Prayers for Court Victory Wishes


Prayers for Court Victory Wishes: Court cases can be very expensive and quite stressful. Using prayers and wishes may be the only thing that a person who’s going to court has to go on. This is one of those times when a person simply cannot win on their own when the odds are against them, and there is no way out other than faith in something higher than themselves.


Prayers for Court Victory Wishes

  • Please God, help me win this case. I promise to be a better person if you do. Amen.


  • Good luck today in court. I  have faith that you will win your case.


  • Dear God, please let this court case end this week and help my friend win. Please be with him in the hearing room today. Thank you for listening God. Amen.


  • Dear God, please let my team win today.


  • Show us what we need to do to win this game in the next few days. We trust you, Lord. Lead us out of this and bring justice!


  • We lift up Lamar for a favorable judgment in his suit against the city. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen. #PrayForLamar


  • May God bless the judges with wisdom to make the right choices. We pray that they are free from all forms of corruption.


  • God, please don’t let this rain delay our game today. May these prayers bring us the victory we need this afternoon. Amen.


  • May the best team win 🙏😇❤️


  • Dear Lord, guide our legal team today as they fight for truth, justice, and righteousness. Through the power of God, we pray. Amen!


  • I pray the judge grants this petition, and that in granting it he guides the judge to a decision that is truth, just, and right.


  • May the Lord hear your prayers, give you favor with God and bring you a favorable outcome.


  • May justice be done, may the truth shine through, and may the good prevail.


  • God, bless everyone involved in this situation and bring them to peace.


  • More than 95% of our prayers are answered. Let’s continue to pray for the court and other parties involved in this petition. 😇


  • Dear God, I pray for my court case today. Please put it in the hands of a just judge.


  • We need your prayers today as we go to court. May God guide the judge’s decision and help us see good things! Amen.


  • We pray this case goes in our favor, and that justice is served.


  • Dear God…please make the jury see things our way. And help us to not be too annoying A.


  • We’re asking that you’re with us as we prepare for this court date! We really appreciate the support and prayers.


  • Let’s win this thing! #Lawsuit


  • May all your wishes come true this holiday season. God bless you, my friend. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you.


  • Lord, I pray that you’ll give me the strength to be thankful for what I have and to get over the things I don’t.


  • Searching for some sweet weekend vibes? We got you.


  • No matter what tomorrow brings, good or bad, I will accept it with grace knowing that you are in control.


  • Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


  • Please let my son’s basketball team win tonight. Let them play hard, play fair, and have a blast. Guide them with wisdom, keep them safe from injury, and allow them to be a shining example of sportsmanship for all who know them. Fill them with a sense of gratitude for this opportunity to compete and make us all proud. We love and appreciate you. Amen❤️


  • Lord, hear our prayers on behalf of our team and this community. Please help us win this case and bring justice to the people who have suffered. Bless their families as they prepare to see them again. Let this verdict be the beginning of healing. We praise your name: our God Almighty ruler of Heaven and Earth, forever and ever. Amen 🙏🏼


  • Having our day in court and praying for a satisfactory ruling.


  • Dear God, I pray that you will bless us with a win today.


  • Oh, great lord of the court, I beseech thee to grant me favour, in this case, today, let victory be mine, and may my opponent feel the wrath and scorn of your almighty truth.


  • Dear God, Please guide the judge’s hand as he makes his decision today.


  • God, please help our justice system to be just.


  • God, give us the strength to win this fight. Lead us and guide us to victory!


  • Dear God, please help us win this debate. Amen 🙏👊


  • May our strengths be greater than our weaknesses and may the judge have mercy on our souls.


  • For strength and healing for my family, for peace of mind and spirit, for a miracle. 🙏


  • Lord, please guide his hands, his mind, and his heart. Just let him do this job right. Amen.


  • We lift you up to God, dear court. Grant us the wisdom and courage to be true to your values, dear countrymen. Forgive our sins, dear God and countrymen. Help us do what is right, dear God and countrymen. We aspire to good deeds, oh Lord! Let our good virtues shine like a beacon to the world.


  • We pray for the best for all involved in this case and that our client is given a fair trial.


  • Please God, let the verdict come out in my favor. I know it’s not my fault, but I’m afraid I will be blamed for this incident and will lose everything because of it. Please, o Lord, soften their hearts. Give them understanding. Have mercy on me and my family, Amen.


  • please be with us today in court and help the judge make a good decision, amen


  • We’ve seen you grow in stature, perform with dexterity and grace, and have faith that your win will be just.


  • We pray for a miracle and a miracle is what we need.


  • God, please bless the jurors with wisdom and understanding to make the right decisions. Amen


  • So use this space to pray for anything you want: a family member, the success of your business, the safety of your kids, a broken bone to heal quickly, someone to get better—anything!


  • Please God stay strong. Thank you for being there with me each step of the way.


  • Father, we know your word promises to give us the desires of our hearts. We ask you to bless this day with a favorable verdict. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  • Keep my husband strong in this trial 🙏


  • We’re sending positive thoughts and good, positive vibes your way. Stay strong and trust the process, Devontae ❤🙏


  • That all may be well for you and your company, God. We thank you for this day and all its blessings. Amen.


  • We pray these photos to help you win the case. Guide our hands and eyes as we capture your story.


  • Dear God, please keep my hands steady during this court case. It’s for a good cause… but I don’t want to kill anyone in the process. #doyouevenpray


  • God grant me the serenity to accept my court loss, the humility to admit my mistakes, and the wisdom to get the right moving forward.


  • Dear God, help my son win this game. Let his team work as a team and his players play like a team so that he can show the other guys that we’re a better team than them.


  • Team, I’m asking for your thoughts and prayers tonight as the jury deliberates on my court case. You all have been so inspiring and supportive, I can’t thank you enough.


  • Dear God, please give me the strength to be the best player I can be and help my team win this game. Please help us play fair and play like brothers!


  • Dear Lord, please let me win this round, so that I can go home and be with my family tonight. 🙏


  • Dear God, please let us win this battle. We ask you to give us wisdom in today’s court session and to clarify any questions we encounter regarding the divorce. We know that you will bless our family and lead us down a path of reconciliation. Amen.


  • Lord, please guide this judge’s hand and be with us in our time of need. 🙏


  • We are thankful for your justice, O Lord; it is majestic.


  • May God give him wisdom and strength as he faces this trial. We pray for our brother tonight, his wife, and his children.


  • Good thoughts to all today. Free Shelly now.


  • Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.


  • Anything is possible when you have an amazing team. We love you guys! #teamdzign


  • May God bless the court to reach a fair verdict in this sensitive case.


  • May the judge and jury see how much faith and love you have for your child. May they understand you and what you’re going through.


  • We’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. Thank you all for your support. God is great #prayers


  • Please continue to bless us as we fight for what is right. We pray for strength, honesty, and guidance…


  • We pray for justice to bring the truth out into the light.


  • Good morning. You are in our prayers this morning and we are lifting you up to God. We know He will guide you today and give you the strength to prevail. He is a powerful God and He loves you.


  • Lord, please guide the jurors so that what is just and right may prevail.


  • Lord, give justice to the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.


  • May God be with you in this trying time. You are not alone. I’ll pray for you always, no matter where life takes me.


  • God please give your strength to the families of the victims, comfort them, and punish their killers, amen!


  • May faith and strength be with you today, tomorrow, and always and may He bring you safely home to us. 🙏❤️


  • Linda Greenhouse captures all the tension on the Supreme Court bench in her article in today’s New York Times. Pray that our ideals of justice and liberty will shine through.


  • It is my prayer that the district court’s decision be reversed.


  • Lord, please help my lawyer win his case—and help him to achieve justice in my lawsuit.


  • Praying for a favorable outcome today.


  • God, please give my lawyer wisdom as he speaks in court about this horrible incident. I pray for justice to be served.


  • Dear God, thanks for the justice you did today.


  • May the judge find it in our favor.


  • Bless this court, these proceedings, and the judge who presides. Please let there be a just verdict in this case.


  • We’re grateful for your devotion to our cause, and we thank you for the important work that you do every day for justice.


  • Let this case be the jury’s last word on the matter, the final verdict. And may our justice system prevail. Amen


  • May the good Lord be with us all as we stand before our maker to defend what’s ours.


  • We are going to fight this, and we’re going to win. —Tammy Baldwin


  • And the losing party is going to have to pay for court and attorney fees.


  • I lift my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
  • Let’s pray together that the jury finds in favor of our client. #prayersforcourtvictory


  • May the winning side be yours at all times. #prayersforcourtvictory


  • We’re just praying for your victory…


  • Is your faith strong enough to help you win this case?


  • Let’s pray for the truth to prevail and for justice to be served in this court case. Amen #amen


  • God, please help us win against the Patriots tonight. Amen


  • Keep our tennis champions safe and secure as they pursue victory in the US Open. We pray for health, strength, and wisdom. 🙏🏻


  • We raise a cup to your good health and success Your Honor! Cheers!😎


  • We are praying for you and your family. We believe you, your team, and all associated with Baylor will prevail in the end.


  • I’m not sure what I did to deserve all this happiness, but I promise to never take it for granted… no matter what happens with the trial. 🙏


  • Lord, you know I didn’t do this. Please be with me and my family.


  • Sweet mercy, please let this work.


  • Please, God, bless their hearts. Amen.


  • God, You guide me through every situation I may encounter and give me the wisdom and strength to make the right decision.


  • Please let me win this court case.


  • Dear God, please let the court rule in my favor today. Thank you for your infinite love and wisdom. Amen 🙏🏾


  • I’m praying for you. Lord, let the verdict be in your favor. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


  • May the judge have wisdom and experience and may they consider this case with great care & passion.


  • Prayers go out to the Johnson family and all those involved in this case. We are hopeful for a just and fair outcome.


  • Let justice be served, let not our community suffer a sad fate. Lord God, thank you for blessing us and our family members with your presence. Let us always lead by example and never give up hope. Because through hope we can make this community a better place to live in.


  • We’ll just say a prayer for you, OK?Let’s keep our fingers crossed.


  • Please Lord, let this be the day the jury gives us justice. In your name we pray, Amen.


  • God, help us win this game. We’re going to give you all the glory, so please help us by your grace. And I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  • Let my son be protected today. Protect our family against treachery and evil.Amen


  • Prayers up for all the players, fans and families as they deal with this situation.


  • We may not be perfect, but together we can make a difference. Let’s make this world a better place.


  • Dear Judge, we ask you to follow the law in this case and grant our clients their constitutional rights.


  • Goddess of Victory, you always lead me to victory. Bring me the strength to win this court case and clear my name.


  • Praying for a favorable ruling so we can take our service to the next level. 🙏🏽


  • Prayers up for the @mikethurmondofficial trial, wish him the best.


  • Dear God, please be with our team today as we win this match. We’re counting on you to help us play our best game and bring home that winning trophy! Amen.


  • I just want to say thank you Lord for that great win. You truly are the best..


  • Lord, thank you for protecting us and guiding us throughout this ordeal. We ask that you bless our hearts with understanding to move forward and give us the strength to overcome this. Please also bless all of those who will be involved in this case and grant them guidance and understanding as well. In your name, we pray, Amen.


  • We pray for strength during this time. Thank you for the outpouring of love and support. We are grateful to have such a strong community that shares in our desire for justice.


  • Court date is (enter date) at (enter address) at (enter time) . I’ve got this. Please keep me safe and give me the words to say.


  • May this morning’s court session go well 🙏 . . . #courtroom #case #lawsuit


  • Bless this court and these proceedings.


  • May God give you victory, and may He protect you from any evil and harm. Amen


  • Heavenly Father, soothe my weary soul and hear my prayers. I ask that you hear my plea and let me know that your hand will guide me. I believe in you and I believe in your holy word. Your words from the bible have instilled many a quality in me to succeed.


  • We are at a very crucial time in the history of this country. We have come too far to go back. We must never give up.


  • May the God of everlasting comfort be by your side today and always. Amen!


  • As we work to grow the sport of basketball in our city, we are thankful for this chance to put this facility where it belongs… on a college campus. We thank you Lord.


  • Let’s pray for a victory in court #staystrong


  • We pray for your continued strength and some court victories in the next few weeks. We are with you.


  • Dear God, please help us win this case.


  • Let this court win be the beginning of a new chapter for the 22 girls.


  • Lord, keep my loved ones safe. Let me be a good father; let me be the best husband I can be. And let this basketball game go the way it’s supposed to go.


  • I decree you win the case today, dear. May your enemies be vanquished and your victory be crowned.


  • We’ll be praying for you and your family.


  • May the best team win. We are all counting on you to make that happen.


  • You are loved and you are so brave. I am praying for…


  • Dear God, please help me to slow the ball down on this breakaway layup. I promise that if you do, I’ll be a better man. Amen.


  • We’re still in awe of the many ways you came together for this victory. Thank you for all that you do. #OneStrongTeam


  • We have it all on the line, and we shouldn’t let up until this is won.


  • May God grant you mercy and grace for all your actions and decisions. May His spirit guide you through any difficulty, may He help you succeed in all you endeavor.


  • Thank you Lord for your blessings 🙏

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