Thank You for The Lunch Treat Notes

Thank You for The Lunch Treat Notes are beautiful ways to appreciate invitation for lunch. This kind of message is usually sent after the lunch treat. Below is the list of best ways to say thank you for lunch invitation you can choose from.


Thank You for The Lunch Treat 

• This letter is to say thank you for the lovely lunch on Sunday; I appreciate it. You have all been there for me in times of need, and I am so very thankful for that. You are all fantastic people!

• Thank you for lunch. I love you, and I’m sure that he does too.”

• Thank you so much for the lunch. I appreciate it. It is fantastic to have friends that care so much for you. I will never forget the love and kindness that you show me every day.

• I learned a crucial lesson in today’s lunch together. It was about how many different kinds of love there are. I had so much fun laughing with all of you. Love is remarkable when you feel it for your family and friends; thank you, I love you all.

• I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful lunch today! I appreciate it! It was delicious, and I had a great time.

• I write this note for two reasons. The first is to say thank you for the delicious lunch. The second and more important reason is that I love you.

• I love you more than I can ever say. Thank you for being in my life, and thanks for the excellent lunch today that we had together.

• Thanks for having me over for lunch. I had a wonderful time as always. These relationships mean a lot to me, and we genuinely have the best conversations. Everything is so interesting with you all, from your travels to your work. You’re such intelligent and attractive people that it’s an absolute joy to be with you. Thanks for everything! Lunch was great!

• You have been so good to me when I was in trouble and tears. Thank you for the lunches, the advice, and most of all for being such wonderful, loving people.

• Hey there! Just a little note to say, “THANKS for lunch!” I had a fantastic time being with you today, eating yummy food, and catching up. Thank you, a million times! Can we do this every week? I need more of you in my life.

• It’s adorable to see you guys again. Thank you for lunch! I was starving!

• You guys are AMAZING! When I got to work today and saw the lunch you guys brought me, it brightened my day. I’m so lucky to have friends like you guys. Thank you for supporting me.

• Thank you for lunch, but I don’t need it as long as I have your love.

• I read your card and enjoyed it very much. I’m so glad you want my “fussy” lunches.

• Thanks to family and friends for putting up with me and eating this lunch despite me. You had a choice, but you chose this, so you must love me. And I love you too!

• Words alone do not convey the depth of my appreciation and affection for you. I’ve thought of you. I’ve hopefully made you feel how much you mean to me. And with this gift, I would like to affirm once more the love that binds us together in friendship, love, and gratitude.

• Thank you for lunch! Laughter is the only food for a lonely heart. It was made with love from my kitchen to yours. Enjoy your meal & fall in love all over again!

• Thank you for the lunch. It was lovely!

• I want to say thank you for the beautiful lunches you prepared & brought to my office. I was very thankful to get such delicious food. It was tough to see at the beginning of the week when I came down with a case of the common cold. Thankfully, all that changed on Saturday… I ate your great cooking so much that I got the energy to visit our traditional neighbor on the opposite side of us for lunch. It was delightful to

• this is for you. You’re welcome for lunch! You are my best friend, Austin. I love you; keep walking forward. God never fails

• I had the most fantastic lunch today. It was such a nice treat to go out and eat. You know I love all of you very much! Thank you also for the lovely card you gave me last night. It was so sweet of you to think of me on Valentine’s Day.

• I was so happy to meet you; it was such a great time. Thank you for lunch, thank you for lunch. Thanks for the lunch and your company, I enjoyed it.

• Thank you for lunch! Thank you for the banana bread. Thank you for the grapes and juice. Thank you for the fruit salad and bread. The lunch was excellent and exceptional! Thank you for it!

• I wanted to thank you guys for lunch and the laughs; I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but this was the first time I ever heard the wedding cake. As they say, every girl should have at least done it once; whoever said that was a wise man.

• I want to extend a special thank you to you all for inviting me to the party. Thank you again for the best lunch I’ve had in years. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was treated to such a nice lunch and dessert. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. You are all such great friends and family. You are indeed part of my family. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day.

• I just wanted to say, “thank you for lunch!” I was so happy on Friday to receive your package in the mail. I don’t know if you remember, but you said you were thinking of sending me a sandwich-making kit the last time we talked on the phone. When I opened up my package and saw everything that I needed to make my favorite sandwiches and some other goodies, it brought tears to my eyes.

• I want to take a few minutes out of the day to thank you for lunch. Thank you so much for the food, it was delicious, and I appreciate you buying me lunch. It was a great idea, and I am pleased we tried it.

• I just wanted to say thanks for lunch. Often that sort of thing passes by with no acknowledgment, but it was nice of you to have us over. I’m proud of you for trying to take care of your place and not getting overwhelmed by circumstances beyond your control. It’s a lot easier when there are only three people involved! You guys are so generous; I love eating at your place!

• Thank you for lunch. Thank you for the speech. Thank you for the dance. But mostly, thank you for a day and weekend (with lunches) to celebrate my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. I love you all very much! May God bless you as much as I do.

• Thank you, thank you, thank you for lunch. You know how to treat a person. No one feeds me like this, especially not twice in a row! Wow, what a fantastic group of people we are lucky to work with.

• It was very thoughtful of you to organize a lunch for me to celebrate my new job. I felt hot and appreciated when everyone wished me well and said how much they would miss me. Thank you so much for lunch.


Thank You for The Lunch Treat

Thank You Note for Lunch Invitation

• Thank you for lunch. It was delicious. I can’t pick a favorite, so much food to eat. So many choices. Thank you!

• Thank you for lunch. Thank you for the company. I’m very appreciative because I’m grateful that you have come today to have lunch with me and me pleased to invite you here.

• Thank you for the lunch invitation. It was delicious, and I appreciate your generosity with food. Thank you for having me over. It was great seeing everyone and catching up on old times.

• Thank you for the lunch. I enjoyed seeing all of you and talking to you about things. It is especially nice that we live so close to each other now.

• Thank you for the lunch. It was delicious, I appreciate it, and I am pleased to have so much family and such great friends.

• Thank you so much for the lunch. I’d love to sit here and eat with you forever, but I need to continue going back and forth because of my training. Hopefully, I can work on my break times so that we can all enjoy this food together. Please, if you have the time and others are welcome too, come by!!! Thanks again!

• Thank you all for the lunch on my first day of work. I had a lot of fun and good conversation. It was exactly what I needed.

• I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the quote on the lunch bag. Good timing. Thank you for your kind words of support, and thank you for the lunch. I would have eaten the sandwich at my desk if I had to, but it seemed like a treat anyway.

• Thank you for lunch. It was lovely having you over for lunch. I appreciate all of your help in my house search.

• Thank you so much for helping to make all of our lunches so special. I appreciate you all gathering around the table with us and enjoying my mom’s delicious cooking. We loved having you there and hope you had a great time.

• Thank you so much for lunch. I appreciate it, and it was delicious.

• Thank you for lunch. I love the presents. Thank you for all the hard work, thanks to your brother for waiting on me. Thanks to my family for giving me a hand. Thanks to the chef for the beautiful food.

• I just wanted to thank you all for the lunch. Lunch was delicious, and the conversation was excellent as usual. Thank you for always supporting me.

• Thank you for the lunch. I was hungry.

• Thank you for lunch treat. It was delicious, and I was pleased to have it with you. Thank you!

• Thank you for the lunch idea. I think we should do lunch more often.

• Thank you for saying hello. Thank you for smiling. Thank you so much for lunch! It was awesome! These are the types of things that make me smile, and I look forward to them each morning.

• He’s like, “I am the lunch! I am the lunch!” Thank you for being there for me.”

• Thank you for sharing your stories and thoughts. I listened and read them all, taking comfort in the love you have for my brother. And thank you for the fantastic lunch.

• Thank you for making such a beautiful lunch for me.

• Thank you for the lunch. It was delicious. The company was great too.

• Thank you for lunch and your friendship. Life is crazy, but you all help me see things more clearly.

• Thanks for lunch. I hope we can do it again soon.

• Thank you for the lunch. I enjoyed catching up with everyone over my favorite food and lemonade. Thank you to those that cooked and organized, and set up!

• Thank you very much for lunch! I like it very much!

• Thank you for having lunch with me. It’s a little thing, but it means a lot. And I appreciate it.

• Thanks for making time and coming over to my house, despite your busy schedules. Thank you for the lunch. It is so thoughtful of you to do this for me.

• Thank you for the lunch. I’ve had a hectic week, and it is much appreciated.

• Wow, you guys know how to make a girl feel special. I am very grateful for all of your wishes and gifts, and notes to my cubicle. I enjoyed that lunch very much and just wanted to repeat thanks.

• Yesterday my family and friends treated me to a nice lunch. I’m thankful to every of you.

• Thanks to Family and Friends for the support. Your presence at lunch was much appreciated.

• Thank you for lunch! I am grateful for all of your business referrals, and I look forward to working with you for many years.

• I will start with thank you for lunch. For the 1st time ever, there was Quiche and how I love Quiche and never thought I would get it at a family picnic. So, thank you for the lunch, not just for the Quiche but also for the potato salad, the artichokes with pasta salad, and yummy food all around. It was enjoyable getting to see everyone at the dining table.

• Thank you for treating me to the lunch. I love your thoughtful gift of a home-cooked family meal made with love. I will be sure to pass on the gesture by taking someone out myself in the coming weeks.”

• Thank you for lunch yesterday. I love the time we get to spend together. The sandwiches were great, and the bagels were delicious — but best of all was getting together with everyone. Thanks for making it possible.

• I had a hectic morning, so I came home for a bit of lunch. The lunch was delicious, and the wine certainly helped me relax. Thank you, my dear wife, for care and love.

• I just wanted to thank you for the lunch. It was perfect. I didn’t appreciate the great lunch nearly as much until I saw how empty my refrigerator is. I guess good food isn’t appreciated until you don’t have it anymore.

• Thank you for being so excited about my lunch. I appreciate your positive energy, and I think there is something to be said for being randomly creative.

• Thanks for the lunch and help and all the good times; thank you very much.

• Thank you for your kindness and love. Thank you for preparing such a fancy meal just for me. It was a great lunch.

• Thank you so much for a beautiful lunch; I love that you made an effort to make it the best lunch ever. Thank you for all of your help; I know how much effort you spent preparing this meal.

• I’m a huge fan. The actual meal was excellent; thank you for being such a good cook!

• Thank you for the lunch. It was delicious. I appreciated the thought and effort you put into it.

• Thank you for the lunch on Thanksgiving. I am always appreciative of everything you do for me, but last week I was pleased to spend some time with you and share a meal.

• Thank you for the wonderful lunch on Sunday. I had a great time and enjoyed talking, laughing, and catching up with everyone. I am forever grateful for your friendship and support as I make my way through this crazy world!

• Thank you for the most fabulous lunch of my life. I didn’t realize how much fun I could have with so many great people around me. I am grateful to be surrounded by so many beautiful people.

• Thank you for your kindness, and thank you for the lunch.

• Thank you for the lunch. It is delicious as always. I am so grateful to have beautiful people in my life and all the lunches we get to enjoy together.

• Thank you for lunch every day. It always comes simultaneously, and you never forget me, even though I am not a very interesting person. Without lunch, I wouldn’t have anything to eat. Thank you so much!

Thank You Notes for Lunch

• I just wanted to say thank you for the lunches that you made for me while I was on vacation. It was nice to be able to count on a delicious meal every day. Not that the food here is terrible, but it gets boring after a while.

• what a great lunch thanks you for bringing it to me.

• Thank you for the lunch quote, thanks for lunch, thank you for lunch, thank you for lunch, thank you for lunch. It was delicious and delicious and delicious.

• Thank you for the lunch quotes, thank you for lunch, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the lunch.

• Thank you so much for lunch yesterday. I couldn’t have thought of a better way to mark my birthday. I would never have dreamt that such great friends and family could accompany me on this auspicious day.

• Thank you for all of the lunches. We love them!

• Thank you for lunch. Your company is very much appreciated.

• Thank you for the lunch you bought me and thank you for lunch we ate together. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

• Thanks for the lunch quote, thanks for sending me the drinks, free. Thank you for lunch.

• Thank you for the lunch quote; thank you for making fun of me continuously while I could not get a good picture of our lunch. Thank you for lunch.

• I want to thank you for the lunch quote. Not just because it was funny, and not just because I got to eat good food, but also because it made me laugh. When I am stressed at work or performing a task that is entirely new to me, which happens frequently, it’s great to have someone be able to laugh with me. Also, thank you for lunch.

• Thank you for lunch. It has been a long week, a busy one too, and I haven’t had time to go out to lunch with anyone. So today, when I found out you were taking me out, I was so excited. Thank you for pulling this together and setting it up.

• Thank you for the lunch and the great conversation.

• Thanks so much for lunch. I appreciate it!

• Thank you for the many lunches you bring me each week. I know it is not easy to figure out what I would like and then make the food, but all the work you put in – whether you are bringing me soup or salad, sandwiches, wonton soup, quesadillas, or something else – goes a long way. It makes my days better, thanks so much.

• Thank you for the lunches I have eaten as my little experiment. They were delicious.

• Even though it was just lunch, it meant so much more to me. Thank you. If I could, I would hug every single one of you there and thank you each personally. Every day is a struggle for me, but receiving your love and support makes it a little easier to face the challenges ahead. Thank you for lunch! YUM!

• I would like to say thank you for lunch. You know, we’d love to have everyone again shortly. I appreciate the friendliness of all of you, but most of all, I want to acknowledge my dear parents and my sister here. Family is what makes everything worthwhile in this life. You are always there with your support, and I treasure it immensely.

• Thank you so much for the lunch! I appreciate it. You are so generous.

• Thank you so much for lunch yesterday. I know you spent a lot of time preparing it and it was delicious.

• Oh, my goodness, everyone. Just thank you so much for this lunch. I appreciate all of the people in my life who are so supportive, and I love you guys and appreciate everything you do for me.

• Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time out to have lunch with me. I don’t get to sit and talk with most of you enough, and it means a lot. As for lunch, we should do this more often!

• Thank you for lunch. I appreciate that we were all able to sit down and catch up. It also makes me feel better that you guys are rooting for me, and I know I can count on you for anything. Thanks again!

• Thank you for lunch; I appreciate the gesture. Hopefully, you haven’t spent too much on it because I will be eating all of it! Thank you.

• Thanks for lunch! It doesn’t go unnoticed that we live in a world where everyone is busy with their own lives, yet we take the time to enjoy our meals together. I’m so glad we get to share a moment over the kitchen table. Though we don’t always talk, I appreciate the time you take out of your day to be with my family and me. Thank you

• Thank you for the lunch treat. The tomato soup was delicious, and so were the sandwiches. Thanks for bringing me soup when I was sick, even though I didn’t ask for it.

• I will eat this lunch. Thank you. I am grateful for your kindness in making me a meal that I like. I like the blueberries in my salad.

• The food was delicious, and there was so much. I wasn’t expecting such a spread. You are thoughtful friends; thanks for the lunch!

• I want to say Thank You to every family and friend at the lunch. It was such a great time to share this moment together.

• Thank you for the invitation for lunch. It is always a pleasure to spend time with family and friends. Thank you for the delicious food and conversations we had at the restaurant. I look forward to our next reunion.”

• I wanted to say that I appreciate the lunch. Not just for the food itself, but also for the fact that you are spending some time with me in such a special moment!

• Thank you for lunch and everything you do. I appreciate all your help in doing my business and the trip is unique.

• You all have worked hard and spent a lot of time preparing lunch for me. Therefore, you are my favorite people at the moment. Thank You so much.

• Thank you for the lunch. The meal was very delicious, and you did a great job cooking it and planning it. I am glad that I get to enjoy your company, and I am even happier that I get to eat your cooking.

• Thank you for all of the lunches. I love having lunch with you.

• Thank you for all the lunches (and dinners) you make. I know making family-style meals is not easy, but they are so delicious and nourishing. Just for that, I love you.

• Thank you for lunch. I never thought I would be so grateful to hear someone ask me, “how is the weather” or “how is your day going.” The simple things make all of the difference.

• Thank you so much for the lunch. It was great to have you over and spend time together.

• Thank you so much for lunch on Saturday. It was delicious, and your friend’s business sounds fascinating. I am happy that I met everyone, and I can’t wait to come for lunch again soon.

• Thank you for the lunches, and yes, even though they do take away part of my day, I like eating the food. And I’ll enjoy cooking too.

• Thank you for the lunch; it was lovely.

• Thank you for lunch today; I was pleased with it.

• Thanks so much for the lunch. I was very grateful to have such a nice meal after my long day. I needed it. Thank you again!

• Thank you for this fantastic lunch. It was so delicious; everyone will be talking about this lunch.


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