Inspirational Elementary Graduation Quotes


Inspirational Elementary Graduation Quotes: Graduation time is a very special moment of every child’s life since it marks the end of their school years. Graduation is the culmination of a lot of hard work and diligence because pupils need to pass a lot of tests and exams to get their diplomas.

This means you can say goodbye to the difficulties which were bothering you in the past, but you have to keep in mind that life is not going to be easy. The following inspirational elementary graduation quotes will help you understand that new goals and challenges await you during your post-school life, although the school was good for you.


Inspirational Elementary Graduation Quotes

  • Congratulations, we are all so proud of you! We know your future will be bright and full of possibilities. We can’t wait to see what is next for you. Keep believing in yourself and always know that you have support, get positive quotes for school students by getting motivational quotes for students on the internet.


  • I love you and hope you have a great time at graduation! I know it’s crazy that we’re moving across the country but I hope you know how grateful I am to be spending more time with you


  • Congrats on graduating! The short life of a kid is like a flower. It lives fast and ends soon. Use this chance to do what you love: follow your passion and go big, or wait until it’s too late.


  • Congratulations on your graduation, an amazing accomplishment! As you move forward, success will be there to meet you. I know that the next chapter of your life will be filled with amazing opportunities and challenges. Take them all in stride and don’t forget to enjoy the ride! Good luck!


  • You’re smart. You’re loyal. You’re kind. You know everything there is to know about randomness. You love people. You truly love them for who they are, not for what you think they could be. Your perfect smile lights up the room and heats my heart faster than a thousand suns. And I love you so much! From the moment we met I knew that no matter what hardships come our way we would get through them together.


  • I found the light that burns d brightly. It’s the spark in me that will never dim. Together we can make a fire so cozy, we’ll never be cold. For each step, I take ur side by my side, ur the light in my life that shines bright!


  • I’m proud of you! I know that sometimes we have to struggle to understand the things in life, but our friendship is something that no one can get between. It’s an everlasting bond that will not be broken anytime soon. Keep up the good work, buddy!


  • Congratulations, you are about to start a wonderful new chapter of your life. Be confident in yourself and follow your dreams!


  • I will never stop being amazed at all you have accomplished. You will always be my little monkey, but you are ready to spread your wings and fly. I’m not going to lie, I’m going to miss having you around every day, but in the back of my mind I know that you are off doing great things. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay focused, I know your dreams will come true!


  • When I think of you, the first thing that comes to mind is soft, cute, and fuzzy. I miss your warm embrace and I long for your smile against my lips. You are my fluffy buddy who loves me.


  • You are the brightest, most talented young man that I know. You have a big and bright future ahead of you. Don’t forget how much love and support I have for you always. I am so proud of who you are.


  • It isn’t easy and takes a lot of heart but I know you can do it. You have always been one of my favorite students and I know that you’ll be my favorite up until the end of time. So good luck with your future and I’ll be watching!


  • You are the most special person to me. You have been my best friend for years and you always will be. As we grow older and move on with our lives, I want you to know that I will always be here for you.


  • Being successful is not an easy path. It’s full of ups and downs, sidetracks, and dead ends. I know you can do it. You have always been bright, intelligent, hard-working, and successful in school! I believe you will be successful in everything your future is going to bring.


  • To look back and think of how much you have accomplished. From a young, lost soul to a future leader and winner. I’m proud to be your father and you are such an inspiration to me. I’ve picked out the most beautiful flowers for you, get ready because you are going to be in for the biggest surprise of your life!


  • Remember each moment in life is a choice and that you are the creator of your destiny. Love yourself and you will be able to reach for the bar of excellence. Do not settle for mediocrity, never give up!


  • You are going to move mountains. I know this. I have seen you take on the impossible and succeed at every attempt. You have a hard work ethic that inspires all around you, and life is only going to get better for you because you believe in yourself.


  • Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, instead ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.


  • Thank you for helping me through these four years. We have grown together, we have laughed together, and I know that your friendships will last beyond this graduation. I wish nothing but the best for you, my wonderful little friends.


  • I am proud of you for all your achievements. You have surpassed all my expectations. I will continue to root for you even after you are gone from my company. Be proud of what you have done and hopeful of everything yet to come.


  • Never give up on your dreams. The bad times will pass and the sun will shine bright again. I’m so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished. You are such a bright light and I love you so much!


  • You have changed my life in so many little ways that I can’t even begin to explain them all. When I met you I never thought it would lead to the type of friendship we have now. You mean more to me than you could ever know, and I will be forever grateful to have met you.


  • I’m thankful for the lessons I have learned from my family. They are the greatest teachers of all and I am thankful that I can call you my friends. Keep making good things happen and stay on the right path!


  • I’m so proud of you. Climbing the mountain in front of you was hard and I know there will be obstacles to come, but you have what it takes to be an amazing person.


Elementary School Graduation Quotes

  • It’s hard to believe that we have graduated from elementary school and have made it to the big kids’ school. We have grown so much over the years. Time sure passes quickly! We have so many memories to look back on as well as many new ones to come. I hope that you will always be my best friend.


  • I love you more than you will ever know! Your love means the world to me. I’m so glad that I have you in my life. I promise to put a smile on your face every day and brighten your life with love and joy.


  • You are beautiful beyond words, kind, and always there. You are patient and I love that you care so much. I’ve loved you since day 1 and will love you forever!


  • Just wanted you to know I love you and I will always be here for you, no matter what. It would be a privilege for me to stand by your side for all of your future endeavors! I hope we never have to go through another goodbye again.


  • You are my best friend and the kindest, most generous person I know. I am so glad to have you as a part of my life. Thanks for everything, your friendship means more to me than you’ll ever know.


  • You are one of my best friends. From a quiet spot in the library to having the time of our lives at a concert, you have been there for me. I will remember those times for the rest of my life and I will always be glad that you are by my side.


  • I was thinking about you the other day. I thought of a great quote that describes what I feel for you: ”Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending…she became a butterfly.”


  • Thanks for being such a great friend. I’m going to miss you. Everyone back home will have fun without me, but I’ll miss you the most!


  • I have known and worked with you for several years. I must say, you are a credit to your profession! I believe you will do well and look forward to hearing about your success. Best Wishes!


  • I hope this finds you well. If you dream in color, pick up a paintbrush… explore a new avenue of color and art. If you dream in black and white, go to the market … buy yourself a new camera. If you dream in words, start writing. You know me so well … it’s like we share the same thoughts. I am so very proud of you, my friend.


Elementary Graduation Quotes From Parents

  • We are all so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. You walk this summer into a new grade with so much knowledge, wisdom, and stories to tell. We love you so much and we celebrate you!


  • You are the best son, I’ve ever had. I know that you will go very far in life. You are beautiful, smart, and funny. I wish you the best of luck in college, pursue all your dreams. I am so proud of you!


  • Our son has grown into a fine young man. We couldn’t be prouder of him. We will miss seeing him every day and seeing his smiling face, but we know he is ready for this next chapter in his life. Congratulations little man we love you so much!


  • Your presence at our graduation today is a great example to everyone of what hard work and perseverance can achieve. Well done, you have worked hard and have some wonderful achievements to be proud of – I’m proud of you! Enjoy this experience knowing that you have the skills that will allow you to achieve your many future dreams and goals!


  • Thank You, Parents, of the Student. Thank You For Helping Your Perfect Son or Daughter to Succeed. We Give Thanks for Your Kindness, Love, and Sacrifice Through Life. God Bless You.


  • To my daughter, My little girl is all grown up, and it makes me so happy. I remember the day you were born. Life doesn’t get any better than that. I’ve loved every moment of being your mother, and cannot wait to watch you continue to grow into a strong, independent woman. Having you as my daughter has been the greatest blessing of my life!


  • Kindergarten was a blast, but it’s time to move on. First grade has some awesome adventures in store for you so hold your head high lunchbox and don’t forget to have fun!


  • Hey there, you’ve been in my heart for so long it doesn’t even seem strange to say the whole thing anymore. Loving you has brought me so much joy and I can’t wait to see where our love will take us. I’m glad we found each other again and that we were able to make everything work this time. All my love to you!


  • I read this quote and thought of us. I know that you are not my biggest fan, but I still love you more than anything!


  • This is a card for my friend with a great family. Her name is Melinda. I know her from school. She likes cats and old movies. She has lots of friends at the playground. She is always busy.


Graduation Quotes for Elementary

  • You’re amazing and beautiful… Your eyes shine brighter than the stars in the sky! I love you on graduation day. Wish you all good things in life. Have fun at college!


  • Congratulations on your graduation! This is such a huge achievement and one that only the special few can reach. You have poured hard work, love, and dedication into this goal and the results speak for themselves. This is truly an exciting time in your life, full of endless possibilities. Nothing is impossible with the right support and I will always be here to help you as long as you need it.


  • Be the person you needed when you were a child. Now and forever, be there for those who need it. Your words and actions will have wide-reaching implications on other people’s lives. May you always be guided by positivity and love. I am proud of your accomplishments! Congratulations!


  • Doing what you love can make a job seem fun, but working with the people you love is even better! Here’s to all the students and teachers graduating this year!


  • I will always love you, even when we are a million miles apart. I hope that you can always remember just how much I love you. To me, loving you made all of the bad things in my life worthwhile. I wish there was some way to keep us together forever, but there isn’t…


  • I love you, my friend… I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


  • We’ve come so far together and now you are about to fly high into the sky. I am so proud of you sweetheart. You have always been amazing and now this is just the beginning of your greatness. I love you!


  • I will never forget the first time we met. Your eyes were so radiant and beautiful that I could not contain myself. It’s been a long ride for both of us, but I promise to stand by your side till the end. Let me take you on adventures like we always dreamed, let me write you love songs and serenade under your window.


  • I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. I can still feel the butterflies that flew inside me when I saw you for the first time. You were so beautiful and so different from any girl I’ve ever met. I know we’re young, but sometimes love happens sooner than you expect it to.


  • “School is where birds go to learn how to fly; a library is where you can go to learn how to learn” – Carl B …..Education gives you wings and the ability to reach higher heights in life. It makes you feel that there are no boundaries in your life and you can achieve anything you desire. Start flying today!


  • You know that saying, “Better to have loved & lost than never to have loved at all.” It’s true. I wouldn’t change a single moment of the time we shared.


Graduation From Elementary School Quotes

  • I love you so much and I could never imagine a life without you. I’m so glad you are in my life and I am so excited about our future together. You are the center of my world and in my heart, and I will never stop loving you.


  • I never knew that “being in love” was different until I met you. You are the perfect girl for me and without you I am incomplete. Love is an understatement of the way I feel about you!


  • By the time you read this, I’ll already be on board the plane on my way to the States. This marks a very important change over in my life, as it is my first trip out of China. I hope everything goes well for you and nothing bad happens. I can’t wait to see you at graduation. Please make sure to save me a seat!


  • Thank you for being there not only as a teacher but as more of a friend than I could have ever asked for. I will never forget what you have done for me, please don’t even think that is possible. You truly are the most inspiring person in my life, and your guidance has gotten me through the toughest of times. I appreciate everything you have done, and I am going to miss seeing you every day.


  • Congratulations! We are so proud of you. Your hard work and determination have paid off and we are so rewarded to watch you grow. You have always been a shining star, but now the whole world can see it! We love you so much!


  • Congratulations! You’ve come so far since your first day of school. Remember that I will always be here for you and I love you!


  • I am so proud of you! You’ve grown so much and have become a wonderful young woman – my only daughter. I love you more than words could ever express and look forward to watching as you conquer the world!


  • You have grown into a beautiful young woman, with a heart of gold. You are so intelligent and I will be so proud to see you walk across that stage. I am so happy to call you my daughter, and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you!


  • Hey, it’s been a long time. I just wanted to say hello. I just wanted to say you are in my thoughts often and I miss you. We used to be so close, but we have drifted, so I’m doing something about it.


  • My dearest friend, tell me all the good news! Remember, you are not alone in this wonderful place. I am as close to you as your heart.


  • To watch you grow up has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. When I look back on this pivotal time in your life and see how much you’ve changed, it makes me even happier to have been along for the ride. We have come so far together, and I am proud to be your mommy.-Mom


Funny Elementary School Graduation Quotes

  • You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I love you with all my heart! I hope that you have a wonderful graduation ceremony, and we will spend a great summer together. With lots of love.


  • Buddy, I’m going to miss you like crazy! We’ve had so many great times together. I can’t believe you’re graduating today, it feels like just yesterday that you were a little 5-year-old nerd haha. I love you.


  • Dear Mom and Dad, I’m writing this letter to tell you that I will be visiting my Uncle Stan and Aunt Lucy in New York state for a few weeks. They are a wealthy couple who won the lottery and decided to travel around the world! They have invited me to go along with them, which means I have to miss school.


  • I don’t care if you get married, how much money you make, or what your job is. To me, you will always be my little girl and I will always love you.


  • No one has ever made me feel the way you do. I feel so lucky to have you in my life! You are the definition of love and patience, and I can’t imagine spending one day without your beautiful face. The thought of losing you makes me sick, and I promise that as we grow older our love will only get stronger.


  • We’ve been through so much together, from early childhood through high school. I don’t know where I would be without you. You’ve been my best friend for all this time and I hope that we will continue to be friends for years to come. So, take this advice from your oldest friend, trust your heart, and in the end love always wins!


  • Your ability to make me smile at the worst of times makes me realize just how incredibly lucky I am to have you in my life. Thank you for being there for me every step of the way. You are truly a gem, and because of that I only feel as though we will only continue to grow more and more in love.


  • You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I can’t wait to spend many more years with you. Our lives will never be perfect but it wouldn’t matter because you are perfect to me. I love you so much.


  • I want you to know how much your kindness means to me. When I was going through the most difficult time in my life, you were there for me and helped me through until the end. From now on, whenever I am hurt or sad, I will think of you and have a better day because you brighten up my whole life!


  • I can’t believe how fast time has been flying lately. I remember the first time we met when you were just a little punk, but now you have become an amazing person. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. Love you!


  • There will always be a place in my heart for you. Congratulations! Good luck and hope to see you soon!


  • I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again. Don’t think I’ll be missed, the graduate is going away. I wish you were coming with me, but you have to clean that locker up. Have no fear, for I will always hold you, dear. For we are friends that never say good-bye.

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