Heartwarming 4 Years Work Anniversary Quotes

4 Years Work Anniversary Quotes: To create a lasting impression, the work anniversary is the moment when we need to take time and reflect on all we have achieved so far. This is not only a great opportunity to look back and evaluate our own progress but also to be reminded of how much better we can improve and what we can do to help others do the same.

In this article, are various quotes for your 4 years work anniversary.

4 Years Work Anniversary Quotes

  • Happy 4 Years Work Anniversary to the best editor in the world.


  • You have been an incredible colleague, a great friend, and a remarkable partner in building a company from scratch. WE love you! #4YearsWork


  • Four years ago today, you made us your #1 priority. We want to thank you for every opportunity, every funny story, and 4 years full of memories.


  • Four years ago four brilliant individuals came together to build an agency that became the best in the industry. Here’s to another four years of making magic happen, and hopefully much more!


  • On April 4, 2016, we went live and we’ve been growing ever since. Cheers to the last 4 years and the next 4!


  • 4 years ago, I left my job to build something of my own. Together, we’ve created this amazing team of talented & hardworking individuals that help make Remote Year happen! We wouldn’t be here without the support of our sponsors.


  • Four years ago today, we joined forces with our best friends. We’ve come so far already, together, and we know this next year will be full of even more amazing memories.


  • Working with you has been one of the most meaningful experiences in my professional career.


  • Thanks for sticking with us through thick and thin. Love you, boys.


  • Looking back, I’m so grateful to have found a team that is as dedicated, creative, and fun as ours. We’ve created some amazing work together and can’t wait to see what 4 more years will bring.


  • Our team is stronger than ever, and so are all the different ways we’re growing it. Our family has more members than ever thanks to all our new team members! Happy 4 years.


  • 4 years have passed, but I am glad you are here with me and we made it till now. Happy anniversary my sweetheart!


  • Three years ago a group of people who thought that life happened outside of a 9 to 5 took a big leap of faith and created an office where work lived at the beach.


  • 4 years and counting! Our team of rock stars just keeps on growing and we already can’t imagine what the future holds, but we know it will be super sweet. Cheers to all our clients, fans, and supporters for helping and their support.


  • 3 words every employee loves to hear! Way to go team! We’ve come so far…I couldn’t be more proud of all of you. I’m so excited for our bright future. Thanks for being the best team member anyone could ask for.


  • Celebrating 4 years of making cool stuff and collaborating with lots of talented people. Here’s to the next 4!


  • 4 years ago today…decided to be the best version of myself by pushing my boundaries, putting in the work, and just trying.


  • A year after a lot of heartaches, I feel genuine happiness for the first time.


  • 4 years feels like it was yesterday, but also the random day on the calendar. When you work with people you actually enjoy on a daily basis, time just flies. Congrats to us.


  • Today marks my fourth work anniversary at international limited, I am so grateful for all of the amazing memories, hard times, and lessons learned along the way. You guys have taught me so much about myself


  • Today you’re celebrating four years at our company. That shouldn’t go unnoticed! We’re proud to have you here and we’re excited to see where the next four years take us. We wish you a wonderful, happy anniversary with us.


  • Thanks for the last 4 years of growth, challenge, and happiness. Looking forward to the next 4 years with you #somuchfunwithyou


  • 4 years today!!!! Happy Anniversary to my partner in crime! I’m so lucky you are my friend. Cheers to 4 more years!


  • 4 years down, more to come. We’re proud of what we’ve built and happy every day that we get to do it with you.


  • We’ve made it halfway, halfway to forever! 4 years down 🍾 #Friends #Anniversary


  • Thank you for these 4 wonderful years together!


  • Today we celebrate our work anniversary. We’ve changed a lot since we started out; we’ve grown, learned adapted, and continued to grow.


  • It’s hard to believe that 4 years ago today, I started working at @theFunded. I love what I’m doing, but if you’d told me then that would be the case, I wouldn’t have believed it for a minute.


  • Wow! 4 Years, 6 months, and 18 days ago, I roared into the world (on 2 feet, not four)…and you became my mom.


  • We’re celebrating the 4th anniversary of our amazing relationship!


  • Thank you for your unwavering support and patience as we grow into something that we never imagined. We can’t wait to see what comes next!


  • Happy 4 years work anniversary to us! You have been a crucial part of this company since day one, and we love you.
  • 4 years of #joy, #gratitude & an endless supply of #laughter. See you at our 4th work anniversary this Friday! Thank you for staying with us on this journey. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!


  • 4 years makes me think, back when we started this thing together, I could’ve never imagined how far we’d come. Cheers to many more years of friendship and business.


  • 4 years and I still can’t wait to go to work every day. Thank you for everything, and here’s to 4 more years of finding new ways to redefine “success” together! Have a great weekend!!


  • 4 years ago, this work adventure began. What’s next? Only the future knows…but let’s make sure it’s great.


  • Saying 4 years with these amazing peeps is kinda crazy. It’s been the best 4 years of my life, yet it’s flown by faster than I can say “where is time going!? #happy 4th anniversary.


  • 4 years, 4 birthdays, and we’re just getting started. Thank you for everything—you inspire us every day. Always & for always, we’ll be the best.


  • Thanks to all of you for making this a great first 4 years!


  • 4 years ago today we launched this thing! This month-long celebration of taking myself to the 🌊 and back, because no one else will do it for you. Let’s talk about growing old.


  • Congratulations on 4 years through thick and thin—you guys are our everyday heroes #ourlocalheroes


  • So proud to say that we’ve been a part of the oil company’s 4th anniversary, congratulations!


  • Four years in and 100% loving what we do. Stay inspiring, friends.


  • Thanks to you, we feel like a team. We’ve come a long way together, and we look forward to celebrating more milestones with you as we continue on this journey of growth and progress together.


  • Looking back at 4th work anniversary quotes and to be honest, it still feels like day one. Keep creating history with us as we look ahead to what’s to come.


  • It’s our 4th work anniversary! Thanks for sticking with us while we went from a simple coffee roaster to a thriving local company making delicious, wholesome food and drink for this community. Cheers.


  • 4 years of double-rainbow magic ✨ Congratulations to all our employees on 4 years of double-rainbow magic, and thank you so much for all your hard work throughout the past four years. We Love You All!


  • Congratulations on 4 years of inspiring the world 🙌. Thank you for being a part of the Sparkling Networks family. . Get a prompt within a prompt to sweeten the moment even more.


  • You’ve made it to four years? Feel free to share the joy with the world!


  • 4 years ago today, we got together and it still feels like yesterday. Happy 4th anniversary to us 💍


  • 4 years✨… Wow! So proud of what my team and I have accomplished together in my office, in the office building next to mine, in the kitchen at home when I was dreaming up new ways to impress you.


  • Celebrating 4 years of creating opportunities for U+Me  . #4YearsofUme


  • We’ve been together for 4 years. I love you to the moon and back… over & over again.


  • 4 years ago today, a fitness freak transformed into an email geek. Today I run my startup from the beach.


  • 4 years. 4 countries. Countless languages…not everyone knows what they’re doing with their life at 22, but here we are, still learning 💪


  • Celebrating 4 years of a business I started from scratch – read how I grew it here – h


  • 4 years, a ton of new hats, and a whole lot of new memories. Thanks for being an epic crew, friends 💫 @fouryearworkiversary


  • Thank you for celebrating this work anniversary with us. We couldn’t have done it without your brilliance and witty banter on Monday morning team meetings. #year4 #workanniversary


  • 4 years down, many more to go! Cheers to the next 4 years and to all of the experiences we can’t wait to create within it.


  • 4 years ago we set out to build a company that puts the customer first, and we’re grateful for all our customers and staff today. Happy 4th anniversary to all you awesome folks!


  • Time flies when you’re living your dreams. __♥️4 years today.


  • 4 years down, many more to go! Here’s to us. You are my person.


  • Four years down and many more to go 💪🏼💪🏼 Happy 4th Anniversary to our dear friend and CEO, Georgina


  • 4 years and counting. Here’s to another 4 and many, many more.


  • 4 years and still counting❤️ I’m so grateful for this life we’re building together.


  • Thank you for being a part of our community for the past 4 years, we have grown so much as a company and want our users to celebrate with us. Thank you @gemmaarora4


  • 4 years ago I had no idea what the future held. Today is the beginning of our fifth year of working together, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next. #bests


  • There’s a lot to be said about the importance of work. We at #SCAgent find our inspiration from other people’s work…


  • 4 years work anniversary quotes. Disclaimer: To celebrate 4 years of blissful, sleep-filled nights, we’re catnapping and watching episodes of “Say Yes to the Dress.


  • At the end of my 4th work anniversary with NASA, I’ve seen some really cool things. Science rocks!


  • Time flies when you’re having fun—which is why we work so hard to be fun. Happy 4th work anniversary #TeamBarista!


  • Celebrating 4 years at the best job I could ever ask for. So happy to be part of this amazing team.


  • Happy 4 years, team! We couldn’t have grown this business without your art hustle. We’re proud of all the work you do and excited to see the future of TEO Collective unfold.


  • Happy four years! We’ve come a long way together, and we can’t wait to see what’s next.


  • 4 years and still supporting the community’s local businesses! And, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re expanding our SMALL COIN loyalty program.


  • No matter where the road takes us our hard work, dedication, and loyalty will get us through.


  • Thanks for being a part of this journey with us,


  • Shoutout to the lads who get it done every single day.


  • It’s your birthday and it’s my birthday. We’re having a party. It’s our birthday.


  • So much has changed. Yet so much has stayed the same. Thanks for being by my side every step of the way!


Happy 4 Years Work Anniversary Quotes


  • Happy 4 Years Work Anniversary! We are all the better for your joining us, and we can’t wait to continue growing with you. 🎂 love me.


  • Hey 👋 here is to 4 years of working with the most wonderful person 😍 Time flies when you’re having fun.


  • 4 years. You’ve been a good influence on me. It makes me happy knowing that together we’re going to be even better.


  • Proud to have worked with these guys for 4 years already.


  • A 4th anniversary marks a point of reflection. This is what #TheBestOffice looks like[…]


  • No matter where I go, I know you’ll always be with me. Thank you for the best 4 years of my life.


  • 4 years ago, we started a business from a kitchen table. Today, we have a team of 11 amazing people, 2 offices, and our 1st ever birthday cake!


  • Our 4th Anniversary is almost here, and we’re celebrating all month long! Our first year was a bumpy ride but we stuck to our guns and took on new challenges each day! Here’s to year 5!


  • 4 years ago, we took an office on two chairs and an IKEA table. We had no idea what the future would hold, but we’d made a promise to each other: to build something special.


  • Four years of pushing forward. All the lessons learned along the way. All the fun memories to keep forever. #throwbackthursday


  • Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. She was right.


  • 4 years of great memories and new adventures! Cheers 🍾 to many more. Happy work anniversary to my partner-in-crime.


  • It’s been a great 4 years together. Thanks for being a part of my life #4YearAnniversary


  • Hey there, you. 4 years of working together and we’re still moving forward, happy anniversary!


  • Thanks for being there every step of the way. We are celebrating 4 years today! Thanks for your support and enthusiasm. Love, Mike, and Austin


  • Congrats to our team on 4 years of hard work and laughs! We’re so proud of you—without a doubt the best bunch in the business.


  • Today we celebrate 4 years of being a team. We’re going to have a lot more to celebrate in the years to come.


  • 4 years There’s no place I’d rather be. No one I’d rather celebrate with. The best is yet to come.


  • 4 years of startup hustle! Thanks for all the help along the way 🙌🏽


  • Today, we celebrate 4 years of you! The biggest thanks from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who’s been a part of our Coffee Loves Community. Here’s to many more years of caffeinated fun.


  • Glad to have been a part of this journey with you. Let’s keep going, happy 4th work anniversary.


  • “You don’t even realize the effect you have on people. The way I see it, we all can’t grow without a little help from our friends.


  • Happy 4th year anniversary to us…


  • It was 4 years ago that I joined this company, and I am thankful every day that I chose to accept this job. Today, I’m even more grateful that you gave me the chance to be part of something so special. Here’s to another 4 years to come.


  • Since 2013, I knew that I was in great company. Every day at work just keeps getting better and better. Happy Work Anniversary!


  • 4 years of ups and downs, incredible clients, great moments, amazing projects, and dreams achieved.


  • Celebrating 4 years of doing what makes us happy. Here’s to the journey ahead!


  • Cheers to 4 years together—and to many, many more to come.


  • Thank you for working so hard and making us all better. We love you and we love this place! 4 🎉 #workbirthday


  • 4 years have gone so fast! Thank you for supporting me all these years. I am so lucky to have the best team.


  • 4 years of ups and downs, we made it through and we’re stronger than ever. Cheers to more opportunities that come with age.


  • The 4th year of us working together feels like the 3rd year…but it’s actually our 4th!


  • Four years ago, we started this company together. Today—along with our talented team of designers, developers, storytellers, prototypers, and support staff–we live by our core tenets: Solve problems. Tell stories. Make things.


  • To you, I’m a friend. To me, you’re family. Whatever this is, just know that I will always have your back.


  • “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”


  • Today is you. Tomorrow is you, three years from now is gonna be some other dude – the same haircut though.


  • Don’t forget to take a step back and marvel at your accomplishments #4yearswedate


  • 4 years, 4 million memories. Thanks for being a part of the ride!


  • 4 Years of the most amazing and passionate experience.


  • THANK YOU for 4 years of support. Here’s to the next 4 years and beyond!


  • Proud to have you on this journey with us. Happy anniversary!


  • Years of supporting an independent woman-owned business.


  • Catching up with an old friend who I hadn’t seen in years made me realize that I want to live in the present moment more.


  • Happy 4th Anniversary to us 🍾We’re proud of you, and we’re even prouder to still be part of your team. Thanks for keeping this party going! Cheers to all of the “first fans.


  • Work anniversary celebrations are on the horizon. Can’t wait to celebrate with you!


  • Some things are worth celebrating before they’ve happened. We said yes to each other 4 years ago today, and couldn’t be happier that we did. It’s been fun growing together over the past four years.


  • We’ve seen a lot in these last 4 years, but we still can’t get enough of each other. Happy anniversary.


  • Happy 4th year Anniversary to the best boss and friend I could ever ask for.


  • Wow! We can’t believe it’s been a whole 4 years since we started this incredible journey together. We’re proud to have been a part of your success and here to help you take the next steps towards even more successes


  • Today marks four years working at this company, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. With every year that passes, I learn a little more about myself and what I love. I’m infinitely grateful for that.


  • To the best boss ever, here’s to you! 🎉 4 years of working with my favorite co-founder.


  • It has been 4 years already?! Wow, time flies when you’re growing together. Thank you for being part of our journey, how is work going.

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