Sorry for Cancer Letter


Sorry for Cancer Letter: Cancer is a word that terrifies people. When it appears, it plunges families among the dark scenarios of losing a beloved one. There is no worse news than hearing your beloved one has cancer.

We all have lost friends, family, and loved ones to cancer. In this time of adversity and heartache, there is one thing we can do to comfort the ones who are grieving…we can say sorry for their loss.

Sorry for Cancer Letter

  • Sorry for your cancer. I am sorry for your situation and would like to join you in this sad time. If you ever feel alone, here is my email address, please write to me if that is OK with you. Nobody should go through the hardcore situation on their own. Sorry for the cancer letter


  • I want to thank you for being so kind and thoughtful throughout all the years of our friendship. The day I heard about Mike’s encounter with cancer it was heartbreaking news to me.


  • To anyone who has ever known anyone that has had cancer, you know just how devastating it is to have to hear them tell you what they have going through each day and each time they are hurting. I can’t tell you how devastating the news was for me when your doctors told you what was going on with you.


  • Our love is like a flower that blooms in the spring and dies in the cold, dark winter. I will never forget all the special times we had together and our first kiss, or any of your touches. I miss you so much now that you’re not here but I know you’re at peace now.


  • I am sorry for cancer, I did not want this. No one could’ve ever imagined this pain and sorrow. Now I just want you to know how important you are to me, and how much your love means to me. I love you very much and don’t want to say goodbye yet.


  • Sorry for cancer and all the troubles it brings with it. I can’t imagine how hard these times are for you, and I am sorry that you have to suffer while others live healthy lives.


  • I am deeply sorry that you have to endure cancer, and I hope and wish it gets cured in the future.


  • I’m sorry that you have been diagnosed with cancer, but I am here to help in any way I can. Don’t worry, we’re going to beat this.


  • I’m sorry that you’re going through this. I know it must be hard on your family and friends, which is why we have set up a donation page where you can collect donations to help them out during this difficult time.


  • One day soon, the war against cancer will be won, but until then, know that you are not alone. We are all fighting alongside you.


  • While your illness is heartbreaking, let’s deal with it together. We’ve already written an article about the best cancer hospitals in the country. I hope it is helpful to you or a loved one.


  • I know you must be overwhelmed with this disease, but don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to help you stay strong and beat the odds.


  • I’ve never felt this way before. I don’t know what to do, or how to make you feel better. All I know is that if there is a chance for me to make you happy, then I will do my absolute best to achieve that.


  • You are a strong and brave woman and I want you to know how much I admire your courage and dedication. I wish there were more people like you in the world, the world would be a better place. One day at a time, you are getting through this!


  • I’m sorry about your cancer. I know you will win over it eventually, but just remember that I’m here for you if you need a friend to talk to. I wish there was more I can do to help you get rid of cancer, but be brave and stay strong.


  • I’m sorry about your cancer. I know it can be quite difficult to deal with but try to stay positive and keep smiling because we are all here for you. As far as help goes, if there is anything I can do to make things easier for you, just let me know.


  • I’m sorry to hear about your cancer. I hope you will get well soon and be as happy as you were before. I’m here if you need someone to talk to.


  • I’m sorry about you having cancer. If you need someone to talk to, I’ll be available for you. I hope that you will get well again soon and live a long life.


  • I’m going to be here for you for the next 6 months till you’re done with your chemo. You’ll do great and will get rid of cancer in no time. I’m sticking around as long as you need me to.


  • I’m sorry to hear about your cancer. It must certainly be quite a challenge. Please do let me know if there is anything I can do to help you through this tough time.


  • I’m sorry to hear about your cancer. I know it must be quite a challenge. Do you need any help getting through this tough time?


  • I just saw on Facebook that you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. I’m so sorry to hear this! I thought of you instantly. I hope all will go well with your treatment. Please do let me know if there is anything I can do to help!


  • I’ve heard that you’re battling cancer. Please know that my thoughts are with you and if there is anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to let me know


  • I’m so sorry to hear about your cancer. That must be a difficult time for you and your family. What would be the best way for me to lend a helping hand?


  • I was shocked to hear about your news. I hope everything goes well for you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


  • I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. It can be a very difficult time. I would like to give you something back if that is possible.


  • Your bravery in the face of a serious illness is remarkable. I’m afraid I have nothing to contribute except my best wishes. I hope you won’t take it amiss if I don’t contact you again.


  • It is a shame to hear about the tough time you are having. If there is anything I could do, please let me know, I am here to help.


  • I’m so sorry to hear about your health. You can rest assured that I’ll do everything in my power to bring you the best care possible.


  • It sounds like you have a lot going on right now. I hope things are starting to get better. If they aren’t, don’t worry, it will work out in the end.


  • It’s hard to know what to say when you’re dealing with Cancer. It brings so much sadness and heartache; it makes people feel so helpless. However I want you to know that you are never alone, you always have someone there for you no matter how far away they may be.


  • I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Nothing is worse than suffering from a horrible disease. I honestly don’t know what to say, but please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are here for you no matter what.


  • I just wanted to say that I love you and I am so sorry for what has happened with this terrible cancer. Just knowing you are my best friend makes me feel so lucky and I am glad I could be here with you through it all.


  • it’s me again. I know you are sick of hearing from me, but I am drowning in my sorrows. I’m so alone in this world and feel like I have no one to turn to, so ill try you again. why do you find it so hard to understand that I need this time?


  • I pray that God has you in his hands. This letter is to say that I am sorry that this thing called cancer took a woman far too soon. My sympathies are with you and your family and friends. With love, Pat


  • I’m sorry that cancer has taken so much from you. One of the most precious things in life should be loved and cherished. You are an amazing man and I am so lucky to call you my friend.


  • I’m sorry that cancer has taken so much from you. All you have worked for in your life has been stripped away. But this is a time to remember what’s important. You have been blessed with friends and family that care about you, love you, and stand by you.


  • There is hope for life and you. You are stronger than cancer, you will overcome it. The battle may be long and hard, but you will win the war. A great life awaits you, full of love and happiness.


  • Health is the most precious thing in life. Please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.


  • Some so many people love you, and so many things that make you who you are. Cancer has not taken that from us.


  • Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, staff, and volunteers who are working so hard to beat cancer.


  • You will beat cancer again. You are stronger than your disease and you will defeat it. Stay positive, surround yourself with love and happiness, always think of the future, not the disease.


  • You have so much potential, but cancer changes everything. I know the financial struggles are tough, especially on you and your family. Your Mom is one of my best friends and I wanted to do something for your family.


  • I just got off the phone with your Mom and wanted to make sure you understood what she was going through. Cancer changes everything. Your family needs a helping hand. I’m going to help your family out while they’re going through this time in their lives.


  • We’ve all been there. It’s just so much to handle. My mom died of cancer and it’s hard to believe she’s not here anymore. I know finances are hard on you and your family, so I wanted to do something to help.


  • You’ve been the best son and you deserve all the help in the world. Life is happening fast right now, but I know there will come a time when we can catch up again. In the meantime, let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your family.


  • I have known you since we were kids and I remember the first time I saw you smile. You had braces, awkwardly made brownies, and nicknames like “cookie.” You told me that you wanted to be a doctor so you could make millions of dollars and take care of people with cancer.


  • Sam was diagnosed with breast cancer back in January and it has been quite the challenge for them, but your family won’t be alone on this journey.


  • I’m sorry that you have to go through this. I know it hurts… but I want you to know that you are loved and that there is help if you need it. I want you to know that your friends, family, and people in your life care about you very much and will do anything to help you get through this.


  • I wish I could help you forget that you have cancer, but I cannot. I can’t make the pain stop or bring back the hair you lost, or make the treatments any easier to go through. But whatever happens in your life, know that I will always be there for you. You are my friend and I will never let you go.


  • You mean so much to me, and I am so sorry that you have to fight this battle. Never forget that I love you and that I’ll be there for you through all of it. You are the most special person in my life, and I couldn’t imagine a day without you by my side.


  • You must be the most amazing person I’ve ever met. Everyone has been telling me how great you are and how much you’ve accomplished in your life. You’re such an inspiration to everyone around you. I hope one day I can be half as good as you.


  • It’s not always about the words we say, but the gestures we make. I know you are dealing with a lot right now. Just know that I am here for you and love you very much.


  • I’m sorry that I didn’t visit you after your surgery. We both know you had other people to help you, but I should have been there. Cancer has consumed my life and lately, it is the reason my daughter and I cry at night.


  • We have to fight against all odds in life but cancer is a different ball game, many friends and relatives have not been able to cope and died a sorry death; it pained me also because I couldn’t help my friend when he was on his deathbed.


  • I am writing this letter because the doctors say you are not going to live any longer. It is all right grandma. I have visited you in the hospital and got there before you died. I told you what a wonderful woman you were and how sorry I was that you had cancer.


  • Hey there friend, I don’t know you too well but I just wanted to say how sorry I am. This is such a tough time. Take care of yourself and know that you are not alone.


  • I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately. My sister’s cancer has been worse than they thought and it has taken over my life. I just want to say that I miss you and can’t wait to see you again!


  • I just wanted to say how sorry I am for running out and leaving you when you were at your weakest. I wish I could have been stronger and helped you then. You are an amazing person, I hope things work out for you.


  • I was so worried about you. I know you have been fighting cancer and I’m so very sorry to hear about it. Know that you are in my thoughts during this difficult time.


  • Sorry, I won’t be there today. I don’t want our friends to know that I have cancer. I’m not ready to tell them. We’ve had so much fun together through the years and I can’t take the chance of losing that.


  • I’m so sorry for your illness, I hope you get better soon. No worries about school projects, take as much time off as you need! I love your positive attitude in the past 2 days, it makes me feel like our meeting was not by chance.


  • Dear Robby, Thanks for the love and support that you give me. You made me feel good about myself when I was depressed. I will always be there for you because we are close friends. Love


  • Dear friend, It’s been a few weeks since you’ve heard from me. I feel terrible about falling off the face of the earth and not getting back to you but, I’m dealing with my mother being diagnosed with lung cancer. She is seeing her oncologist next Friday and he is deciding on which chemo treatment to use.

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