Happy Birthday dear friend, may your day be filled with love and hope……….until we meet again


  • You have such an amazing life ahead of you, so many opportunities to change the world. Your kindness and compassion has touched so many and I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for the world! Love you, my dear.


  • I’ve loved you since day 1. You’re my best friend and the biggest part of my life. I’m so glad we took this step today and I’m even more proud to call you my husband. Love you!


Birthday Prayer for 18 Year Old Girl

  • A birthday prayer for an 18 year old girl. I pray that her path with him is lined with love, joy and happiness. May she be blessed with a long life filled with lots of love and few worries. I pray for this blessing for her in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


  • As you turn 18 I say a prayer that you always have heart to follow your dreams and ambitions. May passion drive your actions, wisdom propel your decisions and courage strengthen your convictions. May good friends surround you and bad memories be short lived.


  • I wish that each moment in the year to come will be safe and happy for you. I hope that your wishes will all come true, but most of all I wish for your health and long life. You’re a very special woman and I’m so happy to have you in my life. We are a really good team. I love you now and forever.


  • I am so thankful to have you in my life. You are the most amazing girl that I have ever met! I hope we can stay friends forever and all eternity. So happy birthday princess and many more! Love, Mark.


  • Wherever you are right now, know that I am always thinking of you. I hope that you have an amazing birthday and a year full of love, friends, laughter and happiness. I hear that time wait for no one, so we need to make the most of every second so throw kindness into the world it will always come back ten fold!


  • Dear God, Let she know that everyday you are always with her. Make her see the importance and value of education. Teach her to never give up on life’s daily challenges. Lead her in the right direction and grant her all her heart desires. Shine your light in all the pretty things she does. Thank You God for all You do each day.”


  • Dear Lord, I come to you today, praying that You will watch over my daughter (18 years old) and keep her safe. Protect her as she travels down the path You have placed her on. Bless her and hold her in Your hands. Help her remember to always trust in Your ways and remain faithful to You. Amen


  • Dear God, please help Jenny to be happy, healthy and safe. Let her know that she is loved and keep her from harm. We thank you for the joy and love she puts into our lives and we ask that your love may continue to shine through her.


  • I prayed to God that you would have a great day. I hope you find what you are looking for. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Thanks for being an amazing sister, friend and support. Your words of wisdom and humor make everything better.


  • Dear God, don’t let me forget how old I am today! Let this day bring me more mature and wise, so that I can be a good example for my kids and husband.


Birthday Prayer for 18 Year Old Boy

  • Dear God, Thank you for keeping my son safe as he turns 18. We ask that you guide him down the right path, into healthy relationships and help him make friends that are positive influences in his life. Please give him wisdom as he decides on colleges and help him to find a career he will enjoy.


  • I pray that you have a party with all your friends and have a blast. You deserve it! You’re 18 so you can stay out as long as you want and play with fireworks if that’s what you really want to do. I just want you to enjoy your birthday and have fun, plus I am super proud of you. I love you so much.


  • Dear God, I pray that you watch over my favorite boy as he turns 18 years old. Please protect him always, guide him in your ways and lend him some courage.


  • I know I don’t tell you this enough, but I love you. Every day you make me smile and brighten my world. You are my shining star in a dark sky. You are now officially 18 and on your way to adulthood. You’ve made some hard decisions along the way, but you have learned from them.


  • Please watch over my baby boy as he turns 18, help him stay safe and healthy. Help him accomplish all of his dreams and be the best man he can be. I love him so much and I know you do too.


  • I pray that you have a great birthday! I know that you will do so many awesome things with your life, and I want to be there every step of the way! I love you!


  • I can’t wait for the day to get here. I want to spend it with you even though you don’t feel like going out. I’m so excited to see how great things will be in a year from now when we both turn 19.


  • I hope all your dreams and wishes come true, and that you get everything your heart desires on this day! I will fight like a Titan to give you the greatest birthday ever, my friend!


Birthday Prayer for 18 Year Old Daughter

  • Dear Lord, please bless my daughter on her 18th birthday. May she wake up today and put 100% into everything she does. When she goes to work today may she be grateful for the job she has because other people would love to have it. She may not always like her co-workers but may be friendliest person in her work place.


  • I just want you to know, I love you more than anything, and I am so proud of all you are accomplishing. You have grown into an amazing young woman who I can look up to and always be proud of. I pray that you stay humble and kind as you grow older and always remember your family loves you very much.


  • Dear God, please watch over and protect my beautiful daughter. Let her stay healthy and happy, always help her through each step of the way. Help her to find joy and happiness in all she does, keep the bad people away from her heart, help her to know that she is loved by us, our family and all the people who love her. Keep her safe and close to you always.


  • I know she feels like her world is closing in now, but I hope she will always remember that we love her and are always here for her to lean on. Happy 18th birthday


  • Dear Lord, I ask you to bless the life of my daughter and protect her always. Bless her with success in all her endeavors. Provide her with opportunities to grow and learn. Let her be kind to others so that she may have friends to share her life with. May she have a long life, good health and happiness.


  • To my beautiful and wonderful daughter, My lovely one, So much love to give to you here. Let’s have a very happy time today. Let’s spread our wings And fly To a wonderful place today, Brimming with lots of love and cheer, For a very special person like you!


  • Please watch over our daughter as she journeys into adulthood. Please comfort and protect her. Please show us what you have planned for her life in the days to come, lead her down the right path and keep her safe. Fill her heart with love. Give her the strength to stand up for herself and make the right choices in life.


  • I pray that the Lord guides your path and protects you. I pray that the Lord keeps your beauty inside, radiant and true. I pray that you always know how loved you are. I pray for blessings to rain down upon you, for joy to be woven into every moment of your life, as you walk through this world surrounded by love.


  • Dear God, Today is my daughter’s 18th birthday. I pray that You would be with her, guide her and protect her for all the years to come. Guide her friends and show them Your love, give them kind hearts, patience, humility and forgiveness. Show them Your time frame for everything and let them laugh every day!


  • Our child, today is a very special day for you. Not because of your Birthday but because you are 18. I want you to know that I love you very, very much. I’m blessing you with all my faith and trust…..I pray that God will continue to bless and keep you safe in his presence all throughout your life.


  • Happy Birthday my daughter, I pray today is the best day of your entire life and that tomorrow will be even better. May God bless you and may you have a wonderful day!


  • I pray that God will bless you today and every day of your life. I pray that all your dreams and wishes will become a reality. I pray that you stay safe, healthy, smart and kind. And as you journey through life, whatever path you choose to take, know that I am always here for you. I love you my dear daughter!


  • Happy Birthday! I hope today is special, because you are very special to me. I love you and wish you all the best in the world on this special day of your life.


  • Dear God, thank you for blessing this child with a caring heart, and the love of life. Please keep her safe from harm, and be by her side every step of the way in this journey we call life.


  • Michelle, I pray that you will always guide others with your gentle and loving spirit. May you always be surrounded by the beauty of nature, and may your life be both meaningful and happy.


  • I hope that God gives you life. I hope that he guides your path and helps you find true happiness. I remember you as a small baby, learning to walk and then run. As you grew up, we spent time in every phase together. The hard parts will be over soon enough, I’m here to tell you that.


Dinner Prayer of 18 Year Old Son’s Birthday

  • I am so lucky to have you. You’ve grown into such a wonderful person through the years and I can’t believe it’s been 18 years since you were a baby. I love you more than anything in the world and I will continue to give you all the love you have given me! Happy Birthday, Son!


  • Dear god, we thank you for our food. Help us to find good jobs to be able to have money and afford to buy more. Thank you for the day and night. Thank you for our lives and may we live them well so we can return for another day. Thank you for my family and god bless everyone at the table. Amen


  • You are the most important thing in my life – I’ve never experienced such wonderful feelings. Now that you’re 18 I have to say it: Happy birthday!


  • Dear God, We thank you for all the wonderful people in our lives and we appreciate it even more that they are family! Please bless this food to be a source of life and strength to our bodies. Bless my son as he starts a new adventure in life, help him make good choices along the way.


  • Lord thank you for this day, and all the food we have to eat. Lord please help us to all pay attention in school so we can go off to college and get good paying jobs. And also help me with my math homework, please let me get an A+! In Jesus name amen.


  • Dear God, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for all my friends and family. I asked, not to be away all summer, but instead to expand my social network. Help me to keep on the right path. If it is Your Will, help me to get accepted into college early admission…


  • I am so lucky to have you. You’ve grown into such a wonderful person through the years and I can’t believe it’s been 18 years since you were a baby. I love you more than anything in the world and I will continue to give you all the love you have given me! Happy Birthday, Son!


  • Dear god, we thank you for our food. Help us to find good jobs to be able to have money and afford to buy more. Thank you for the day and night. Thank you for our lives and may we live them well so we can return for another day. Thank you for my family and god bless everyone at the table. Amen


  • You are the most important thing in my life – I’ve never experienced such wonderful feelings. Now that you’re 18 I have to say it: Happy birthday!


  • Dear God, We thank you for all the wonderful people in our lives and we appreciate it even more that they are family! Please bless this food to be a source of life and strength to our bodies. Bless my son as he starts a new adventure in life, help him make good choices along the way.


  • Lord thank you for this day, and all the food we have to eat. Lord please help us to all pay attention in school so we can go off to college and get good paying jobs. And also help me with my math homework, please let me get an A+! In Jesus name amen.


  • Dear God, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for all my friends and family. I asked, not to be away all summer, but instead to expand my social network. Help me to keep on the right path. If it is Your Will, help me to get accepted into college early admission…


  • Dear Lord, thank you for giving us this day to celebrate my son’s 18th birthday. We pray that You’ll continue to protect him and watch over him as he leaves the nest and goes out into the world to fulfill his dreams.


  • Dear God, please help us during our meal tonight. Please let it be the best birthday ever for my boy. Let his food taste better than any he has had in a long time and let our laughter remind him of how much we love him. We will work hard today to make him feel special and I ask that you return the favor.


  • Dear God, we come here tonight to thank you for this wonderful man you have given us. We appreciate everything he does for us and we know that he is our son in every way. Please protect him from any harm from this day forward and let him live a long life full of love, joy, happiness and laughter.


  • Dear Lord, thank you for the friends and family who are celebrating today. Please take care of our son as he grows into an adult. Thank you for the food and gifts we share with others. We pray for a great year and that our son knows your love.


  • “Dear god, today is my big birthday. I hope it’s a good one. Please make all the school work easy and please let me get my license and my first car. Let me hang out with all my friends and family tonight. Tomorrow please go to church and then we can party all night! Amen.”


  • Dear Lord, we thank you so much for the many wonderful gifts that you give us each and every day. For family and friends that surround us, and for the food on our plates. We pray for your guidance in all the decisions we make today and throughout our lives.


  • I am so blessed to have you as my child. I pray that in this coming year, God keeps you close and always surrounds you with love. Know that we are always here if you need us…anything, anytime. We love you so much!


  • Dear Lord, thank you so much for bringing us together to share a wonderful evening. We praise and bless you, almighty God, for this wonderful food that we are sharing with each other. May all our days be filled with love and thankfulness. Bless these gifts of friendship, laughter and love.  Amen.


  • I might not got to church every Sunday with you, but I will always honor and love you, as my son, as my friend and as my companion. I will pray for you every day. May God bless you abundantly and make this the best year of your lives!


  • Dear God, thank you for today and all that comes with it! Thanks for giving me the chance to love my friends, family and girlfriend. Thanks for keeping us safe from the perils that plague the outside world. Please bless us with health and contentment as we celebrate these holidays in each other’s company.

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