Wedding Congratulations Message to Friend


Wedding Congratulations Message to Friend: There are distinct situations in your life that force you to get a congratulation message from your friends. Most commonly, it can be because you have just found the love of your life; you’re getting married.

If this is the case, then congratulations to you! You’re getting married is something that all single people envy, a fact that might seem very strange to many. But that’s how life is! Even though we can’t see it with our own eyes or feel it with our skin, there is clearly still so much in the air when two people fall in love.

It happens when both people feel lonely and raised without someone special in their lives and find themselves filling in that empty space that was left behind from the years they have spent alone – again: although we can’t see it with our own eyes.


Wedding Congratulations Message to Friend

• You have found the one person you are meant to be with forever, the love of your life. I wish you the most amazing time together and a lifetime of happiness. Congrats friend! Life will never be the same again.

• I am so happy for you, the wedding is going to be wonderful. I wish I can have the chance to have a marriage as sweet as yours. All my wishes are for the two of you!

• I treasure the memories we shared. I thank you for being always there and by my side on so many occasions. I appreciate those friends of ours who have sailed us through thick and thin. The day you marry is going to be so very special and I am sure that you two will have a blast celebrating this glorious day. Congratulations!

• I just want to say congratulations. Your wedding was absolutely beautiful and you looked stunning. Everyone should be so lucky to have someone love them as much as he loves you. You two were made for each other. Wishing you both a life full of endless happiness and love.

• I want to congratulate you both on your upcoming marriage. I wish you nothing but happiness and love in the future. I look forward to seeing where life takes you as a married couple and how strong your commitment will be. Love is a wonderful thing, so enjoy it with all your heart!

• I know you’ll be as happy as we are on your wedding day. Stay as sweet as you are and may your life together be filled with nothing but love.

• You are such a wonderful couple and I’m so happy for you. I just know your love will last forever. Congratulations! I wish both of you the best now and forever and a day.

• May your wedding day be filled with only happiness and a lifetime of love. You two are perfect for each other and I wish you the best on your life journey together!

• This is the most beautiful news. I will be by your side every step of the way. I am so happy for you and I know this is just the beginning of new things to come. You two are perfect for each other and I can tell that this is going to last! Congratulations

• Congratulations to both of you on your special day. May this marriage be filled with lots of love, laughter, fun, and happiness! I wish you health, wealth, and happiness for the rest of your life together.

• You are the most beautiful bride ever! I knew you were going to be able to pull it off, but never this good. You looked so happy and so in love. I am so happy that things went well for you and your new husband and I wish nothing but joy for you guys. I love you!

• Congratulations on the wedding! You’re going to have a blast married life. Have fun on your honeymoon and enjoy spending every day together. I can’t imagine how happy you must be right now, you two were meant for each other. I’m so proud of you!

• It is my pleasure to write this wedding congratulations message to you as you are about to embark on the journey of your life. I can’t imagine a better person than you to share that journey. You have given me a very unique perspective on love, and I hope you both have it forever.

• A new level of friendship has just begun. I wish you a long and happy life together. With your soul mate at your side, cherish every moment as it comes, as they are truly precious. I know these words may seem cliché, but with your love for each other, your marriage will only last a lifetime. Congratulations!

• You deserve all the happiness in the world. And I am so excited for you and __ to have a new beginning together. I can’t wait to celebrate and be with you both on your wedding day!

• I’m so glad our paths crossed, that you found me and that we became friends. You are the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!

• I hope your marriage is full of love and happiness. I can’t wait to see you two in the years to come. Congratulations on a beautiful day!

• Congratulations, darling! We are so glad for you and Paul. Think of us often in your new home. Always,

• It’s hard to believe that you two were once single friends. Now you are a married couple. We all couldn’t be happier for you! Congratulations!

• I am so happy for you! There is no greater joy than seeing your hard work pay off. You truly deserve this and I can not wait to see what the future holds for the two of you. Congrats again on the new chapter of your life and the direction it will take. Best of luck!

• Congratulations to you and your fiancé on your engagement! I know that the love you have for one another is so deep, and I’m so happy that you two are getting married. May you both be at peace always. I pray that God will always bless you both and watch over your marriage. Congratulations!

• I couldn’t be happier for you two! You were meant to be. I just wish you could have waited a little longer so I didn’t have to wear this damn suit.

• I can’t tell you how happy I am for you! I just wrote my first ever love letter and think this is the perfect thing to say. I hope you are as happy as you deserve to be. Love is a beautiful thing and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

• Congratulations on your wedding! I’ll never forget the day you told me that you’re getting married – now, you are one of the happiest girls in the world! Your wedding was amazing and perfect! I’m sure your life together will be as happy as our friendship.

• I couldn’t be happier for you and Steven—I am so glad you are finally married!! I have never seen anyone more in love. I know your marriage will be filled with endless love, support, and endless adventures. Congratulations!!

• You are such a blessing to me. I love the way you treat people and it’s obvious that your loved ones feel the same way. Congratulations! You both make a great team and it is so wonderful to see you so happy together.

• Wishing you the best in your happy marriage. Congratulation, I am so thrilled for you both! Happy wedding!

• You were meant for each other and no matter how hard things may get, be happy that you found each other. I know you will stay together forever and when it comes to dealing with wedding stress, remember to stay calm.

• I’m so happy for you and [name]. I wish both of you a great life and every happiness together. You will make an amazing couple, and I will always be here for you guys!

• Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I want to take this time to tell you how wonderful you are. I heard people say that love appears all of a sudden and grows quickly, but I didn’t believe them at first.

• Seth and I are so excited for you and Andrew! Thanks for including us in this celebration. We love you both so much and couldn’t be happier for the both of you. Have a wonderful honeymoon!

• I would first like to welcome you to married life. May you and your spouse have a long and prosperous life filled with love, happiness, and success. I wish you both much joy in your marriage!

• No matter what ways our lives take us, this is one thing that will never change. That we will always be in each others’ lives and that any road we take will be awesome because we can share it. I love you!

Wedding Congratulations Message for Best Friend

• It’s so great to see you get married, and I couldn’t be happier for you. You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen, the happiest man on earth is the luckiest man in the world.

• Everything about you is so incredibly special to me. I love that you are my best friend, my lover, and the father of my children. Those are the three best things in my life! I love you so much.

• You are an amazingly supportive friend. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. You were not only my maid of honor but my rock that got me through all this craziness. Thank you for helping me find Mr. Right, the love of my life!

• Words are hard to find, yet I will try. You have always been there for me, a shoulder to lean on, a voice of reason, and an ear to hear my problems. You gave me confidence in myself when I had none and you always believed in me. Thank you for your friendship and for letting me be myself no matter what. I love you

• Wow, what an awesome day! I am so happy for both of you. You two are perfect for each other and I have to say –the wedding was perfect! Congratulations to you both!

• I’m so happy for you and Michael. You are such an amazing couple and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you both! Congratulations, you two!

• Congratulation. I am delighted for you. You have my sincere congratulations, and I hope you will be very happy together!

• We got together a few weeks before the wedding, and the first thing I told Kelsey and Trevor was Congratulations! I had known them both for many years — and they were two of my best friends. So in my heart, even before they married, they were husband and wife to me.

• Congratulations to my best friend – you’re getting married today!! I have known you for so long, and I love you just as much today as I did the day we met. Your heart is pure gold and your friendship means so much to me.

• it is such an honor to be at your side and see you marry your best friend. I am so lucky to have you in my life, I wish you all the love and happiness in the world, always and forever.

• I am so happy to call you my best friend. I love you more than words could ever express and I am so lucky that we found each other! So much joy, laughter, love, and good times ahead! Congratulations.

• Weddings are a day filled with love, joy, happiness and so much more, with friends and family gathered to celebrate all that you have accomplished over the years. I am happy for the both of you, may your marriage bring you so much love that your hearts could burst.

• I know you will always be there for each other and that makes me so happy! I love that we can all be friends and continue to celebrate your love. Congratulations!

• I am so happy for you. I know that you have found a great man who will treat you like a queen. I wish both of you the best!

• to my best friend, my soul mate, and the love of my life – from your husband. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you!

• I can’t believe how much I love you. Thank you for being a good friend and taking care of me. I will miss you. Good luck in your new life!

• She is going to be SO HAPPY! I just know it. You are the most deserving girl in the world for this happiness and I’ve been with her since school so it feels almost like a part of me as well. I am so excited to celebrate with you soon!

• Congratulations, from the bottom of my heart. You deserve to be happy and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this little family of four.

Congratulations Message to a Friend Who Got Married

• I am so happy for you, my friend. I know we will always be close and that our friendship will only strengthen now that you’re a married woman. I love you and I am looking forward to the great times we will share as newlyweds!

• Marriage is the ultimate life goal, I’m so happy that you accomplished it. I wish you many years of happiness. You and your wife are perfect for each other.

• I am very happy for you. I know how long you both have waited for this day and how much you love each other. I wish both of you the best in life and that your marriage will be a lifetime of love, peace, and happiness.

• Alan, you lucky duck! I am beyond happy that you found your perfect match. I know how much you love her, and she adores you. You guys have a special kind of love that will last forever, as it should and is meant to be. I can’t wait to see the beautiful family you will create together. Congratulations my friend!

• You always said you wanted a simple wedding and that is just what you got. You look beautiful and the love you share is so very special. I wish you a life filled with nothing but love and happiness, congratulations!!!

• I am so happy for you that you found your one true love. With every passing year, your love will grow and blossom. Never lose sight of each other and always look at each other with love in your heart. Here’s to a life of many children and many happy years together! Best wishes on your marriage!

• Congratulations on your wedding! It was beautiful, and you looked radiant! I am so happy that you found the man of your dreams. You are truly made for each other. I love your family, they’re so nice and welcoming. They came through when it counted the most.

• Congratulation! It is a great honor to have you as my partner. I always trust you and support your every decision, even when it is necessary to decide a difficult nature. There is nothing more pleasant for me than planning trips and long conversations

• Congratulations! We’re so excited to see you get married. Every time I see you or talk with you, I admire your strength and perseverance. You are passionate about life and I can’t wait for the two of you to start a new chapter together.

• I feel so lucky that I get to call you my wife. I can’t believe you’ve been with me for so long, and though we’ve had our ups and downs, I know that we are meant to be together forever. I love you more than words could ever say.

• I am very glad that we created our cozy small family and the most important thing for me is that we are friends. I’m sure that the new chapter in our lives will be full of love, mutual understanding, and care.

• Congratulations on your wedding! I am so glad that you found someone to share your life with. Love is hard to find and I wish you the best. I hope you know that we are always here for you, if you ever need anything, just call. I love you!

• Congratulations on your marriage my dear friend! I am so excited for you two and wish you all the happiness in the world. Enjoy every moment together and feel free to let me know if I can help plan anything. You two are a wonderful couple.

• The joy you have brought to our lives can’t be put into words. Every time I look at you it warms my heart and makes me smile! I wish you both a lifetime of happy moments that can only be made possible by you two. You are the hub in the center of this friendship circle and we couldn’t be happier for you.

• You made it! You found a better half; best friend for life. One who stuck with you and continues to grow with you. I can’t imagine anyone more suited for you than your wife, she changed the course of your life and I thank her for that. Cheers and congrats!

• You both make a striking couple. I am truly happy for you both, always remember how much you love each other and always trust each other no matter what! All my best wishes and congratulations to the happy couple!

• Congratulations are in order! We are so very happy for you and can’t wait to celebrate your beautiful union together. We wish you two years of love, happiness, and joy. Most of all we wish that your journey as a married couple is blessed with a lifetime of love and peace. Congratulations on your wedding day!

• Wishing you tons of joy and happiness in your marriage to a wonderfully amazing man! You are perfect together, I wish you all the best.

• I know marriage is no bed of roses, but I sincerely wish you women happiness and love for as long as you shall live.

• It is an absolute pleasure to share this wonderful day with you both. You are two of my favorite people, and I wish nothing but the best for you.

• Congratulations on your wedding. I love you and wish you happiness. Marriage is such a special bond and I truly believe you two will have an amazing life together. You should be commended for looking beyond the flaws and seeing the person underneath. I wish you all the best with your marriage, now head off to Hawaii!

• I couldn’t be happier for you. You are such a wonderful man and I am so glad you found the woman of your dreams. I wish you many years of happiness together!

• Wishing you both a lifetime filled with love, happiness, and fulfilling memories. Congratulations to both of you.

• Congratulations on your special day, we couldn’t be happier for you. It’s been an honor to get to know you and all the new people in your life. We love you!

• Congratulations on the day of your marriage! No matter what happens, remember that I wish you all the joy in the world and a happy future together with happiness, health, love, and prosperity!

• Congratulations on your wedding! It’s so wonderful to see the love you have for each other. I couldn’t imagine a better day….A+ effort! Party on!

• Congratulations and best wishes to Matt and Rebecca on their marriage. They both deserve the best life has to offer and will be a fantastic new addition to the world of happy marriages!

• I am so glad you found your match. I am sure you will have a long and happy marriage together. Congratulations!

• You are one of the funniest people I know, yet you are one of the most intelligent people as well. You have a heart of gold, and I am so happy to call you my best friend!

• We’re so happy to have you two back in the country, and more importantly, we are excited that you spent your special day surrounded by family and friends! We hope you always remember this day as a reminder of the love and devotion you share. Love you guys!

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