Today is a special day for all those couples who have been married for 23 years. But how do you show your love and care for your better half on this very special occasion? Here are some Happy 23rd Wedding Anniversary Wishes.
Happy23rd Wedding Anniversary Wishes to Husband
• Happy 23rd anniversary! You are such an amazing man. I am so lucky to be your wife. I admire the things you have done in life, and I love you more than ever if you can believe that. I know people say it, but they don’t mean it, but I do. As we grow older together, just remember I’d instead grow old with you than live a million years without you.
• Twenty-three years ago, I married the love of my life. In that time, we have taken some in-credible journeys, seen some fantastic places, and experienced the joy of welcoming three beautiful children. You are still the same amazing man who stole my heart all those years ago. We have grown together, learned a lot, and shared many laughs. I cherish our years together and look forward to the incredible adventures we will take in our next twenty-three years. Happy anniversary love.
• Twenty-three anniversaries have passed, 22 have brought us joy and laughter. One was a struggle and let us down. But it only got us closer; we wove our past into our future, we’re growing old together, learning more each day about each other, strengthening our bond that can’t be broken! I cross my heart that I will love you forever!
• Happy 23rd anniversary; You are my knight in shining armor, my hero. I am so lucky we found each other to share our lives with; Nothing would ever be the same without you. I love you more than I could ever say! Happy anniversary to the man of my dreams!
• The happiest and sweetest day of my life was the day I married you. I know people say those words all the time, but it is so true in this case. I can’t believe we’ve been married 23 years. Happy anniversary dear.
• I just want to take a moment to tell you how much I love you and appreciate you. You are such a good husband and father. Our union and loving family indeed bless me. I love you!
• There are no words that can describe the love I have for you. Every morning I wake up to the reality of being your wife. I am so glad God allowed me to spend the rest of my life with you. There aren’t enough special words to express how thankful I am. Happy 23rd anniversary.
• Twenty-three years ago today, I married my sweetheart. You have been my best friend and soul mate since the moment we met. You are a wonderful husband, loving father, and beautiful person. You stand up for what is right, and you never give up. I will always love, adore and respect you with all my heart, and I am blessed to be your wife. Happy anniversary love!
• There are many things I could say to you, but all that matters is I LOVE YOU! This year marks our 23rd anniversary together. I can’t believe it’s been that long already; we have so much to remember and be grateful for; Thank you for staying by my side through the ups and downs, for doing anything you can to make me smile, and most importantly, for loving me the way you do. Happy anniversary sweetie.
• I have known you for a little over two years, and I can’t imagine life without you. My life has changed in ways I couldn’t have imagined before I met you. Thank you for loving me and making my dreams come true. You are such a great, sweet, and loving husband and father, and I hope that we have many more years together.
• I don’t know where I would be if it not for you. Thank you so much for always supporting me, caring for me, and loving me as no one else has ever done. I love you more every day and every minute we spend together is special to both of us. Happy anniversary.
• You are my husband and my best friend. Through the years, you have shown me so much love and passion. I am amazed that our love has grown even stronger as the years go by; Happy Anniversary!
• I have tried to develop the perfect words to tell you how much I love you and how blessed I consider myself to have you as my husband, but it is impossible. You are my unique best friend, my partner in crime, the person who knows me more than anyone else. You are the father of our four incredible children. One day I will remarry you again, in Heaven because I want an eternity with all the love, laughter, and joy you bring into my life!
• My dearest husband, I’m so blessed to be your wife. The love you fill me with is so overwhelming that I sometimes just sit and cry because I can’t understand why God would choose me to have a man like you. I feel so lucky, and today, as I look into your eyes, all I can see is how much you love me. I thank almighty God every day for blessing me with you! Happy anniversary dear.
• Twenty-three years have passed, and every day I love you more. You are my best friend, a partner in crime, my everything. I can’t wait to grow old and to spend a lifetime showing you how much I adore you. Happy 23rd anniversary to my husband and the love of my life!
• My love for you is boundless. From the moment I laid eyes on you, my heart knew you were special. Since then, countless moments have proven my heart right. Your presence has filled my life with warmth, love, and I take comfort in knowing that as long as we are together, the best is yet to come. Happy 23rd anniversary, my dear!
• Today marks 23 years with the most wonderful husband in the world! You are my soul-mate, my best friend, and the love of my life. I wouldn’t have made it fine without you holding our family together. I love you with all my heart!
• I love you with all of my heart, my beautiful husband. I ring today as an anniversary of a bond that has been tested but came out stronger than ever. You are my special guardian angel sent from above to make me happy and give me courage. May our love last forever together, whether near or far apart!
• I married my best friend, and there’s nothing more I could ask for; Our life has been full of many challenges, but we have overcome them together. You are a loyal, loving, and dedicated man. You are the person I turn to in times of trouble. I love you so much.
• I’m so proud of you! You are my brightest star, and I love you more than you will ever know. Twenty-three years together, and we’re still crazy in love and more in love every year. It doesn’t matter what is going on; I always feel at home with you. I treasure all the memories we have made together!
• A very happy anniversary to an amazing husband and father; I love you so much and will be here for many more anniversaries.
• Twenty-three years of being a wonderful husband. Twenty-three years of being my best friend. Twenty-three years of making me laugh and keeping me grounded. Twenty-three years of having a heart for more than just yourself. Of being willing to help others without hesitation. Twenty-three years with the most amazing sons and daughter-in-law.
• I’ve married you for 23 years, and it’s been a pleasure to be married to this man. You are such a wonderful, loving, and sweet husband and father. I love you beyond what words can say!
• It’s been 23 bright and smooth years. You’ve shown me such devotion and love. The best husband and father a woman could ask for; you make my heart smile every day. I want to celebrate you for making me the luckiest woman in the world to have your arms wrapped around our three amazing boys and me. I love you so much!

Heartwarming 23rd Anniversary Text for Husband
• My respect for you grows deeper and deeper with each passing day. I am amazed by how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you as my husband. You make me feel so incredible and have given my life a new meaning. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. It doesn’t seem like 23 years, really; our love is so fresh and amazing.
• Twenty-three years ago, our lives changed, and I look at you still today and see how much you have a positive impact on so many people’s lives. Your beautiful smile brings the most happiness to my heart every day, and your love continues to grow as strong as it did 23 years ago.
• You know you will always be beautiful. A diamond even after 23 years! Thanks for being in my life and for making each day so much better than the last.
• I am glad that you choose me from all the others. I hope your love for me doesn’t wane and grow cold. I love you, my loving husband; I would be nothing without you!
• I love you! Twenty-three years have passed so quickly, and I cannot wait for the next 23. You are amazing, sweet, and kind-hearted. Without you, my life would never have been as wonderful. You supported me with all your heart; you are the best husband ever! Thanks for staying with me through the roughest moments of life and not giving up our marriage vows in times of trouble. I love spending every second with you.
• It’s hard to believe that it’s been 23 years! You have changed my life like no one else ever has. I still smile when I think of the first time we met. You are a wonderful husband and father. You are always there for me, and you treat me so well. Our children adore you, and they look up to you as their father. Even though we only see each other sporadically, you make every day so complete.
• It was 23 years ago when a love story began. Twenty-three years of sharing life’s joys and sorrows, 23 years of new adventures, 23 years of happiness and laughter, 23 years of silent understanding, faith, and trust in each other. Twenty-three years as one soul side by side. I love and respect you l!
• Our anniversary is a perfect time to tell you again how much I love and appreciate having you as my husband. As we have gotten older and faced difficulty, the love deepens, knowing that we will be okay no matter what because we have each other. I hope you do in your heart that I love you and that you are the best husband anyone could ever ask for.
• I would not be the amazing person I am today without you. Thank you for being my best friend, and thank you for making me a better person. Twenty-three years is a long time, but let’s make the next 23 even better. I will always love you, and I will always cherish our life together!
• You are my true love. I appreciate every fantastic moment that we are together. You know what to say to make me smile when I am down, and you always cheer me up. Your heart is pure, and your soul is new.
• I am so proud of you. I admire your strength. You are my knight in shining armor and my hero. You sacrifice yourself for me and love me unconditionally. I can’t imagine life without you! I love how you hold me every night; it makes me feel safe and protected—happy 23rd anniversary.
• Happy 23rd Marriage Anniversary, It has been a pleasure and honor to be your husband. We have shared so much, and one of my greatest joys was watching you become a father who loves your children. I am proud and glad of the man you are, and I love you like never before. Hurry Home!
• It has been 23 years since I married you, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You are the love of my heart live, and I thank almighty God every day for bringing you into my life. You are kind-hearted, intelligent, and passionate about your work. You do everything to make me happy, including working nights so we can afford a family vacation. Thank you for putting faith above everything else in your life, even when it makes you unpopular. I love you always!
• I was born to the same father but different mothers. You make your family feel so loved and special, and I love you with all my heart. Since we met, you have made me so happy. Each year we have been together, I just keep falling in love with you more. I am your biggest fan because you are one of the kindest, funniest, and most caring people I know from the bottom of my heart.
• Happy 23rd anniversary – I’ve said it a thousand times before, but I will say it a thousand more. I LOVE YOU! There are no words to express all the joy and happiness you bring into my life.
• You are my best friend and my amazing partner through everything. I love you more with each year that passes. Thank you for always making me laugh and smile, for being there for me when I need you, and for always drawing me a hot bath with bath salts and candles on special occasions. I will love and adore you forever, my dear husband.
• At 23 years, you are still my sweetheart. At 23 years, you are still my love. You are the one that I want to share my whole life with; You are the lawyer who fights for our family and me and loves me without end. I hope you will still be my love for many more years to come.
• I love you, my darling. The day that I saw you, I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were. I knew for sure that day that I wanted to be with you forever. I can’t wait for our children to grow up and meet their future spouses and look back on these days just like we are now.
Happy23rd Wedding Anniversary Wishes to Wife
• Twenty-three years ago, I crossed the street and bumped into a man. At that moment, I knew that I would love and respect him forever. Through good times, bad, and in sickness and health, we will stay together. He is my hero, my best friend, my other half. How lucky am I? Happy 23rd anniversary to my loving husband.
• I’ve had many girlfriends in my time, but it took me until I was 30 to meet the perfect girl. You are what my heart has been waiting for; you are pure innocence and beauty. I don’t know where I would be without you. Every day, we build a firm foundation for our marriage, and together we will continue to grow with each other every day. I love you more than words dearly!
• Happy 23rd anniversary to my wife, the woman of my dreams; I love you so much and don’t know where I would be without you. I thank almighty God every day for leading me to you because I will be eternally grateful.
• My life changed for the best the day I met you. You are the most intelligent and wonderful man I know, and I love you with all of my heart and soul! Happy 23rd anniversary.
• I love you dearly, and I mean that. Your love makes me feel complete, it brings out the best in me, and I can never thank you enough for all you do. There is no one else I could be happy with; From the moment we met, I knew we would be together forever, and there has been no doubt about it in my mind ever since. You will always be my everything!
• Hey sweetheart, you make life worth living. Sorry, I forgot to tell you this before, but I never imagined it would be this difficult to talk about it! You are so special; you are everything in my life. I love and appreciate you dearly.
• The world is so much warmer when you’re in it. I love you. Happy anniversary baby.
• What is your every thought? You are always on my mind- you are my life, soulmate, best friend, and true love. Extraordinary wife, precious mother! I am so happy to be with you. I love you so much.
• There is no one in the world like you. You are the master of my heart, body, and soul. I love every breath-taking detail about you. You have an undeniable sparkle in your eye that gets me excited! I can’t imagine ever being without you; 23 years has been the happiest 23 years of my life. You are my everything, and I will be by your side forever!
• Twenty-three years ago, you were my wife and best friend. You are still the same sweet and cute lady that I fell in love with; Years have gone by, but your love for me has only increased. I can finally say that being with you makes me truly happy.
• To my darling wife, who, after 24 years of marriage, still gives me butterflies where it counts, I love you with all my heart and am looking forward to another 23 years and beyond. Have a wonderful anniversary!
• We’ve been through 23 years, and you have proven time, and again you are my soul mate. I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else because when I look back at the past 23 years, all I see is a happy couple of 2 carefree kiddos who were just the cutest. Although we went through a rough patch in between, in the end, it brought us to the same road as we were before, together.
• I love you because my life has been enriched and blessed beyond measure because your smile makes me happy because your generous spirit never fails to astound me. After all, you are an exceptional mother and mentor because you are a passionate and loyal soul mate. I love you today more than ever before, as we look forward to years of joy and romance together.
• We have spent the last amazing 23 years together, and each one makes me love you more. I know all the hard times we have been through, but it only made us a better couple. I am so thankful that you are my wife and the mother of our children. You are one of the most wonderful and cheerful people I know!
• How do you feel? You have made me very happy. I am so glad to be your wife and share life with you. I love you so much! Look forward to the next 23 years together. Thank you for making every day special!”
• I love you more than anything! Happy anniversary my strong and beautiful wife.
• You are the love of my heart and life, my best friend. Every shinning day I wake up and thank God for you. You fill my heart with joy that can’t compare to anything. I can’t imagine this life without you. You are so special to me, more than anyone I know. You mean everything to me. I love you! Happy anniversary dear.
• There are so many amazing, cute reasons why I love you, not counting the million other reasons there are. You always treat me nice and never talk dirty. You are always strong for me when I am weak. You understand what I’m going through even when I don’t—happy 23rd anniversary.
• Happy anniversary my love! You have been my best friend and the light of my life for so many years. I thank God every day for bringing you into my life. I love, respect, and honor you with all my heart, and there is nothing that can ever come between us because we are one in a bond that will last a lifetime.
• There is no one else I would rather grow old with; You are such a soft touch to my rough edges. Your delicate heart rubs against mine and makes me feel whole. You are my partner in crime, my lover, and my all-in-all. I adore you for this. So much of the world is ugly. But with you by my side through it all, the horror disappears, and the beauty of life shines through.
• Anniversary wishes for a wonderful wife Happy 23rd anniversary to my amazing wife; I wish you all the best. You are my biggest inspiration. A thousand years couldn’t pass by without me thanking you for being in my life. I hope we can spend many more cheerful and sweet anniversaries together and grow old together while celebrating each one of them. Your husband.
Romantic 23rd Wedding Anniversary wishes to Wife
• To my wife, my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life – happy 23rd anniversary! I am so grateful to God almighty to have you in my world, sweetie.
• Dear Wife, I have enjoyed every day of our marriage. I will treasure the memories of the fun we’ve shared and the love we’ve discovered for as long as I live. You are extremely special to me!
• We haven’t known each other for a long time. But I could tell right away that you were the one for me. From the very first, I knew that you would be the love of my life. Twenty-three years have gone by so quickly. the most amazing ride ever! I am so happy to have you in my life and my heart. So I guess what I am trying to say is I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
• Twenty-three years of walking side by side, and you’re still the most beautiful person I have ever known. I love and respect you more than anything globally, and I wouldn’t know how to be happier without you. You continuously bring out the best in me, and I can never thank you enough for that.
• I meant it when I said vows that I would love you forever. The reassurance that I still have the most wonderful wife in the world just keeps me going. You are a remarkable woman, and you’ve held up your end of the bargain to live the rest of your life with me!
• Happy 23rd anniversary; I am very lucky to have a man like you as my husband. You give me the care, love, warmth, and joy that I need daily. Thank you so much for making my life complete. I love you so much.
• You are more than a wife, more than a mother, more than everything! Because God brought a gift of light Into my life, and that’s you! There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make your days brighter and ensure you a happy life, my love. Yes, there are ups and downs every couple encounters, but I never see any hurdle in our life. Thanks for being my support system, for being the strength when I feel weak. Happy 23rd-anniversary, love.
• You are amazing! Since the day you became my wife, you have been such a huge part of my life. I love, cherish and respect you with all my heart and am so lucky to have found a wonderful woman like you—happy 23rd anniversary.
• You’re my best friend, my lover, and the mother of my children. I am so blessed to have you! Thanks for being you! You’re courageous, strong, and so smart. My heart is always warm when I’m around you. The thought of you takes away any pain I have felt in life.
• I feel so blessed to have you. You are everything wonderful in life. I love being your husband because it means I am the most important person in your life. Through all our ups and downs, I can always count on you to be the one person who understands me and loves me like no other. Thanks for making my dreams come true and for being my best friend.
• I’m so lucky to have you. I am so blessed to have spent this wonderful 23 years with you. You are the love of my heart and world; I can’t imagine life without you by my side. I am eternally grateful for your presence in my world. Thank you for being you!
• Happy 23rd-anniversary, baby; With every passing day, I love you more. I’m so glad to have you in my life; without you, life wouldn’t be as special. You are constantly on my mind; your beautiful smile never leaves my thoughts. The love and respect we have for each other is something I am so lucky to have found; it’s a rare thing some people don’t find in a lifetime. What started as a simple path crossing turned into something extraordinary.
• March 15, 1981, was the best day of my life. I could have never imagined loving someone as much as I love you today and loving you more with every passing year. Every moment I spend with you increases my love and feelings for you. You are the only woman for me. I am thankful to have you by my side—happy 23rd anniversary, sweetie.