100+ Exclusive Happy Monday Quotes for Work


Happy Monday Quotes for Work:  Monday, the most hated day of the week. Even if you love your job it is hard to love Mondays. And why shouldn’t that be the case? Not just because it is always the beginning of the week but mainly because Mondays are associated with work; work that we usually don’t like doing.

On labour market Monday is seen as the beginning of a bad period in which most people aren’t particularly happy about their jobs.

Whether you work or not, this post is for you! People always complain that Mondays are the worst day of the week and they don’t want to go to work. Well, these happy Monday quotes will make you change your mind.


Happy Monday Quotes for Work

  • Woot! Monday morning smile as you get through your day and reflect on your week #MondayMotivation


  • Happy Monday everyone! Let’s make this week great. Here’s to endless cups of coffee and the greatest workday soundtrack ever.


  • Monday motivation: “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”-Arthur Ashe


  • Mondays will never stop being Monday. But they will get better because you still have the weekend behind you.


  • Mondays are just a little better with a cup of coffee and why not try something new this week?


  • Monday Motivation—there is plenty of room at the top, but it’s a narrow space.


  • Happy Monday! Here’s to a great week and a half of eating egg sandwiches and watching cookie cutters give me life.


  • Monday is another opportunity to start fresh, be bold, and take on a new challenge!


  • Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. – Sir Winston Churchill


  • Monday motivation: do work, get paid. #motivationmonday


  • Wishing you a great start to the week! Happy Monday my friends!


  • Happy Monday! Wishing you a great week lined with adventure, good friends, and endless coffee


  • Here’s to some #happymondaymagic. For all you do, we are grateful. Let’s do this!


  • “Monday’s mood swings: Positive to frustrated back to positive. Hope this week will be the same.”


  • The week is working on a new you, so take a selfie, stride into the office and…grin and bear it!


  • Happy Monday! This week, keep your nose to the grindstone and check yourself.


  • May the sun shine brightly on your day and may the week ahead be full of opportunities. #tuesdaymotivation


  • Mondays are hard. Let’s just get through them together.


  • The weekend was great, but now it’s time to get back to work. Here’s to an amazing Monday!


  • Good Monday morning to all y’all who are reading this caption at work during the week


  • Good morning, beautiful, Ready to slay another day. #happymonday


  • Monday motivation is all about starting strong, ending strong, and having a killer week.


  • Monday are a perfect excuse to wear your favorite sweatshirt ☀


  • The real adventure is what happens to you when you return. – Marcel Proust


  • Good morning! It’s Monday! Here’s a pic of a dog in a mask because it’s still Halloween. What’s your favorite part about the first week of November?


  • What to make of the past weekend? Nothing much. Let’s keep pushing forward.


  • Monday’s are hard, but #Happiness at work is a choice. How are you making that choice today?”


  • Mondays are made for some #mondaymotivation #mondayquotes


  • “‘I’m so glad it’s Monday.’ Yeah, me too. “And my week is already better because I get to talk to you.


  • Happy Monday! It’s a brand new week and we’re excited to get back to work.


  • Let’s begin this Monday with a smile #likeaboss


  • Another week and another fun-filled Monday We hope you all have a great one!


  • Mondays are never so bad when there is ice cream waiting for you at home.🍦☕.


  • I love Mondays. Especially after a long weekend.


  • Hey Monday, how you doin’? We’re already off to a good start.


  • Another week of the working week is here – this one kicked my butt. But you’re here and so am I— let’s make the best of it!


  • I’m not a morning person, but this @lastscipt_coffee is waking me right up! #itsamicestrong


  • Happy Monday from a section within content that is only made for Mondays.


  • You have to laugh dance and play on the weekends because when you come back to work on Monday, that’s what makes it tolerable.


  • Happy Monday! Water cooler talk is about what you’d expect on the first day back to work: all about us…


  • You are never missing out when you stay in bed on a Monday morning.


  • Starting off this Monday feeling grateful for a weekend with family and friends.


  • Never give up on your dreams, they just might come true


  • May the week be good to you || #happyweekend


  • Monday is a fresh start, a clean slate. It’s the perfect day to focus on the positive.


  • Mondays deliver two things—tasks, and a reason to conquer them. Let’s do this.


  • Monday’s not so bad when you call it “hump day”.


  • You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails to reach your destination.


  • Can’t wait to start a new week at the office. #HappyMondays


  • Happy Monday, team. Here’s to a great week ahead!


  • Let’s go! Happy Monday to you; refreshed and ready to take on the week ahead. Have a great one.


  • Monday mood Let’s hope the takeaway is that with a little perspective and the right attitude, Mondays aren’t so bad after all. Have a great one!


  • Some Mondays are good. The ones where you feel like beating the whole world at bowling and then eating a ton of oysters. #MondayMotivation


  • May the week ahead be full of grace, good fortune, and wonderful things. Have a great start to the week everyone!


  • Monday morning coffee break with my favorite babe @meganmowrey.


  • It’s the start of a new week and all I want to do is hang out with a pumpkin spice latte ☕. #weekendwinning


  • Hello Monday, I am ready for you. Just like coffee in a cup, work is something we need. Hope it goes well.


  • Mondays don’t have to be so bad, they can be quite delightful.


  • Monday Motivation: Good morning friends! Here’s to the week ahead. May it be filled with love and joy, and may we all enjoy each other’s company while going through it. #happymonday #goodmorning


  • As much as everyone hates Mondays, it’s still a working day. One more and we’re done!


  • Feeling #MotivatedMonday to start my week strong!


  • I love these Monday vibes so much. I hope everyone has a great start to their week, and if it doesn’t end up that way, just remember Tuesday is right around the corner.


  • Another working week, another chance to do what you love.


  • Let the sunshine in! Sunday nights make Mondays so much easier.


  • May Mondays never be the end of your weekend.


  • Mondays are hard. Mondays are awesome. Whatever you choose to think about Mondays, we can all agree that they need a lot more of these:


  • Show us how you Get to #Monday on Instagram by tagging #GMMonday. Cheers to a productive week!


  • Good morning, #Monday! We’re excited for this week to begin. Who else is ready?


  • Mondays are a chance for you to start fresh, each week. Be happy about the work you do and the life you lead.


  • Adventures happen on the weekend. Rest happens on Monday. You make your own choices. #HappyMonday


  • Happy Monday, Time for the weekend to arrive (finally!). #happymonday


  • Happy Monday! Looking forward to being back in the studio and creating new work.


  • Happy Monday! Remember it is always a great day to be awesome, kind, & courageous.


  • Start your week the right way: with a great cup of coffee. Coffeed #MondayMotivation”


  • What a weekend! Time to face the music. Happy Monday!


  • No matter how hard it is getting up on Monday, I always remind myself that this too shall pass.


  • Monday sucks. This cool new work shirt doesn’t. -Jenny Lawson, The Bloggess


  • I am already looking forward to the weekend because I want to get out of here…


  • Shake off your weekend, we’ve got work to do. Happy Monday.


  • Happy Monday everyone! Did you miss me? It’s my first week back to work after the long weekend… I missed y’all so much.


  • Don’t forget to enjoy this day and be grateful for the chance to contribute. Focus on what matters.


  • Sometimes I look forward to Mondays. Well if not Monday, then someone else’s.


  • It’s Monday, what are you complaining about?


  • Good morning, week. We’re already chugging


  • Getting a head start on the week with our Monday Morning Brew.


  • Nothing boosts my confidence more than a fresh blowout. Start the week off feeling fierce, friends ❤


  • If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.


  • Monday motivation Monday Motivation, Quotes, and Sayings


  • Happy Monday, everyone. It’s a great day to be back at work and raring to go. Have a great week!


  • Happy Mondays! Capture the good vibes for this week in your caption.🌳


  • Did someone say Happy Monday? Let’s rock it right out of the gate this week.


  • Have a chilled & boss week ahead. #mondaymotivation


  • That Mondays are meant to be conquered and that today is the best day to get it done.


  • Happy Monday, team! Let’s get going on this week.


  • Monday Blues are gone and it is time to start this week off with a fresh smile.


  • Monday is going to be fine. Today, let’s start fresh and go after what we want.


  • Nothing like Monday morning to start a new week and get excited for the upcoming week!


  • How was ur weekend? Mine consisted of being a princess in the sleeping forest.


  • Happy Monday to all you corporate warriors out there.


  • Getting back to routine after the holiday break is always rough, but getting back to a renewed sense of purpose often rejuvenates us! #happymonday


  • We’re sorry for ruining your weekend, but on Monday we have all these events in store for you. You don’t have to work if you don’t want to, because you can go to our events instead!


  • How was your weekend? __ Me too… Caught up on laundry, slept in, spent time with the fam #worklifebalance


  • Monday’s are hard but knowing @friky.fr exists makes them a little easier Thank you Friky! #frikydelivery #happymonday


  • Mondays are a global treasure, especially if you’ve got something to look forward to on Monday morning.


  • Good morning! Have a great start to the week.


  • When Monday comes around, I just want to bury myself in a pile of blankets and pretend it’s the weekend…again.


  • Mondays are always better with you.


  • Every Monday is a fresh start, filled with possibilities. Shake off the tiredness and chase your dreams on a Monday.


  • Whether they are at work or heading to a camp, remember your summer little ones with these shots of sweet memories.


  • Happy Monday, y’all. Let’s make it a great one.


  • We’re talking about Monday. So, thanks for joining us here at Your Brand Agency for our weekly dose of brand inspiration


  • One more day until the weekend, and it’s a great day at that. Happy Monday!


  • It’s Monday. Time to get back to it. #MondayMotivation


  • Find your own sunshine – it cheers you, even on cloudy days.


  • Mondays aren’t bad when your hair looks this happy about it. – @hairsparys


  • Good morning, we live in the greatest country in the world with the most advanced technology and there are still some people who need to figure this thing out.


  • Another week, another reason to stay positive and motivated. We’ve got your back with 12 motivational quotes on a monthly basis. Stay tuned January 2016 #mondaymotivation


  • Monday Motivation to get you through the week.


  • Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday, Nothing is gonna change my love for you.


  • What better way to start the week than by striving to be productive and positive. Let’s do it!


  • Monday’s coming… and so are we, to tell you that it’s time to make the most of today.


  • Good morning, Monday! I hear you’re a little different today. Well, I’ve got news for you:


  • Monday’s are made for taking the easy way out.


  • Monday’s aren’t so bad when you get to spend them like this.


  • If you can’t enjoy a beautiful Monday in the summer, when can you? #Happymonday


  • Mondays are a little brighter when you add some extra pep. Have a great week!


  • Happy Monday! Let’s get this week started on the right foot.


  • Monday motivation: start this week like you started your last one.


  • Your motivation determines your altitude #MondayMotivation Boost #BoostMondays


  • A great week starts with a strong #MondayMotivation Make it yours!


  • Feeling fresh and ready to win on this Monday morning.


  • What better day than Monday for a fresh start? Let’s do this.






  • Monday’s are hard. But, it’s another chance to make work better and be the best you at work this week. Let’s go!


  • Shake off the rust and embrace this joyous Monday.


  • Happy #monday 🍁morning, let’s get to it.


  • There is no place like work, there is no place like work!


  • Happy Monday everyone! Here’s to a productive week #mondaymotivation @atelierkim


  • Mondays are my favorite day of the week. They just get better and better as the week goes on.


  • It’s Monday again, I guess it’s time to take another dose of coffee #mondaymotivation


  • Not feeling the Monday blues. Just feeling home.


  • Today is the start of a new week. The work doesn’t stop though, never let up, always keep hustling.


  • Don’t be sad that the weekend is over. Be happy that Monday means a new week of work to keep you busy #mondayquotes


  • Every day is a fresh start. Look on the bright side of Monday!


  • Monday Motivation… Start your week off with a smile!


  • Happy Monday . . . the week is finally here! Here’s some coffee to get you started on this beautiful day.


  • Tomorrow’s another day. Happy Monday


  • Feeling: Good. Drinking: Coffee. Working on: This Monday plan.


  • Happy Monday! It’s the week to make your dreams a reality.


  • Any day the postman brings me mail is a good day #happymondayquotes


  • Monday mood ✔ #happymondayfromyourfave


  • Monday motivation: Even on the most difficult days, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


  • Monday is the day where you decide if you are going to make this week great or terrible. So make it great! #wecandothis


  • On a #mondaymood, who else is feeling the coming week already?


  • Monday’s pretty good if your weekend was the fire.


  • How do you like them apples? 🍎 for a great Monday, guys.


  • Let’s have a day where Monday was Thursday, and repeat so we never have to go back to work again.


  • Good morning Monday! You’re not so bad after all.


  • Happy Monday, everyone! We’re starting the week off right: with a beautiful walk through Golden Gate Park and lots of coffee.


  • Let’s get this week started with a massive dose of gratitude #teamlighthouse


  • No need to wait for the weekend. Happy Monday, people #happymonday


  • Monday motivation! Always have a smile on your face and bring it to work/school. Things will get better. Congratulations on making it through the weekend!


  • Monday Motivation to get you through this work week and next weekend.


  • Monday doesn’t have to be a downer. There’s always today. So, let’s just start Monday off right, shall we? Happy Monday!


  • Monday is just a reminder that there is work to do, and things to plan. Monday rediscovery: It’s another day. It’s another chance. #mondaymotivation


  • Mondays don’t stand a chance when they have these cuties to look forward to on the other side.


  • Monday has its charms. It’s the day you set your passion free.


  • Monday is always better when someone else does the cooking.


  • Wake up, get it together, and Monday morning with a smile! Happy Monday everyone!


  • Whether you’re starting the week on a high note, or trying to hold onto it, #HappyMonday!


  • Welcome to Monday! Okay, not everyone is a fan of Mondays, but we try to bring the best to your day and make it more fun. Have a great and productive week ahead with us #positivemoodman


  • It’s a beautiful Monday morning, what are you up to?


  • It’s Monday 🙄 that means it’s time to kick off a whole new week with a fresh start for awesome things to come!


  • Mondays are the start of something new, memorable, and awesome—starting right now.


  • We’re off to a fresh start this week! Got any goals for the week? Let’s make it a good one.


  • A day of work has been accomplished, and all the rest of the week is to play. Have a nice Happy Monday, everyone!


  • Mondays don’t have to be so challenging, just remember tomorrow is also another day!


  • A cup of Joe for a little Monday morning pick-me-up? Yes, please! Make today an awesome day.


  • Monday is a fresh start to a new week. It’s not the end of the world, just your first day back at work.


  • Happy Monday, everyone! Here’s to a great start to a new week and the promise of amazing things to come. #TGIF


  • Good morning team Great day ahead! Let’s do this . . . .


  • Monday is just a whisper of what your week has in store. This weekend is calling out to you!


  • It may be a Monday, but Fall is just around the corner. Yes, I will be wearing this sweater on the airplane. Good morning.


  • If every Monday morning, is greeted with a smile it means you’re in the right industry. Happy Monday everyone. #MondayMotivation


  • Let us face the beginning of all wisdom with a smile. – Will Rogers #HappyMonday


  • Monday’s are like healthy desserts. They make the rest of the work week seem that much sweeter.


  • If the weekend is a favorite pair of broken-in shoes then the work week is like giant packing crates you have to fit yourself into…every Monday.


  • Yaaaas, it’s Monday. Do you think anyone will notice if we just never come into work? No? Ok then.


  • Monday motivation… If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Because together we can all reach the mountaintops.


  • Monday’s my favorite day of the week because it’s like saying hello to the world on Friday and goodbye to the world on Saturday.


  • Happy Mondays! Set the tone for #SuccessTuesday


  • Monday’s can be tough, so let’s make each other smile!


  • Monday motivation: The higher your goals, the harder the work. The more difficult the climb, the greater the accomplishment.


  • Let’s do this, Monday. The weekend was too short and the week is too long—so let’s get focused, let’s go to work!


  • Happy Monday! Started your week off right with some cool, fresh air? We hope so.


  • Hello, creative soul. We hope your week has started off great! Here’s to more sunshine, inspiring ideas, clean afternoons, and speedily clicking pens


  • Monday don’t hold no grudge ’cause I know I’m winning


  • Monday morning is the rudest awakening of all. -Milton Berle


  • Monday doesn’t suck so bad when you remember that it’s now gettin’ closer to Friday.


  • Monday isn’t so bad when you think of it as a time to start fresh, do good, and get inspired.


  • It’s Monday, it’s still early and there is no need to stress! Things will work out as they should. Have a lovely day ahead!!!


  • I wish I didn’t have to work this morning. It’s not even like I want to (I love my job), but waking up on a Monday is just so hard.


  • Mondays aren’t created equal… Some Mondays are so good you’re glad to see them. Others, well, not so much!


  • It’s the start of a new work week, but I still have some end-of-the-week feels.


  • Monday’s aren’t so bad when you have a flavor as big as coffee on your side—even if your team is kicking off the week with an urgent Project Unicorn situation.


  • Monday might be the start of a long week, but it’s never the end. Work hard today so you can play harder tomorrow.


  • Every time a Monday feels hard, remember that you have the power to make it great.


  • Starting my morning off with lots of motivation and happy thoughts


  • Mondays are hard. They’ve always been hard. They probably always will be. Today, your attitude can make all the difference in your level of success!


  • More proof that Mondays are way better when you hate your job.


  • Monday’s don’t have to be so bad if you make them great!


  • When your wine-loving client supports you on a Friday. #winelover #happyfriday


  • Sweeping the hurdles away. Monday, I’m ready for you.


  • Monday isn’t so bad, you’re just not used to it.


  • It’s Monday, yes—but it’s also the first day of a brand new week (and possibly a brand new month).


  • Monday motivation is a must! Start off your week on the right foot, a positive first impression and a good smile are easy to come by. #HappyMondayWorkQuotes


  • Happy Monday Morning. Here’s to a new week and tons of motivation, success, and positivity!


  • Monday, smile at me. I need it more than you know.


  • If Mondays are always like this, I can do this Monday thing all day.


  • Wishing you all a peaceful and chill good week.


  • This is the week! Last week to put in the hard work and effort—this week to get it done!


  • Cheers to the start of a new week, new opportunities, and adventures!


  • Hey Monday—we didn’t lose hope yesterday, and we’re not going to lose hope tomorrow. Have a great week!

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